Chapter Twenty Four

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"Jack" I whisper, "please don't, I don't deserve it" he slows down. "On one condition" he smirks. "Which is..?" I trail off. "You kiss me."

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You may think I am insane, but I was not in the mood to get wet. Like not at all, I had worked very hard in my hair this morning. As stupid as it may seem, I glanced over at Daniel who was fighting Zach, not paying attention to Jack or me. I quickly kissed his lips. "I didn't expect that" Jack responded, smirking setting me down gently. I mouthed the words 'thank you' to him and ran over to rescue Zach. "I'm coming best friend!" I yell and tackle Daniel causing him to flip over off of Zach. Zach, Jack and I all run to the front yard. "Alliance?" I ask. "Alliance" they both say in unison. I slowly head into the house, keeping my head low and having the 2 boys follow my lead. "Ok, you're boys," I start. " Do you have nerf guns?" A smile spreads across Jacks face as he waves Zach and I to his bedroom. I glance out the window to outside to see Daniel and Jonah in a huddle, scheming. Jack swings open the door to his room and walks over to his closet. Jack pulls open the door, behind the door there is cloths, but he takes a step further. "Um- Jack? What are you doing?" I ask, "he moves aside the close that are hanging up to reveal a pile of nerf guns. Zach makes an obnoxious 'ooo' sound. I laugh and grab a gun, it is a blue rapid fire with little red stripes coming off the sides. Jack grabs a white and gray gun, lastly Zach gets a mini gun that you can fit into a coat pocket. We exit the room and tip toe down the stairs. I go first into the living room, I see Jonah with his back turned. I put my arm out to signal them to stop. I slowly raise my gun and pull the trigger. But a force hits me and tackles me from the side. I look up to see Daniel, of course, pinning me to the floor. "Jonah!" Daniel yells, "get them!" Jonah turns around quickly and chased after Zach and Jack. Daniel kisses my forehead, "I love you" "I love you too" I smile. The next thing I know is I see Zach struggling to escape Jonah's hold. He sets Zach on the floor near me, "now what?" asks Daniel. Jonah shoots Daniel a quick smile before Jonah inserts his fingers into Zach's side causing him to flinch. "Hey!" he yells, "don't tase me" suddenly the boy in front of my catches on and does the same thing. I clench my jaw, staring into Daniels eyes trying to block out how badly I wanted to laugh and shove him off me. He tickles my sides a few times more. "I think she is prone to tickling dude." Daniel says looking at Jonah, "let me try" comments Jonah getting off of Zach, giving him time to break free. "Ops" Jonah shrugs, I bite my tongue and embrace myself. "Daniel, I have an idea. We will definitely win with this." Jonah whispers something in Daniels ear as I attempt to listen in. Daniel nods and giggles, and Jonah exits the room to come back a few seconds later with a bag and a cup in his hands. "Jonah what are you-" I get cut off by a cold liquid being poured onto my body. I lay there in shock as a powdery substance comes crashing down onto me. I burst out laughing, but before anything else happens Zach and Jack comes running in and starts shooting Jonah and Daniel with nerf guns they quickly scatter away. I get up, "thanks for the help" they laugh and I go upstairs to Daniels room to get cleaned up. After 30 minutes in the shower I see Daniels laid a long t shirt and joggers on the bed for me. I slip the outfit on and go downstairs.

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We get cuddled up on the sofa, Daniel and I. "This show is gross" Daniel comments as I unpause Greys Anatomy. I chuckle and rest my head in his shoulder.

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