Gun factory

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Tsuneo POV

I got dressed and grabbed the sheet I was given and ran down the hallway

I glanced outside and saw it was hardly light

"Cmon, its 5:05 Tsuneo, you'll make me late" Zegro glared

I nodded and followed her to her car

Zegro drove us down the road and we made it to the gun factory Zegro worked at

"I don't understand why they would let me come with you here" I laughed

"I may have told them I work with 'technology that benefits Japans governmental standing' so to say" Zegro smirked

"What?" I I laughed again

"Guns help the military" Zegro smirked

I nodded and we walked inside

It smelled faintly of gunpowder which made me a tad dizzy and yet Z seemed unaffected completely

We walked down and sat down at Zegro's desk

"What do you do specifically?" I asked

"Tamper with the amount of Gun powder, the fuse, lighting mechanism and basically fiddling around. I get to put these testers together and shoot them when I think their ready" Zegro explained as I jotted it down on the sheet

Zegro pulled out an unfinished gun and began working on it

She added some gun powder, fiddled with some screws and even polished the thing up a tad until it was finished

"Tsuneo, you wanna help me shoot this thing?" Zegro laughed

I shook my head and smiled

"No thanks, I'd be too afraid" I chuckled

We walked over to the testing area and Zegro took aim.

She hit the target perfectly obviously but the ringing of the billet echoed in my head for a painful amount of time

I clutched my head and leaned on the wall waiting for the feeling to stop but I didn't

"Tsuneo? Are you okay?" Zegro asked patting my shoulder

"Sorry the ringing is just kinda painful" I mumbled

"Do you need some water? Cmon" Zegro frowned dragging me to her desk and sitting me down while she went on a hunt to find a water bottle

The ringing in my head continued loudly and I felt myself weakening as my chest tightened

'My inhaler'

I searched my pockets and froze

I left it on the side because it wasn't working last night...

I coughed and gasped for air trying to clear my airways as I felt sting pain in my chest

I leaned forward in the seat trying desperately to take in any amounts of air to no avail

Zegro walked in and saw my struggle as she sprinted over and patted my back

She pushed me upright and tried to help me gulp down any amount of water and I did so but by the time the coughing had stopped everything was going black

"Tsuneo? Don't die I swear!" Zegro shouted shaking me

" getting....dark..." I muttered softly as my eyes began to close

"Tsuneo? TSUNEO!!

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