Chapter 1

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Natsu's POV

"And that's where the Hell-Raisers go to hide when the sun is out!" the instructor pointed at the
large mountain in the distance. "Since their king died, they had no orders to take. So they hid inside the forest up there. They wait everyday for their king to return, But as you all know, He fell into the the chasm which is now a river  we now know today as 'Hell's Opening' which is also basically a long drop to hell filled with water. Well he wasn't the only king to fall in there. Igneel, the fire dragon king was dragged down with him! There's an old legend that if you stay by the chasm till sunset, you can still hear the screams of their never ending battle!"

"Who's winning?" Gray asked from the back of the group. His friends snickered and giggled. Most of his friends being desperate girls.
"I'll answer your question when you put a damn shirt on Mr. Fullbuster. This is literally the last time i'm gonna tell you." the instructor hissed adjusting her glasses.
Gray looked down at his shirtless body and pretended to be shocked. Most of the group laughed while I just sneered.

"No one truly knows who is winning. Heck, no one even knows if the two are alive. All we know is that it's been thousand of years since then and we'll probably never have to deal with Hell-Raisers again. The only time we deal with them is at night, when they come out of the forest and eat on sheep or some kids that disobeyed their mama."

I raised my hand and cleared my throat.

The instructors eye's landed on me. "Yes Natsu?"

"What do you mean by disobeyed?"

"Well around here there's a rule. Just one! And that is not to stay outside past 10. If you do, the Hell-raisers will take you to the mountains , rip you open or torture you then eat you alive. If you're a girl, they'll either have you dance for them for as long as you look pretty, or they'll just rape yo ass then devour you."

The class went quiet. Gajeel broke the silence. "Is it possible that I can become a Hell-Raiser?"
The boys of the class laughed while the girls growled or pulled down their skirts. The instructor rolled her eyes and groaned.

"You can only become a Hell-Raiser in three ways. The first is being turned into one. Like doing some dark satanic shit , making someone fall in love with you or bringing back something that's already dead. The second is having sex with one. It's happened before and if you have sex with one then there's a 50-50 chance of you becoming one. The third is the rarest and usually never happens. It's when you're born one. When a baby is born Hell-Raiser it sucks out all the mothers blood and feasts on her insides from the inside and kills her instantly when given birth. Another type is if the mother does dark magic or satanic stuff, and instead of her turning Hell-Raiser the baby absorbs it. Or you just got banged by one and now you're pregnant with a vampire baby."

The class looked back at Gajeel, who had his eyes wide and mouth open. Gray covered his mouth, snickering behind it while I tried to hold in a laugh.
The instructor popped her neck and held her clipboard to her chest. "Now that ya'll know what and not to do, and even some History , you can all return to your dorms. It's-" the instructor looked down at her watch. "-8 pm so ya'll better get insid-" the instructor dropped her clip-board, the papers spreading everywhere.
"GOD DAMMIT!" she shouted, kneeling down and collecting all of them. The group separated. Me, Gray, Gajeel and Jellal got together and walking to our apartment.
"You sounded like an idiot and perv back there." Gray elbowed Gajeel and laughed.
Gajeel sneered and rolled his eyes. "At least I ain't the one taking off my shirt every five minutes. Even when you do that, you can never seem to get a girl."

Jellal snorted and I laughed. "He got you there Gray!"

Gray rolled his eyes and slipped on his shirt. We continued to walk till we reached the apartments, where literally everyone lived since it was so close to the academy. We entered , took the elevator up and went into our room. The number being 163.
Gajeel collapsed onto the sofa, grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. Jellal and Gray went into the small kitchen and searched our fridge together, while I sit on the armrest of the sofa since Gajeel literally took up the entire freaking thing. On TV was the news. Some lady on it was talking about how the sightings for Hell-Raisers in daylight are rising.
"Why can't we be happy that no one's been murdered yet?" Gajeel hissed. I shrugged while Jellal moved Gajeel's legs and sat down, munching on a pizza slice.

"Wheres Gray?" I asked Jellal, who glared up at me.
"He went to bed." Jellal said with a mouth full of bread, sauce and cheese. "Said he was sore from practice today. Plus he's a lazy ass."

Gajeel snorted and changed the channel on TV.
I took out my phone and scrolled through messages.

New message from Lxus4Dreyer

New message from Tiny_Sky_Gurl

New message from King_Kobra

New message from The1Manliest1Man

New message from Star_Dresser

I tapped that one to see a message from Lucy.

You guys coming over? Mira just brought a new horror movie?

I responded.

Let me ask the others brb!

Looked up from my phone. "Hey guys, Lucy and the others invited us over for a horror movie. You guys wanna go?"

"Hell yeah." Gajeel said getting up from the sofa and popping his back. Jellal got up and wiped his mouth from grease.

I typed on my phone to let Lucy know.

Yeah we going! See you in a bit!

Don't be late!!

I smiled. Gray seemed to hear from his room since he came sprinting over. "LET'S GO!" he said, speed walking out the door. I put my phone in my pocket and followed the rest of the guys. We took the elevator up to the top floor and knocked the the girls door.
The door number being 528

Levy Mcgarden (who was in her pajamas) opened it, a smile on her face. "Come in!" she said. We all walked in to see Lucy, Juvia, Mirajane and Erza in pajamas. All of them seated around their much larger violet sofa. "Hurry up!" Lucy gestured to them to come sit down, and we all did just that. Mira stood up and inserted a DvD into the Dvd player below there much larger TV.

