Chapter 3

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No ones POV

Bloodbourne walked through the forest, the young girl, Wendy, by his side. Her face emotionless and depressed. She was frowning as the tears still streamed from her eyes.
They walked for what seemed like hours until there was a twig snap behind them.
Wendy jolted around to see but Bloodbourne didn't. He sniffed the air.
"I know it's you , Prometheus." Bloodbourne turned around and grinned. "Come out and face your father."

A man slowly walked out of the shadows, his lower half a scorpion. He wore a mask covering his mouth. His hair was  shoulder length , black , curly and slicked back. He had four blue eye, only two arms and and skin pale. He wore nothing , only showing  bare chest, with many tattoos covering his arms. He reached for his father.
Bloodbourne stepped forward and gripped his sons hand. They both grinned as they hugged.
"Prometheus! How have you been? Your taller!"
Prometheus laughed through his mask. "Good! Did you kill Igneel? And you're hurt!"
Bloodbourne glanced down at the stab wound he had in his side and covered it. "This is nothing but a flesh wound. And no, I did not defeat Igneel. We were both imprisoned by Lucifer and kept in cells. Igneel was surrounded by water and stakes while I was chained to a wall and barbed wire covered on the cell bars. I managed to escape after years of planning."
Prometheus ripped off his mask, showing his mouth rimmed with large and sharp teeth. Wendy's eyes widened at this sight.

"Let me lead you, father. To our camp!"
"Then go ahead. I wish to see my people."

Prometheus lead Bloodbourne and Wendy to two large gates. He opened them as they walked inside.
Inside were many cabins, a big pile of animal and human meat, bones , and hundreds of Hell-Raisers.

All their eyes landed on Bloodbourne, they all cleared a path for the king and bowed. Wendy followed closely behind. She could feel the eyes of many gazing at her. Some growling, grinning and snickering to themselves. Bloodbourne placed his hand on her back and held her close. He narrowed his eyes at those who stared.
'Don't you think about it' his eyes said, and those who did quickly dipped their head back down in a bow.

"Where are the others? Dragan? Wayne? Femern? Conner? " Bloodbourne asked his son. Prometheus's face dropped and frowned. "Their dead. Right after you disappeared , hunters came and killed them. All of the beheaded. Me and Syther are the only ones left."
"What about Basilisk and Adder?"
"I haven't seen them since they decided to depart from us. They may still be alive, father. We could go looking for them if you would like?"
"No. Basilisk and Adder are disappointments. The weak links in the chain. If I were to see them, I would-"
The king was interrupted by a woman who ran through the path that the others created. She had the lower half of an wolf. She padded over to Prometheus and slapped him across the face.

The others said 'oooo' as Bloodbourne snorted. Wendy hide behind Bloodbourne and smiled.
"What did you do to my dog?!" she hissed as Prometheus, who rubbed the side of his face. He sneered and ran his hand through his hair. "I didn't eat him. He's probably around here somewhere. Maybe Syther has him."
"Syther is to much of a sweetheart! He wouldn't so such a thing."
Bloodbourne decided to get into the conversation. "That's what the gods thought about me too. Now Look at me."
Irene glared at Bloodbourne and her eyes widened. "Bloodbourne? Is that you?"
"In the dead flesh." he grinned a ear-to-ear grin, his sharp canine like teeth showing.

Irene smiled. The two clapped hands then bumped fists. "I thought you had died!" she said.

"I can never truly die, darling. You of all people should know that."

"Who's the kid behind ya?" she looked at Wendy. "Let me guess, you banged a demon and now you're stuck with her? Predictable"

Wendy turned away and covered her face. Bloodbourne laughed. "Oh no. She's ain't a normal child. She's part dragon. I can sense it!"

Irene raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms. "You need to rest. Those horns of yours weren't the only thing you lost in hell. Also some brain cells."

Bloodbourne ran his hand through his hair and hissed. He touched at the area where his large antlers used to stick out of. They would terrify many but Igneel took them from him.
"You better watch your mouth before I fuck it."

Irene chuckled and flipped her hair back. She grinned and swayed her hips. "I would love to see you try."

A long blade grew from Bloodbourne's index finger. It glowed a bright blue.
Prometheus placed his hand on his fathers shoulder. "She's testing you , father. Don't fall for her tricks. I have learned." he placed his other hand on a large scar on his chest. Bloodbourne glared at the scar and sneered. The blade retracted and disappeared. 

"You did that?" he asked.
Irene nodded her head and popped her neck. "All your boys have tried to corner me. But I ended up cornering them. All of them have a scar at least somewhere. Neck, leg , chest, HA even another place..." she said.
Prometheus shivered.

Bloodbourne glanced around and yawned. "I need some sleep."

"We sleep in the trees in this day and age now." Prometheus informed his father. "At night, hunters come out looking for us. They can't see us in the trees."

"Hunters eh? Well then i'll see ya'll in the morning." with those words, Bloodbourne climbed up a thick tree with branches that covered the sky. He climbed deeper into the tree till you could couldn't see him.
Wendy stood alone staring at the ground. Irene padded over to the girl and placed her hand on her shoulder. "You stay by be. Just because you a little girl doesn't mean the men here will spare you."

"I thought I was the only girl here." Wendy said.
"You are. I am a woman. You are a girl. There is a difference. You were born human, I was born dragon. Now , let's get in the trees and rest. It's almost dark. Tomorrow you will train with me."
Irene carried the girl bridal style and jumped up into the trees. Many followed as the moon appeared in the sky.


Ms. Temon loaded her pistol, threw her backpack over her shoulder and tossed a gum in her mouth. She packed many things in her backpack. Grenades , ammo , another pistol, a few throwing knifes , chains, and grappling hook. She even managed to stick a harpoon in there. Mr. Zanquille laid against his chair, feet on the desk and hands behind his back. He adjusted his sunglasses and smiled.

"You're in for a surprise, Miranda. There's something in those woods that you shouldn't tamper with."

Ms.Temon (or Miranda) glared at Zanquille and rolled her eyes. "How do you know?"

"I've told you. I get these weird feelings in my gut. I just know that one of you guys are gonna-" Zanquille sliced his finger across his neck and grinned. "Die"

"Shut the hell up, Zanquille!" A muscular man from across the room yelled. He had orange hair that that was slicked back. He had a prosthetic arm and leg. "At least we have the bravery to go deal with it. While you're sitting here with your big ass on that chair!"

"First of all, thank you for calling my ass big, I appreciate it. Second , This chair has four tiny little wheels that allow me to roll around this school like i'm that one frog meme on a unicycle."

"That meme is called 'Dat Boi' you uncultured swine." Ms.Temon hissed. "Now. Let's go! The others are already waiting outside."
Both Miranda and Gildarts walked out of the room as Zanquille stood up from his chair and closed the door behind them,locking it too.

He laid down a red blanket in front of the large window in his class room. He kneeled down and got in a praying position. His wings began to turn black.

"Father, I wish that you spare mercy on them. Miranda has just started her journey, and Gildart's journey is to legendary to finish so early. I wish not to hear that such close friends died. So please-" Zanquille removed his glasses to show his blue eyes, the white of the eye being black. "-Show mercy please. For me. Basilisk seems to not care for the human species but I do. I care very much. Please let Gildarts live, especially Miranda. Let them live."

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