Chapter 15

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For now on, if a chapter has fluff or smut  or M A X I M U M  V I O L E N CE E ,i'm just gonna put a picture of this chick with a knife on here ssooo. 

Have fun


Irene's POV

"Are you still mad at me?"

"You have no idea, motherfucker."

Me and Bloodbourne both sat in the cabin we had both slept in and I couldn't help but hate the dude. First, i'm damn sure i saw him getting a blowjob when he said he was gonna be doing guys. Second, he just waltz into the training are where the kids are, BLOOD ALL OVER HIS FACE, then just collapses right there and scares half the kids to death. Except for Romeo he was laughed.

 Instead of cleaning his wound, I really just wanted to make it worse. Lust and Envy, his two rather large Tar-Bleeders , laid by the door, both of them sleeping. I looked over at them and saw Envy with half a arrow sticking out of his back then Lust had on in her head.

Bloodbourne had already told me of what happened in the woods. He tried to take down one of the strongest huntress in the nation, and then got shot in the head. What a god he was.

"You're so pathetic." I  mummbled, making him hiss. "Hey, it ain't my fault. I was stuck in hell and tortured all the time. Doing that for so many years messes you up. Makes you forget things and people. Besides, these woods are too small! Why can't we just move back to the Undergrounds?"

"Ah, yes. The Undergrounds." I sneered. "Wasn't that a wonderful place? NO! We are not going back to the god forsaken Undergrounds!"

Bloodbourne pouted like a child. "You used to love it there. I don't see why you suddenly hate it."

"Memories, Ray. A bunch of horrible memories. " I hissed. I finished cleaning the wound and sighed. Bloodbourne leaned back and closed his eyes. New skin grew over the wound and soon covered it completely. It looked like it had never happened.

As he began to step off the bed I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. He grunted as he fell back onto the bed. He sighed and extended his arms out. "If you wanna stab me i'm fine with it."

"Nah, I feel like cutting off a limb" I said, laying down on my chest and grinned. "Perhaps a arm , leg or even your precious-"

"Don't think about it." 

I laughed and laid by head down against his chest and stared at the ceiling, resting my hands on my stomach. I could hear his heart pumping and blood flowing. Since their was a lot of sexual tension in that room I decided to just say something.

"You have a nice butt." Yup. That was what I said to try to get RID of sexual tension.

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