Chapter 20

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"So, tell us your story."

"I was born like this."

To waste time, Erza, Erik and Laxus decided to question Kygeel. They wanted to know more about him, how he came to be and if he was turned or born.

"I was born like this, that's what mama said." Kygeel said, rubbing his hands nervously. "But it wasn't at a hospital. I was born, in a cabin. Yeah, I remember. She said she didn't wanna go to the hospital. She was s-scared."

Erza scooted closer to him. "Why was she scared?"

Kygeel shrugged. "I d-dont know. Mama has always been scared of me and acted weird around me. I think it's because of how I look. She was too embarrassed to take me out anywhere, so I haven't seen the sun or sky for very long. In fact, this has been the longest I've been out."

"Who was your mom?" Erik asked, blowing smoke because of his cigarette. "Did so drink? Smoke?"

Kygeel sighed and looked down at his feet. "She was weird. She would call me things ,like a mistake or that I wasn't supposed to happen. When she comes home drunk, she would holler about how I was useless. But whenever she got sick, I would take care of her. She didn't have any family that came or even lived nearby."

"Do you know where she went?"

"I don't w-wanna know w-where she went." Tears began to stream from his eyes. "M-Mama never loved me."

Erza covered her mouth and hugged him , patting his back. "Shhh's okay."
Kygeel sobbed harder , he wrapped his hands around Erza's neck.

"Do you know who you're dad is?" Erik put his cigarette out on the ash tray he had found in a drawer. Laxus and Erza have him a death glares, their eyes said for him to shut up but he ignored them.

Kygeel pulled away from Erza and whipped his tears. "Mama usually never talked about him m-much. But, I know he's a mean and bad man. One time, I heard her say she was gonna meet up with him somewhere. I didn't see her for the whole night and when she came back, s-she was in pain. She limped, her lip was bleeding her hair was messy and missing in some spots and she was sweaty and her shirt was ripped and-."

Erik interrupted. "Take off your sweatshirt."

The others gasped. Laxus punched his shoulder and growled. "Erik, shut the fuck u-"

Kygeel slowly pulled off his sweat shirt, shocking the others, he revealed a rather starved looking body.  Something caught their attention though. The tattooed symbol on his chest. It was a familiar symbol.

A diamond in side of a circle with a X.

"I was born with this too." Kygeel placed his finger on the symbol. "I don't know what it means and mama never told me. She said I wasn't ready."

In class, Erza remembered what Ms. Temon had said about these symbols. There only found on two types of Hell-raiser.

Prince rank.

And Kingsman rank.

Erik stood up and gave a gesture to talk to the others privately in the restroom. They three entered inside the bathroom quickly and closed the door behind them.

"That kid isn't an ordinary hell-raiser kid."

"No shit Sherlock. I saw the tattoo."

"Is it possible he's a prince rank? There's no way he's a Kingsman."

"How could he be a prince rank. Okay, so we all know that in order for someone to be born hell-raiser, the mom has to have sex with one."


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