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Warning:This book is an Utter joke and you shouldn't take it seriously. This is a Fairy tail Fanfiction and all characters (Except Some OC'S) belong to the leader we call Hiro Mashima. SO please enjoy this mess. 

Death is something that many fear. From elders, adults, teens, children and toddlers, we all fear it. Others may fear Spiders or serpents more. Others the dark, water, some even are afraid of themselves and who they might become as they age.

But in this day and age there is something mightier than death. Something that makes death afraid. It's not a monster, demon, or human.
It's something else. Something that even makes Lucifer shiver.
A man this thing was once. A priest actually.
A skinny man he was. With slicked back black hair in a low ponytail and just the perfect skin tone and, eyes so blue that they put the ocean to shame.
He had his own church and all. He had everything you could say. But he didn't have love.
Not a speck of it. He dreamed of it in his dreams and thought about it almost everyday. Many women were interested in him. Some asked him out on dates or even invited him over. But he declined all.
But there was one woman that came one day that made the priest's heart explode. A young woman of brown short and wavy hair, a light skin tone, and golden eyes. Her name Rachel Avagone. He and Rachel grew close very quick. First a walk together, Next a nice dinner , then a kiss,and finally a night together.
In just a year the two were married.
They had eight sons. The eldest 15 , the second 14, the third 12 , the fourth, fifth , sixth and seventh 10 , and the youngest still a baby. They were all happy and joyful. Never an argument or a fight. Perfection at it's finest. But something happened.
Rachel grew ill. Very ill.

Days went by as Rachel's skin grew pale , her golden eyes depressed and her beautiful brown hair turned messy and dirty. She laid in bed suffering every night. The priest stayed by her side everyday as their sons watched from the doorway or window. Eventually the illness was too much for the little woman. She passed away during the night still holding hands with her husband.
Many came for her funeral. Family, friends, even strangers came to see. The priest weeped for days by her grave. He hit it, kicked it , scrapped his fingertips against it and more gruesome things. He wouldn't eat , sleep or even smile. He slowly lost himself by her grave, crying everyday. He eventually returned home to his children a different man. He was so skinny you could see his ribs , Bags under his eyes that were dark as the night, his hair messy and tangled , skin stained with dirt, his hands stained with blood and a frown upon his face.
His sons soon grew scared of their own father. One day their father left home with a shovel and bag. He came back carrying a body, or at least what was left of one. It was Rachel's. He placed her body inside a circle or symbol. A evil one it was. He began chanting words of a different language. His eldest secretly watched from the doorway, his eyes wide with fear.

When his father finished, his mother's body was normal. Her ripped flesh re-grown , hair wavy and back to it's full color, and eyes shining. She woke up and hugged their father.
They embraced for what seemed like ever until Rachel looked down at the symbol she sat in. She gasped and backed away from the priest and screamed.
She got up, leaving his skinny and boney arms and ran out the door. Their father began to cry again. His eldest came over to his side and hugged him. Days went by like birds and the priest got worst. In fact, he grew in a horrible way.
His skin was no longer perfect but pale like a corpse. His smooth hair messy, long and tangled, his teeth seemed to get longer and pointer along with his tongue. In a week he didn't even look human. His skin pale as if he was dead , hair longer, teeth sharper , tongue long and not to mention but also blue. The only thing that remained were his blue eyes. In a month he grew another set of blue eyes, and his teeth more like a canines. His saliva turned blue along with his long and thick tongue. His ears pointed with another set growing.

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