Chapter Fourteen

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Daniels POV
"Done yet?" She asks as the doctor pulls his gloves off. "Yes I am" he said proudly, "11 stitches" we both nod, I take a moment to examine the stitches running down from her hair line to her temple. "Now let me look at that ankle of yours" he says lifting her leg up, "we will run some x-rays" he comments.

"Great. Now my ankle is broken in 2 places" she sighs as we get back into her room. The guys had left a little bit before her x-ray. "You're free to go whenever" the doctor said, "thank you" Macy and I say in unison. After the doctor exits the room we sit there for a minute before I kiss her forehead gently, "ready to go?" She nods and we sign her release papers and exit the building.

"Did everything go ok?" Zach asks as we walk in the door. "Yup" Macy replies, "but- my ankle is broken in 2 places" Zach frowns and walks back over and turns on the TV. "Macy!" says a obvious excited voice, "Hey Jonah" Macy replies with a wave.

Macys POV
"Are you ok?" He asks, "yes" she laughs. "I'm so glad" he wraps his arms around me. During our hug out of the corner of my eye I see Daniel walk into the kitchen. "Can I- um, take you somewhere?" asks Jonah, releasing the hug. "Sure" he picks me up and walks out the door, "so where are we going?" I ask when Jonah is finally in the car. "You'll see" I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and place my hand on my arm rest. Jonah inserts the AUX cord into his phone and started playing his old album, When The Daylight's Gone. I smile and listen to the sound of his voice and eventually start to sing along. "Undercover camouflage, secrets, lies and sabotage!" I almost yell as I dramatically fold my hands into fists and drag them down, making them press against my chest. Jonah chuckles, and grabs his phone to change the song. "Listen to the lyrics Macy" Jonah says as he plays a song a don't recognize. *song above*

"Cause I can't make you love me if you don't"

I look at Jonah who is focusing his eyes on the road. "Jonah?" I say, he ignores me. "Jonah" I say again. He nods, "Jonah pull over" suddenly the vehicle swerves to the side of the empty road. I sigh, "Why?- Why did you tell me to listen to the lyrics?" He stays silence for a moment then says, "Why can't you be with me? Why can't you love me?" He runs his hands through his hair. "I love you in a really really big, drive you anywhere you want, let you eat the last slice of pizza, let you use all the warm water in the hotel type of love, yes I know this is a lot to take in but I thought you'd know. I guess I wasn't making it obvious before" he covers his hands over his face. "I don't know what to do anymore Macy- you're killing me, I'm loosing sleep, I can't get you out of my head no matter what I do. Why? Why can't you be the same as every other girl in the world? Why can't you be snobby? What you are- that's what kills me. You. Everything about you Macy. I love you- a lot and- and I don't know how, we haven't even known each other for that long, but- but I feel something for you. Something that I cannot explain it's like I'm drowning but somehow I manage to swim back to the surface and regain my strength and everything is fine" he pauses for a second. "Then I get pulled back, pulled back by you. Yes, yes I know I can't have you or be with you in anyway, shape or form, you're with Daniel. But I won't be able to move on without telling you this, doing this" I close my eyes, I try to intake everything Jonah is telling me, but before I can respond I feel something gentle and soft pressing up against my lips. A finger being placed underneath my chin, sending goosebumps over my body. I open my eyes to see Jonah. Now staring down at me. What have I done?

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