Chapter Six

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I hesitate, deciding if I should walk in or not. But I hear a voice from inside.

*play video at top*
They say we can do anything
But why should we do everything
I like where we have this
Not lose into immaturity
I've been down the road before
Love won't be what it was before
Cause when we think we've had enough
The next day I'll be wanting more
Let's just take our time with this
Remember the beauty of a kiss
Cause if we don't last then
What's the whole point of this
I'm done playing games like kids
Stop thinking theres's no consequences
I'm gonna keep my promises
I'm gonna learn to love like this
When you say that you love me
You don't know what you're doing
We're just two kids who need some time
Cause all we're doing is playing
When you say that you love me
You don't know what your doing
We're just two kids who need some time
Cause all we're doing is playing

I opened the door to reveal a blue eyed boy sitting on his bed with a guitar on his lap. He glances up at me and we smile at each other, "you are very talented" I point out sitting next to him on the bed, "thanks" he sighs. "So, what weren't you done doing?" I ask, he wraps both his arms around me, pulling me close.

"Comforting you" I smile, "Dani- if there is anyone who needs or be comforted, it's you guys- your best friend died Daniel." I look up at him, tears are rolling down his face. I hug him, "sorry.. i didn't mean to bring it up again." I give him a sympathetic smile. "Stay here" I command and leave the room.

I walk into the door straight across from Daniels and see Zach on his phone. "Oh- h-hey" he says. "Hi, um I'm Macy, Daniel's friend, so can you come here for a minute." He nods and drops his phone on the bed and follows me. "Wait right here" I point to the spot in front of Daniels door and walk away to get the other boys.

Walking into the room I assume is Jonahs I push the already half open door open and Jonah is laying on his bed looking up at the ceiling, "Jonah, can you come here" he furrows his eyebrows but gets up anyways, finally I get Jack and bring him to the same spot in front if Daniels room.

"I think we could all use some comforting, am I right?" They all nod and I open the door to Daniels room he is laying on his back on his bed, it was obvious he is crying. I go over, sit on the bed and wave my hand over for the boys to come. They came over to us and I sit them down on the bed, (edit; ew i'm ready for this gross pep talk) "I know how hard this is for you guys, and I'm here for you, now- I don't know who knows but I do because this morning my teacher announced the deaths on the intercom. But- you have to stay strong, remember- don't let this ruin your dreams. Don't wake up yet, it's only the beginning."

I smile and pull them in for a group hug. "Do you guys want to watch a movie?" (is that literally all they do in this fan fiction wtf) Jonah asks getting up from his seat, trying to lighten the mood. "Sure" Jack says, Zach agrees and Daniel and I nod. The three of them exit the room, Daniel is still laying down on the bed.


"Coming?" I ask him, leaning up against the door, he gets up and walks over to me.

"You told me things you liked about me, now- it's my turn." I smile at him, and look down, blushing. (like an actual dork lmao)

"You're so sweet, like that little speech you just gave was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. Thank you for that, seriously." I close my eyes tight of embarrassment, biting my lip trying not to smile. "Your hugs are very helpful, and comforting." I giggle, "but honestly, you are gorgeous, I wish I was joking- but you're stunning. Your smile makes me go out of my mind, but there's one more major thing I love about you."

(edit; eweweeew cringe)

I furrow my eyes browns and tilt my head in confusion, how can he like so many things about me. He smiles and looks at me for a few seconds before saying, "your lips."

things change ; d.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora