Finale (version 1)

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Zegro POV

I smiled as I parked with Lisa in the parking lot

"Listen Lisa, I know how you feel about Tsuneo right now but-"

"The consent of fear is irrelevant. I needn't have to question probability to know that his chances are low...close to 16% from what I can gather" Lisa wiped her red eyes

I sighed and opened the car door

We walked to Tsuneo's room and Lisa sighed again for the tenth time today

"Sighing huh? I thought you said it depletes oxygen levels if done frequently about 12% for someone of my stature?" I laughed

We opened the door and Tsuneo smiled weakly sitting up

Lisa perked up and ran over and began talking to him

"So I thought that maybe if we get a combination of protein and maybe some extra potassium since your not eating much we could improve how your feeling" Lisa smiled

Tsuneo smiled weakly and I frowned looking around the room

I picked up a chart at the side and had to withhold a gasp

According to the studies he was taking part in...his health was on the decline since day one...his pills weren't...
They were placebos that made him feel better but did nothing...
Every attack, every pill...none of t was helping him....he was really being sent to his death...

I felt tears brimming in my eyes, not sadness but the fact that the hospital system had the nerve to lie to me, Tsuneo, Lisa, everyone! And the confidence to lie to my face!

I slammed the board down as I wiped away the tears and faced Lisa and Tsuneo who glanced up at me

Something inside me snapped and I ran over to Tsuneo and glared

"So help me Tsuneo I will help you" I said confidently

"Zegro?" Lisa laughed

I smirked and hugged the two

"You know I love you nutters...I'm not letting anything bad happening to you" I smirked pulling back
"Cross my heart, I'll never die, stick a bullet in my eye"

I'm not letting anything bad happening to you" I smirked pulling back "Cross my heart, I'll never die, stick a bullet in my eye"

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(The doctor speaks like this because I give the reader the decision of its

A doctor walked in and I smiled politely pulling them strait back outside

"Excuse me" I smiled sweetly punching 'em to the floor

"What the hell?!" They yelled

"You placebo giving bastard!" I glared

"It's not my dank fault he's gonna die if that's what your mad about!"

"You didn't even tell me! How dare you! Your cousin his death and you don't even care!" I snapped

The doctor stood up and brushed them self off

They went to speak in What I assumed would be a foul tone but a small beep interrupted them

The doctor opened their phone and suddenly their anger turned to satisfaction

"I'd check on your brother if I were you" they smiled walking away

I heard a scream from Tsuneo's room and my eyes widened significantly

I opened the door and saw Tsuneo looking in pain

I ran over and Lisa was shaking in fear

"C-Call a nurse!!" Lisa screamed

I spammed the nurse calling button and glanced back at Tsuneo

I shook slightly, not being able to ignore the small dots of blood accumulating on his cheeks and upper torso

I heard a small set of footsteps and looked back seeing the same doctor

I heard a small set of footsteps and looked back seeing the same doctor

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"What do you-"

"Fear not, This was inevitable and I fear that he's already gone"

"No he's not he-" Lisa cried

"1, 2, 3"

At the last word Lisa froze and crutches Tsuneo's wrist

"He...he's gone" Lisa sobbed

The doctor bowed his head and walked over, pulling the blanket over Tsuneo's face and bowing again

"We apologise for your loss and will inform your family"

8, 1/2 months later

I smiled seeing a mini Teony laid in my arms

"She's amazing" I smirked

"I'll teach him to not be an idiot" Diana smirked

"I wouldn't let little Tian to have that anyway" Teony smiled

"He's the only man of the house since-" Ruka cut herself off

"Tsuneo" Lisa frowned

A small silence filled the room and I sighed

"He was more of a Man that Anyone I knew..." Lea frowned

"Compared to me he wasn't" I laughed

I looked around and smiled

"Did I ever tell you his full name?" Teony smiled

We glanced over

"Tian, Sune Denies" Teony smiled

"After Tsun-eo?" I laughed

Teony smiled and laughed

"Cmon Zegro, we have a life to live" Sino laughed

"And a story to share" Lisa smiled

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