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Yes, Yes I have finally started after centuries. It took me forever to get this idea and let me tell you It was an experience. A fun and cringy one XD

So enjoy whatever this is. This a crossover chapter with a friends book "The cursed Blade" by BookwormSid1015(I luv that book btw) She also did a crossover chapter of MY book so go check that out (It's hella weird but hey thats what sells) Soooo HERE WE ARE! (Fun fact: this chapter is kinda what the original idea for the book was gonna be. But Changed it for reasons. Soooo YAYYY)

Sorry If I haven't been updating recently , My grandpa died a few days ago and my family has been pretty emotional, but i will probs update this week. If not then maybe next weekend. But for now enjoy!


In this city, there are 5 main gangs that own parts of the city. Some known for robbery , murder , cannibalism, rape , or all together. Each gang is held together by a Leader of special blood. 

Their gods that lost their sanity in sanctuary .

The 5th gang is known more for their robbery and murder. All members are female, the only male being the leaders son. Their leader is Medusa, a bisexual 5.7 tall woman wearing a hijab. Her second command is her son, Fang. They hold high levels of gunman ship and can ride almost any vehicle expertly. They ride in groups in the streets. Medusa rides in the middle with her son in a maroon Dodge Viper with 5-10 members on motorcycles surrounding them. 

 The 4th gang is rarely seen in public, but their everywhere. Their specialty is stealing golds and jewels, along with souls that get in the way. The gang consists of people cursed with animal body parts. Their leader is Anubis, a straight 6.2 tall man with the head of a black jackal. His second command is his girlfriend , Basket, who has the head of a black cat. They rarely step foot in sunlight, only appearing at midnight to party or commit a crime. They expert in large firearms, along with blades of any sort. When ridding, its only Anubis and Bastet on a black and gold motorcycle. 

The 3rd group isn't what it used to be, but still highly respected. It's unknown of what species or race the members are, because they wear 'Day of the Dead' makeup covering every inch of skin. Their leader is Hades, a straight 6.1 tall man with slate colored hair, which is curly and in a man bun. His second in command is his wife, Persephone. Their known for high accounts of murder almost every month, with almost 10 bodies a month. They prefer tinier firearms and long blades such as swords, katana's, or hunting knifes. Hades and Persephone ride in a 'Apollo arrow' vehicle with 5-10 motorcycles behind them. 

The 2nd group is the more widely known and feared of the gangs. All members are males from ages 12-46 and a species of demon called "Hell-Raisers". They have the lower halves of animals or insects , but can shift into normal legs when needed. Have high kill counts for every attack. Murder, cannibalism of humans and each other , and rape are what they do most often if given the chance. Their leader is Bloodbourne a pansexual 6.7 tall man with black messy hair in tangles and clumps. His second in command is his girlfriend, Irene. They commit murder almost every week, with 10-15 bodies a month. They use large firearms and only that. Bloodbourne and Irene ride in a Ankonian Lamborghini with their symbol on the sides of it. His eight sons and few members ride in black ferrari's behind them.

Murder By Hell-Raiser PeakDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora