Feel better Onii!!

16 4 0

Ruka POV

I sighed and picked up the glass of water, swallowing it along with my pill

"Much better" I smiled

I walked out and glanced down the hallway serif Tsuneo's bedroom door

I frowned and started walking down the hallway

He hadn't left his room since something went down in the lounge with his girl and Sino

I sat on the couch and relaxed

"Hey Ruka" Lisa smiled sitting next to me

"Do you have any idea what's up with Tsuneo?" I frowned

"Besides the remains of his stomach going up his thought I assume nothing. He hasn't left his room" Lisa frowned

"Do you think he'll come out soon?" I frowned

"Not a chance. 38% of shut ins don't come out on their own and 15% don't come out at all. If he's coming out we have to bring him out" Lisa frowned

I frowned and looked down

'I wish I could have been there to try and help out with what happened...'

"Hey don't bow your head. It's not your fault, it's just how things are turning out" Lisa smiled

I stood up and started running

"Ruka!" Lisa snapped

"Get the sisters, we're going out for dinner!" I yelled running off

I banged on Tsuneo's door and didn't get a sound

I opened it (because only the bathroom has a lock) and saw a bundle of cloth on the bed

"Tsuneo?" I called

I pulled at the covers and saw Tsuneo sleeping

I shook him and he looked up lazily

"What?" Tsuneo mumbled

"Don't be sassy with me. Cmon, you've been in there for ages" I frowned

"I just need some time..." Tsuneo frowned sitting up

"You've had 'some time' we're all getting really worried!" I snapped

Tsuneo looked at me and froze

"You guys were worried?" Tsuneo frowned

"Yes! I've been blaming myself for not being there and you need to do something!" I glared

I let go of his shoulders and frowned

"I...sorry, you do you, enjoy your time" I sighed about to leave and felt a hand on my wrist

"Sorry, I know it was selfish to shut myself in over something so small. I'll get dressed and stuff..." Tsuneo smiled

"Great, we're going out to dinner" I smirked

"What?" Tsuneo said

I walked off and shut the door

"Time to prepare" I smirked

I fixed my cross earrings and walked to the lounge

Teony, Diana, Lea, Zegro, Yuka, Yuzu, Oka, Lisa, Saika and Kiki were waiting

"I'll get him" I sighed

I walked down the hall and knocked on Tsuneo's door and he walked out

He was wearing a nice button up shirt and jeans

"Cmon" I said grabbing his hand and dragging him down the hallway

We left the house in the cars and started driving

I was sat next to Tsuneo and sighed

"How's it going back in the world?" I smirked

"Good" Tsuneo smiled

We arrived and we got out the house and I heard Kiki scream in joy


We decided last minute to get the one thing that makes us all feel better....

Ice cream...

We walked in and got a huge table and all got ice cream sundaes

Tsuneo took and bite and smiled

"Thanks guys" Tsuneo smiled

"No prob Baka" Zegro smiled

"Why did you become a shut in Onii-chan?" Kiki asked

Tsuneo smiled and laughed a little

"I guess since I didn't know much about love I thought that Kizuna was real, and when she broke my heart I didn't realise how illogical the whole thing was, so I shut myself away but I won't do that again" Tsuneo smiled

"Promise?" Kiki giggled

"Sure" Tsuneo laughed

"Pinky promise!" Kiki said holding out her finger

Tsuneo shook her Pinky and they smiled

"I promise not to shut you out" Tsuneo smiled

I smiled and licked my cone

'At least he thinks he's open with them...that makes me the odd one out'

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