Crush crush

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Tsuneo POV

I sighed and turned off my TV in my room

"I need some guy time with my friends" I sighed

I grabbed my phone, wallet and keys and walked out of my room

I texted my friend and waited

'Yo, we need to hang out. Meet at Café Moon blue'

I waited and got a reply

'Yes bro, c u in 10'

I smiled and walked down the hallway

"Where you going you Wuss?"

I froze and squeaked and looked to the side seeing Zegro

"Going out for some guy time" I chuckled nervously

"Wait your a guy? And how come I wasn't invited? I'm more a man then your are" Zegro laughed

" I don't know about that" I laughed

Zegro glared and me and sighed

"Whatever, I've got work and a girl to look after. See you in hell" Zegro said walking off

I sighed and walked out of the house

I walked into the cafe and saw my friend waiting

"Hey Bikao" I smiled

"Ne? How's it going?" Bikao smiled

"Good, I just needed some time out of the girl zone" I smiled sitting down

"Bro, I said you could stay with me and my brothers but no you moved with the girls" Bikao

"You know I didn't have a choice. Besides I'm here now" I laughed

"Yo, chick blue hair estimate 21 years, high cut Kimono" Bikao smirked looking behind me

I glanced over and saw..


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"Hey there Tsuneo. Nice to see you game to my Cafe" Teony smiled

I buried my face in my arms and yellled to myself

"What's a cute girl like you doing here?" Bikao smirked

"Sorry, not interested. I'm 30 and I own this place so back off. Can I get you two anything?" Teony smiled

"No..." I mumbled

"Awww are you embarrassed to have your big sis helping you out? Do you want me to send another girl around your age or something?" Teony laughed

I nodded and continued to burry my face

"Bro are all your sisters that hot?" Bikao said when Teony walked off

"Yes and shut up, half are probably gay or dating someone" I glared

"Protective are we?" Bikao smirked

"Sit u-"

I froze and looked up seeing the waitress waiting

I froze and looked up seeing the waitress waiting

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"Can I get you something?" She smiled

I blushed and Bikao smiled

"Two coffees and your name" Bikao smirked

"Hai" she smiled walking off

When she came back she laid two cups down and walked off

I picked up my cut and I heard Bikao burst out laughing

"WhAt?" I frowned

"The bottom of your cup!" Bikao laughed

I finished the cup and looked seeing what was below it

'Kizusa, age 17, school Akima high
(Phone number and contact details)'

I blushed and quickly wrote everything down in my phone

"Look look who's got a crush" Bikao laughed

"....SHUT UP!"

I sat on the couch dreamily thinking about Kizuna

I glanced around and saw Diana, Lea and Zegro staring down at me

"Is he sick?" Lea frowned

"Looks it" Zegro frowned

"You okay bud?" Diana frowned

I sat up and blushed


"OH GOD YOU GOT A CRUSH!" Zegro shouted

"WHAT?!" I said shocked

"I see that look every day kid get over it you like someone! MEWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" Zegro laughed running off

I gulped and looked at Lea

Her eyes sparkled and looked like she would explode


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