Chapter Eleven

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Once I release the hug Daniel checks the time, 9:57pm. We decide it is getting late and start to hike down. After 10 minutes the rain starts falling from the sky little by little. "Since when was it suppose to rain today?" Daniel asked looking up to the sky flailing his arms everywhere. I laugh and he continues down the path. Soon after that the rain comes down harder and harder, eventually turning into a down pour. Daniel and I take cover under a tree. "Do you think the rain will stop?" I ask him looking in his direction, "I don't know" Daniel replies taking out his phone. "No service either" he says failing to get onto the weather app. I sigh and snuggle into his chest. He wraps his arms around me and rests his head on mine. "My girlfriend" he whispers, "my boyfriend" I say back.

It is now 10:29pm and we are still huddled under the tree, the rain is still falling. "I think we have to get a move on" Daniel suggests, I agree and we stand up and get back on the trail. I get up but once I start back again I slip, "ow" I whisper. Closing my eyes, hoping Daniel won't hear. Something had hit my ankle, I don't know what it was but it was hard and caused me a lot of pain. "Macy!" I heard from behind me, "I knew this wasn't a good idea" I could tell he was upset, "it's fine Dani" I say slowly getting up. As I start to place pressure on my left leg, I realize how bad it hurts. I start limping, "Macy, what did I tell you before?" Daniel asks me, my mind flashes back to when the window broke. "That I don't have to act tough" I reply, "but I'm fine" I force a smile and try to apply little pressure. Daniel and I are gripping trees and rocks. Anything we can get ahold of to not slip. "Let me carry you" Daniel begins, "you're in too much pain" that was the truth but I denied it. I couldn't let him carry me the entire way down. That's awful, I shake my head. "We're almost back down right?" I ask, "kinda ya" I sigh and keep going- blocking out the pain.

"Finally" I mumble as we exit the path, we are both drenched. Daniel is a few feet behind me so I take the time to roll up my leggings and check out my ankle, it was swollen- really swollen. I pulled my leggings back down, hoping Daniel wouldn't see. And stand by the car, "do you want to go get your ankle checked?" Daniel asks as we get in the car. "Um- it- it's fine" I lie, he nods and drives away.

"Daniel to get to the house we take a left there" I say as we keep going straight at the fork in the road. "I know" he starts, "I want to get your ankle checked just in case, just because you say it's fine doesn't mean it is" I nod and sigh, "thank you for taking care of me" he looked at me and smiled, I held my hand in his. "Anything for you princess" my heart flutters at his words as he plays our song once again. I let the words of Hold On repeat through my mind until we reach the hospital. I struggle out of the car, Daniel comes over to me and wraps his arm around my waist helping me get through the doors. When we walk in there is only a few people here because it is late at night. We walk over to the front desk and explain how we would like to check my ankle, the woman leads the 2 of us top a room right away, Daniel is allowed to come in the room with me, so I lift myself up onto the bed as gently as possible. "A doctor will be in here soon" says the nurse and exits the room. I sigh heavily, "you're going to be ok" Daniel says cupping my face with is hand, rubbing his thumb on my cheek. I smile, "I hope so" he kisses my forehead and sits down in the chair next to my bed, our fingers intertwined. "Hello," says a friendly male voice, "my name is Matt and I will be taking care of you today" I nod, "before I take a look at your ankle I have to do a normal checkup first" he explains, "first I need to check your blood pressure, so if you could lay your arm on this table-" he pulls up a table with wheels and gestures me to lay my arm there. He straps the band around my arm and squeezes a ball making it tighter. "Blood pressure good" he says unstrapping the band. "If you could stand on that scale so I can take your height and weight" I freeze, my weight. I know I weigh less than I am suppose to, I stand and Daniel lends me his hand to help me over to the scale. I step one foot at a time and press my back up against the cold, metal bar. "5'7" I nod and turn around on the machine. It felt like hours until the doctor finally spoke again, "Ms. Woods," he starts, "you have a weight of 98 pounds" I clenched my jaw, getting ready for the doctors big lecture. But instead he said, "can you sit down for a second- I need to talk with you" I let out a deep breath and look at Daniel he shows a slight forced smile, and I see him swallow the lump in his throat. I carefully sit back down with Matts help. He pulls up a rolling chair and examines my ankle while speaking to me, "you weigh less than average," he starts "you need to eat more- a lot more" he makes his eyes meet mine, "will you do that?" He asks, I nod. He glances at Daniel, "are you her?..." he trails off but Daniel ends his sentence by saying "boyfriend." "Ok, can you make sure she eats?" "yes" Daniel says nodding. "I'll take you for a few X-Rays-" he pauses and points at my boyfriend, "Daniel" I say. He nods, "you are welcome to come too Daniel"

Daniel opened the car door for me and held my crutches and laid them in the back seat after I was successfully in the vehicle, he gets in the drivers seat, sighs and looks me dead in the eyes. "A sprained ankle huh?" "Yup" I press my lips together, "I'm sorry, that I um- brought us there" "No- no Daniel-" I shake my head and look down, "it isn't your fault- I enjoyed it a lot actually" I look up, Daniel smiles in return, "I'm glad" there is a few seconds of silence. "So your weight" Daniel starts, I embrace myself, once again for the talk.

(A/N I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter :) it was getting long and I don't have a cliffhanger so I am gunna end it here. Thanks for reading)

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