Chapter 11

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No ones POV

Wendy knew that if she got caught, she would be beat. That they could possibly beat her till her brains leaked out. But she was curious to what Bloodbourne did after dark.
She was able to sneak away from the Irene and past the other sleeping Hell-Raisers in trees. She snuck to the largest cabin in the area, where she had seen Bloodbourne walk into. She tiptoed to the door, which was halfway open.

She peaked inside to see Bloodbourne towering over a boy about her age. He had the legs of a bird of prey and a long tail. Two wings were pressed up against his bare back, which had many scars on it, along with new freshly opened ones, he even had a bite on his shoulder. Barbed wire laid alongside Bloodbourne. It was stained with blood. But something was strange, Bloodbourne had a stab wound on his chest.

Behind Bloodbourne were Prometheus and Wayne, who both had tasty grins on their faces. Wendy shivered.

"Why must you betray me, Romeo?" Bloodbourne asked , looking down at the boy. "I give you eternal youth and this is how you thank me?"

"You killed my family." The boy growled.

"Hey, at least I didn't kill you! You ungrateful fuck." Bloodbourne responded with a slight laugh at the end. "You are literally nothing compared to me. I could freaking destroy you right now. I spared mercy on you because you were a baby, now you're a emotional teenager that's oddly violent. When I was your age I played with friends by the lake and talked about Becky. I was always like 'yeah i'm gonna smash.' and now last time I checked Becky's smashing Ben!"

"Ben is a hoe." Prometheus commented, Wayne nodding his head in agreement.

"I don't have any friends." Romeo hissed. "Plus no girls my age. And i'm pretty sure you weren't turned into a demon as a child."

Bloodbourne let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair. "All i'm gonna say is that if you stab me again, i'm gonna eat your insides and feed the rest of you to the Tar-Bleeders. Now get out!"

Romeo growled and walked towards the door. Wendy quickly backed away from the door and ran to the side of the cabin. Romeo walked through the doors and marched away. A Tar-Bleeder puppy ran to his side from behind a tree and quickly jumped into his arms. Wendy smiled at the puppy and leaned forward.


a stick had snapped underneath Wendy's foot. Romeo quickly looked in her direction. The Tar-Bleeder jumped away from his arms and ran towards Wendy. The puppy jumped up at Wendy and wagged its tiny tail. She stepped out from the side of the cabin, carrying the puppy. Romeo's face flushed up the moment she walked out. 

"Who are you?" he asked in awe.  Wendy glanced up at him and blushed. "It's Wendy. You're Romeo. I heard the conversation with you and Bloodbourne."

Romeo growled and walked towards her. "Let's talk somewhere else. Bloodbourne may still be able to hear us." He grabbed Wendy by her hand and ran off, dragging her along with him. Wendy blushed as Romeo's hand touched hers. They ran off into the woods.

Prometheus and Wayne both came out from inside the cabin and squealed. "That was adorable!" Wayne said. Prometheus nodded his head and put his hands on his hips. "Young love is beautiful. What do you think, father?"

The two looked at Bloodbourne, who had an emotionless expression. But his eyes showed nothing but anger. Wayne and Prometheus soon realized why Bloodbourne had that facial expression. Bloodbourne had a rule.

If he couldn't love than no one could.

If anyone did he would kill one of them in front of the other.

Even if he did find a partner, no one else could. Just him. Only him.

The two brothers knew that one of kids was gonna die if they got too close to each other. "Please father." Wayne begged. "Don't hurt them. Their just children."

Blooodbourne grinned a devilish grin, it showed his canines, which were stained with blood. "I
won't. I'll just show Romeo that no one can love but me. He'll just have to learn the hard way."

Both Prometheus and Wayne gave each other worried looks.
"We understand."

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