Chapter 7

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No one's POV

Irene was tired. She smelled like dog and her hair was greasy. She let her hair lose and decide to go down to the large pond they called 'Moons lake' because the moon at night would shine off it so beautifully.
It was midnight. Everyone was either sleeping or standing guard out. Irene had put Wendy to bed and Bloodbourne was somewhere out there.

The last time she saw him was dinner, Where the scavengers (and Syther) served a huge feast for everyone. Bloodbourne was at the head of the table, binging and stuffing his face. It kinda disgusted her on how much he could eat.

She washed her face in the lake. She felt all the dirt on her face wash away. She cupped her hands and splashed her face with the cold water. She just wanted to strip down and jump in, but she knew that if she would, someone would see her and try to do their moves on her. By someone, she thought Bloodbourne or Prometheus.

She continued to wash her face and even her hair. Until she heard noises. Puking noises. She rolled her eyes and just thought that someone had just eaten to much and was throwing it all up by the lake. But as she looked to her side and gazed off into the distance, she knew it wasn't just anyone. It was Bloodbourne.

She marched over to him and smacked him. He fell back and gasped. His mouth was stained with vomit, he wiped it off with the back of his hand.
"What the fuck Irene!?" he shouted. Irene slapped him again.
"Why are you binging and purging!? You'll get sick!"

"I'm not binging and purging! I'm just vomiting!"

"Then why did you eat so much?! Plus your fingers have saliva on them!"

Bloodbourne went silent.

"I've told you this before! You. Need. To. Stop!" Irene scolded. "You are not fat! You are literally skin and bone with a sixpack!"

"I am fat."


Bloodbourne ripped of his shirt and placed her hands on his belly.



"I swear to god! You are gonna make me lose my fucking mind!"

"You already have, darling." Bloodbourne backed away into the lake and grinned. He extended his arms out. Irene tilted her head then realized what he wanted."I'm not swimming with you." Bloodbourne rolled all his eyes and licked the top of his lip. "Come on! We're alone. Prometheus is out hunting, Syther is probably in a tree asleep, or playing with birds, then Wendy is asleep!"

"You're an asshole."

Bloodbourne walked out of the water and chuckled. "You're so boring."
Then he grabbed Irene by her waist and threw in the lake. She screamed as she hit surface and fell into the water. She  swam to the surface and flipped off Bloodbourne. 

He broke out laughing then soon followed her in the water. After a while the two began playing like children. Splashing water up and wrestling. Eventually Irene yawned and fell back into the water. Bloodbourne saw this and swam up behind her and held her in his arms.

"Tired?" he asked, pulling a hair out of her face and putting it behind her ear.

Irene nodded her head. "Very. I haven't slept since Erza went missing. I still think Prometheus ate her."

"Who's Erza?"

"My dog. Well, she's half husky and half wolf."

"Why the name 'Erza' though?"

"That was the name of my first child. Don't you remember? I'm pretty sure she was yours anyway."

"Being in hell made me forget a lot of things. Care to remind me?"

"It's okay. It's not important."

Then it was silent, with only the sound of crickets chirping in the air. Irene stared at the moon as Bloodbourne rested his head near the crook of her neck.

"You wanna sleep with me tonight?" Bloodbourne asked, breaking the silence.

Irene sighed. "Ray.."

"I don't mean sex! I mean just laying next to each other and keeping warm!" Bloodbourne hissed. He then slid his hand down her side. "But we could if you want?"

Irene scoffed. "First, the trees ain't big enough. Second , if we did then everyone would hear."

"Not in the trees, in a cabin or something."

"Fine! But no banging! Besides, there's a child here now!"

Bloodbourne carried Irene out of the water bridal style.

They walked back into camp and into a cabin that wasn't covered in weapons or raw meat. It was simple, a large bed with white sheets and a velvet blanket , two dressers on each side of the room then a closet. 

Bloodbourne placed Irene down on the bed ,and she quickly took off her wet clothes until all she was showing was her undergarments , then leaving the wet clothes on the floor.
Bloodbourne did the same and popped his neck.

Irene covered herself with the blanket, Bloodbourne laying down next to her and tugging at it. 

"Share the god damn blanket."

"Fuck you."


??? POV

"My father is back." I said, staring off into the forest below. Behind me stood my partner, Acnologia, a dragon shifter. "That means Igneel has a chance of being here too."

He chuckled. "If he is I take him. You can have the demon king.  He's your dad anyway."

I grinned and popped my knuckles. "It's been years since I've seen him. Years" I placed my hand on a large X like scar on the right side of my face.  "And in all those years, my only thought is holding my fathers head in front of his army. Along with his bitch."

"It seems you would more like to kill your dad instead of getting to know him more. Why so?"

I glared over my shoulder at Acnologia and sneered. "Because he's done horrible things to me! He turned me into a fucking demon! He tortured me, beat me, and so many other things! Then to make it worse, he fucked and killed my girlfriend right in front of me, then hit me across the face with barbed wire!" I then pointed at the scar on my face. "RESULTING IN THIS!"

"Ouch. That sucks a lot." Acnologia said.

I pulled my hood over my head and hissed. "No more talk, it makes me sick. We should move closer to the peak."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Acnologia said, mounting a Bone-Runner that waited beside a tree.  I walked over to my  Bone-Runner and climbed on top. We both began to ride off into the silent night.

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