"What movie is it?" Gray asked, trying to scoot away from Juvia, who was trying to grab onto his arm.
"Don't know. Professor Zanquille gave it to me and just said 'It's a horror movie and I think you will like it' then he just grinned like a little boy."

Preofessor Zanquille is a tall man who always wears sunglasses and about in his mid Thirties. His black hair is tied in a low-pony-tail with a strand on the front. His eyes are golden, his skin tan and he always seems to be wearing stuff you wear to sleep. He has two large white wings that are always folded against his back. Let's just say they 'were' white, now there a dirty brown, missing a whole bunch of feathers and they look like a mess.

Gajeel scoffed. "Zaquille is weird. He always seems too happy for his own good. The guy has lost a few brain cells since the incident."
Everyone in the room shivered at the memory of 'the incident'

A few years back there was a parade, it was all our first years at this academy and Zanquille was about in his early twenties. There was some parade celebrating that the Hell-Raiser King didn't return that year. Everything was going fine and dandy till a kid chasing a ball ran into the path of a Bone-runners that got lose from their carriage and not to mention they were going at top speed.  (A Bone-runner is basically a super big horse with a horse skull as a head and hooves that are so sharp that they pierce the concrete by just walking on it)

Professor Zanquille saw this, jumped over the railing like it wasn't shit , grabbed the kid and shielded himself and the child with his large white wings. The Bone-Riders jumped over him, but cut at his wings as they did since they're so huge. Some even trampled him.

When the Bone-Riders were gone, Zanquille was pretty messed up. His clothing all ripped, Wings wounded ,his back cut open, but the kid was alright.
He was rushed to the ER and blah blah he was there for a week.
"No more talk! Just movie time!" Mira pressed play on the box and the screen on their TV went white.

Then a hand slammed against the screen, making most of us flinch. The hand slid down and disappeared to show bloody letters on the screen.
'The devil's general'
"I already don't like this!" Jellal shivered. Erza glared at him and grinned. "Stop being a wussy!"

"I think the term 'pussy' is more accurate." Gray said from behind the sofa. Jellal pouted and crossed his arms.

The movie continued on and started off boring. Then it got hardcore and super gorey.
It seemed kinda like a documentary and Camera video combined.
Guts on the floor.
Heads in trees and more uncomfortable stuff. Then the camera shot to someone something stuffing its mouth with bodies. The lower half of it's body being like a lizard or something. The camera guy slowly backed away till there was a snap. The camera was pointed down to show he had stepped on a twig. When the camera was pointed back up it showed the face of the thing inches away from the camera. We all jumped back and Juvia screamed.
The creatures face was kinda human, His cheekbones were tight and covered in blue scales. He had four glowing blue eyes, two fangs sticking out of his mouth and four long ears.

The camera didn't move till the creature screeched, it's mouth out-stretching to show millions of teeth. The camera guy screamed and began to run away. He didn't glance back to see if the thing was still behind him(Bcuz that's what ur supposed to do, Take notes u horror movie producers), he just kept running. Everyone in the room was chewing their nails or covering their eyes. He continued to run until he entered a forest. He jumped logs, curved around trees and then hide in a cave that was covered by vines. He stopped his breathing and tried his best to stay still. The creature crawled by the cave, growling and sniffing. After awhile the creature disappeared. The man exhaled and turned around to face the rest of the cave. In front of him stood a naked woman, her hair covering her breasts. The man froze and the woman stroked the side of his face. Then the screen went black.

"Is that it?" Gray asked, un-covering his eyes. Oh but he was wrong.
The TV turned back on to show the camera facing the creature eating the man's inside. We all screamed and Lucy seemed to gag. It seemed hella real. Then the screen just went black, and the DvD slid out from the box. "That was one hell of a ride." I commented. "Are we sure this movie isn't actually real?" Juvia asked still shaking.
"Nah it's probably just hella good effects." Gray said scratching the back of his neck.

"We better go." Jellal said standing up and yawning. "I'm tired as shit."
"He's right." Gajeel got up, so did I and Gray. "See all ya'll tomorrow."
We exited the girls room , went down the elevator and walked into our room and fell asleep.


No one's POV

The currents of Hell's River flowed slowly, the dark of the moon shining off it. A hand of pale skin reached out of the water and was soon followed by a head of a man who gasped for air. He screamed, and groaned as he paddled towards the shore and pulled out the rest of his body. His long black hair drenched and covered his face. 
He laid his back against the red sand and panted. His four glowing eyes darted around looking for something. He sat up slowly and wiped blood from gut , which had been stabbed. (Igneel jabbed his horn into the guy)

He gazed at the river, looking for something. After 5 minutes he pumped all his fists in the air and cheered. "FINALLY!" he struggled to get to his feet and popped his lower back. "I'M FREE!"

With a grin he tore off his wet clothing and was soon standing naked in the red desert. He squeezed the water from his hair and shook himself like a dog does to dry.  Then he decided to roll down in the sand like a child, Laughing like a maniac and rubbing sand in his hair and body.

He sat up, roared a mighty roar shaking the ground beneath him.

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