Chapter Four

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"That's me" he says smiling, sadly, exposing his tooth gap. After a few seconds we both say "thank you," at the same time. "For what?" I question, "comforting me" he replies.

I sigh, "I would be glad to comfort you anytime," I say with a slight smile curving into my lips. "Thank you for finding me by the way" I add on, "and I am so- so sorry about Corbyn I-" tears fall from my eyes, Daniel takes his thumb and wipes my tears away.

"Don't cry, love," I smile and pull him into another hug. "You have the best hugs," I mentioned, that only made him hold tighter.

My mom suddenly walked in the door causing us to pull apart quickly. Daniel stood up and scratched the back of his neck. "Mom- um do you know who this is?" I ask causing Daniel to let out a light chuckle, "um no" she says dragging the 'o'.

"Daniel Seavey," I reply bashfully. "Wait a minute, you're Daniel Seavey?!" She said in shock, "Macy literally fantasizes about you, she also writes fan fictions and stalks y-" "mom! I shriek, gliding my hand across my neck signaling her to stop. She understands and changes the subject. "So this- um Corbyn" she starts, "how did you know him?" She asks, the question directed to me.

She doesn't know that Daniel is way closer to him than me. "Well, um-" I look at Daniel for help, "he was in the band I'm in, Why Don't We" my moms eyes widen, "he's from that band? Macy- you- I'm- you love th-" "yes mom I do. A lot" I say glancing at Daniel for a moment, making eye contact with him and quickly shift my eyes back onto my mother.

"Oh goodness Daniel, I-I had no idea" my mom just looked down after that- she was lost in words, like me, and like Daniel. "Would you like to stay for dinner Daniel?" My mom asks, "sure" he replies shooting a quick smile at my mom. I take a deep breath as my mom leaves the room and I fall back onto my bed.

"Fantasizes huh?" Daniel asks with a smirk, "shut up" I start, "honestly who hasn't you're legitimately the definition of perfect" "No I'm n-" "have you met yourself?! You have a voice of an actual angel- like literally, I swear God sent you from heaven. You're so special to me and have the ability to make anyone smile. You do you, and I admire that, truly. You just make me so-" I pause and think, leaving the room in silence for a few seconds until I speak once again, "unbelievably, fucking happy." He grins. And there's so many small aspects of you that are pure adorable." I mumble.

Daniel smiles and lays down on the bed next to me, "like what?" "Your nose, do you see those freckles on your nose? Those make my wig fly." I say moving my index finger to point to his nose, laughing.

"You've heard this so many times but your tooth gap fits you so- oddly well, and the relationships you have with people and the way you treat them, the way you get excited about the littlest things, and my gosh you're so grateful for everything. And the mole on your right check-" I stop and sit up realizing how stupid I sound.

"You don't sound stupid" Daniel says sitting up from his position, "I said that out loud?" I question, obviously embarrassed.

I hear Daniel let out a small laugh, "it's cute" I slam my head in the pillow, I can feel my cheeks start to burn up. "Dinners ready!" I hear from down the stairs.

"Race ya?" I say, allowing my face to leave the pillow and look up at the 18 year old, he smirks before nodding and getting up and racing to the door. He gets through the door before me but this loser decides to slide down the stairs on his butt. "What are you doing?" I ask pausing by him on the stairs, "having fun" he said throwing his arms in the air.

I chuckle at his sudden silliness and rush to the dinner table and sit down. "I win!" I yell, I turn around to see him walking into the kitchen. "Well I had more fun" he says in a sassy tone, I giggle as my mom lays the food onto the table. "Eat up" she says walking away, "I'm going to run some errands don't worry about the dishes!" My mom yells, "alright" Daniel and I continue to eat and make small talk until we are both finished.

We put our plates in the dishwasher and Daniel automatically reaches for another plate in the sink, "you're too sweet" I say helping him load the dishwasher. When we're done, I ask him "can I have another hug?" I ask him looking down, a feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I look up and put my arms behind his neck and suddenly I feel my self being picked up off the ground.

My feet touch the floor again after a few moments, we are still hugging, rocking back and forth. I take a deep breath, "want to watch a movie?" I ask. "Is that even a question?!" Daniel says excitedly. We both ran to my room, "you pick the movie, I'll get the food" and I left to go to the kitchen.

I popped popcorn and got 2 cokes from the fridge. "Here ya go" I handed him the coke and put the popcorn in between us. "I picked the movie IT" Daniels says, "of course" I say laughing, I lay down next to him on the bed and I press play on the movie.

A few minutes in a feel an arm snake around me, I look and see Daniel's lips curved into a slight smile. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder as he pulled me closer to him until we heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" I say standing up, I walk over to the door and pull it open, then I see him standing there. The person I never wanted to see ever again.

(hi guys i'm just separated the paragraphs because after legit months it started to bother me lol)

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