Chapter 10

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Erza's POV

We stood in the football field, Ms. Kushiel's red truck in front of us. It's trunk faced us.

Ms. Kushiel took out what look like a bag of guns from the back of her truck. She took out the first gun, which looked like a type of AK.
"This is an AK-74. This is your's Mr. Dreyar." she then tossed the gun at Laxus , who caught it with one hand and chuckled.

She then took out anothr. "This is an AK-47. This is your's." She then tossed it to Cobra, who grinned once it fell in his arms.

Then another. "This is a M-16. I picked this one for you." She handed it to Mira, who stared at it like it was true love.

Then the last one. "This is an Fn-Scar-16. Erza, this is yours." I glanced down at the gun as it was placed in my hands. It was heavy. Very Heavy.

Ms. Kushiel then removed a bunch of other stuff from her truck to show a cage with a black blanket over it. It was big enough to fit a dog in there. A rather large dog, maybe a great dane. She pushed it forward until it almost reached the edge. Inside the cage was growling and snarling. We all shivered. 

She then removed the blanket to reveal a hideous creature. It was about the size of a large dog and it's skin seemed to be made of tar. It had no eyes or ears or tail, but it did have a small hole on the sides of it's head. It had a head like a crocodile with a lot of white sharp teeth. It's claws were long and hooked. Tar covered the creature from head-to-toe and it dripped off it's chin and snout. It hissed and barked.

The moment it saw us, it lunged and clawed at us. It reached out of the cage , trying to reach us and probably kill us.

"This is a Tar-Bleeder." Ms. Kushiel explained. "A Tar-Bleeder is what happens when a dog is infected with the Hell-Raiser virus. It's not a pretty picture as you can see. When fighting Hell-Raisers, it's likely you will see an unusual amount of these suckers. When fighting these it's better to use a blade, but you can use a gun, it just uses up a lot of bullets. But if you can shoot one of these in that little hole on the side of their head, you'll kill it instantly. You see, that hole is the opening to it's ear canal and then to it's brain. So if you shoot it in their, you kill it."

"So we gonna shoot it through the cage?" Laxus asked which made Ms. Kushiel burst out laughing. "Nope! Ya'll gonna practice on a moving target!" She then reached towards the cage lock and unlocked it. We all gasped.

The Tar-Bleeder burst out of the cage and darted straight towards us. We all screamed and sprinted in different directions. Mira and Laxus both ran out into the football field while me and Cobra darted towards a line of trees.


I glanced over my shoulder to see the Tar-Bleeder chasing the others. We both stopped running and stared. The Tar-Bleeder got closer and closer with every step.

Before I could even get in position, Cobra was already shooting at the Tar-Bleeder. The end of the gun pressed up against his shoulder and head down low. I did the same and began shooting.

We saw as a bullet hit the Tar-Bleeder on the flank. It screeched out like a banshee and then
began sprinting towards us, teeth bared and all.

The Tar-Bleeder lunged at us but missed as we both split apart. It landed on the ground, rebounded off a tree and pounced onto me. I fell down onto the ground and screamed as I realized the only thing keeping me from the Tar-Bleeders jaws was my gun. I kicked at it but it didn't budge. I felt saliva fall onto my face and it's claws dig into my sides. Then it seemed to freeze as it's claws sunk into my side. It stared at me and tilted it head to the side and whined like a dog.

Then the creature was kicked off me by Cobra. The Tar-Bleeder flew to the side and landed on it's feet as Laxus and Cobra began shooting at it. They hit it head on but the bullets only managed to push it back and piss it off more. 

I quickly crawled towards the boys and hide behind them. They shoot at it till there was a click. A loud click. The bullets stopped firing and both of the boys growled. They ran out of bullets.

The Tar-Bleeder saw this and darted towards us. We all screamed as it leaped at us, it's arms extended.
Then a loud bang and the Tar-Bleeder fell onto Laxus. He freaked out as he threw it off himself. The Tar-Bleeder had been shot dead.

We all glared to our side to see Ms. Kushiel, who had what looked like a rifle in one hand. She frowned. "Ya'll seem to have no idea how to aim." She then glanced around and tilted her head. "Where's Mirajane?"

"Up here!" A voice said. We all looked up to see Mira in the tree above us.

We all chuckled as Mira dropped from the tree and popped her neck. Ms. Kushiel growled. "If  I haven't had been here ,at least one of you would be dead or severely injured! It just worries me even more that you will have a mission next week with Me. So let me ask you this...Will I have to babysit you or will you fight alongside me?"

We we're all quiet. I glared through the corner of my eye to see Cobra with a gloomy expression. When we were little he would start crying when mom would get mad at us. Then she would always say "I'm not mad. Just disappointed." then I swear he would start sobbing and screaming louder than I've ever heard any kid before. Now he doesn't cry out loud, but maybe on the inside it's different.

"We only have an hour left. Lucky for you all I have another Tar-Bleeder in the front. It's a bit smaller but just as deadly. Now that you have a little experience you'll know what to expect!" Ms. Kushiel said as she grabbed the gun bag and dropped it at our feet. "There's extra bullets in there. Load up unless you wanna get your throat ripped out!"

No one's POV

Wendy sat down as she watched Irene and Syther train alongside each other. Irene had said just to watch as the two sword fought. She watched their every movement carefully and mentally copied it down. 
Then someone sat down next to her. It was Dragan.

She glanced at him to see his emotionless face. Dragan had creeped Wendy out since he came. She wanted to move but didn't wanna be rude, so she stayed. She continued to stare at Irene and Syther, who she knew had noticed Dragan. Then out of nowhere.
He spoke. "Papa misses home." he whispered.

Wendy turned to him and cocked her head to the side. "What?"

"Papa misses home. Papa wants to go home."

"Where's home?" Wendy asked.

Dragan then picked up a twig beside him and began drawing in the dirt. Wendy watched as he drew what looked like a castle. He the drew a tiny person next to it. "That papa." he then pointed at the castle. "That home."

Wendy looked at the picture and nodded. "Is papa Bloodbourne?"

He nodded his head and smiled. "Once papa home, he make it bigger. Much bigger. Then he break other homes to make new homes."

Wendy smiled gently. "Do you miss home?"

He nodded his head.

Wendy then asked another question. "Did you miss papa?' Wendy felt weird saying that.

Dragan looked at her and sighed.

"I miss Mama."

I hope ya'll enjoyed! This took longer than expected lmao but I probably left like a million mistakes. I'll fix them later today but for now. Look at my trash that I am proud of.

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