Chapter 5

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No ones POV

Lucy tapped her foot against the ground , waiting for Ms. Temon to enter the class. It's been 20 minutes since class started and Ms.Temon is usually always early, but not today. Many students were getting impatient.Some even threatened to leave. That was when Mr. Zanquille walked into the class, drinking from a flask. He flopped onto Ms.Temons chair, put his feet up on her desk, hands behind his head and sunglasses on like alway.
The class went quiet then Erza broke it.
"Where is Ms.Temon?"
Mr. Zanquille put his feet down and popped his knuckles.
"Well, Last night Ms.Temon and another group went out hunting for some demons. They found one alright! But it wasn't a 'normal' demon. After descriptions from them we have identified the demon as the Hell-King, Rayegan Z Bloodbourne."
The class burst into gasps. Erza sneered. "You still haven't answered my question."
The boys around Erza scooted away.

"Calm your tits!" Mr. Zanquille laughed. "She's kinda alive."


"She had her arm BIT and EATEN off. Gildarts broke all of his ribs , and had all of his prosthetic's broken off, Makarov is like on life support then Mavis has like a few cuts and bruises."

"Her arm was eaten?" Gray asked from the top row. Mr. Zanquille nodded while Laxus snickered from the front. "So the legends are true? Their man-eaters?"

"Yup. And pretty much the worst kind. Heck, they even eat each other some times."

"Now what?" Natsu asked. Mr. Zanquille grinned. "Leave all your stuff. We're going outside to the courtyard. If you have a weapon bring it. No, Cobra, that doesn't mean your prison shank. Jesus, how does your mom even let you have that?"

Cobra lowered his prison shank into his backpack and chuckled. "She has one too. We're demons! What you expect?"

"Disappointment" Laxus commented.

Everyone got up and exited the class. Mr. Zanquille walked in the front, his large dirty wings dragging behind him. Lucy couldn't help but to stare at them. They used to be beautiful but now they look gnarled. She looked at his shoulder blades since he always wore tank tops. Then her eyes darted to the back of his neck, which had a very strange tattoo.
It was a circle with a diamond in it then a X. She pointed out the symbol to Levy, who instantly grew an interest in it.
"Stop staring at , Zanquille!" Gray shouted from the back. "That's weird!"

Lucy's face flushed up red as she glanced at Gray.
" 'Weird' is you stripping every five minutes!" Levy responded. Mr. Zanquille glared over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "All of you shut up. And please stop staring, it makes me feel uncomfortable."

Lucy covered her face and growled. "I swear when this class is over i'm gonna beat his ass."
Levy laughed.

The class finally reached the huge courtyard.
Mr. Zanquille had them line up in a line. He stood in front of them and popped his neck.
"Now as all of you know, I am the 'Arts of Combat' teacher. So while Ms. Temon is getting her 'other half' I will be teaching. Now, Here I will pick you an opponent depending on your skill , grades, and power level. Boys! If I sign you up with a girl, this is the only chance you have to hit a girl. ONLY ABOVE THE WAIST! I'M LOOKING AT YOU MR. DREYAR!"

Laxus crossed his arms and giggled trying not to burst into laughter.

Mr. Zanquille continued. "GIRLS! Same thing for you! No grabbing crotches or twisting nipples! And this time i'm looking at you Ms. Strauss!"

Mirajane grinned and giggled. "I won't make promises!"

With a grin, Zanquille reached into the pocket of his joggers and unfolded a piece of paper. He read it before nodding his head.

"Okay. First, I want Natsu and Gray. Also no using magic, just hand-to-hand combat!"

Both Natsu and Gray walked up and stood in front of each other.

"Clean fight guys! Now. START!"

Natsu was the first to deliver a punch to Grays gut, which literally knocked the air out of him.  He gasped out as Natsu went in for a roundhouse kick to the calf. Gray saw this coming and quickly jumped over it. Gray then jumped back and sneered.

"You're both clumsy! If you both don't pick  it up i'll gonna go join, and show you how it's done!" Zanquille growled, flexing his wings.

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