Chapter 12

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(Warning: the chapter will have some severe language that may be offensive and sexual content sooo...If you don't like that stuff then you may wanna skip this chapter.)

Syther was weirded out by Romeo's sudden burst of joy this morning. Even Vic seemed uncomfortable. Romeo was with Wendy by a tree and talking away like if there was no tomorrow. Irene watched alongside Syther and smiled at the fact Romeo was happy for once. But it was probably gonna end rather soon. Two of Romeo's bullies came padding over, both of them having the lower half of a panther. Though the boys are in no way related, everyone -even Bloodbourne- nicknamed the two 'the toxin twins'

The reason being how freaking fast and lethal the two were in battle and training. The eldest was Nathian. Nathian is a pale teenage boy, with brown curly hair and neon green highlights. He has four blue eyes with four smaller pointed ears. The other one was Randall, who was anything but sane. Randall is a bit more tanner than Nathian but still under the category of 'pale'. His hair his blond and spiky, covering the ride side of his face. He only had two blue eyes with four large pointed ears.

Behind the two boys were a group of other kids, who followed them just to look cool. Irene let out a sigh as the two approached Wendy and Romeo. "Let's see what happens here."

Nathian was the first to speak. "Why if it isn't Romeo! My very best friend Romeo!" he then wrapped his forearm around Romeo's neck and gave him a noogie. Romeo quickly jerked away and ran his hands through his hair. "Fuck off, Nathian!"

Nathian only grinned. He was about to push him again when he noticed Wendy. "Who's this?" he asked, gesturing towards her. "I don't think she's your sister, she's too hot to be your sister."

Wendy's face flushed up as Nathian then winked at her. Romeo stood in front of her and growled. "She's just a friend! Now leave her alone!"

"What about you go and fuck yourself!" Randall then shoved him away, causing him to fall to the ground. The group behind the boys let out a laugh. Nathian chuckled but immiteitedly put his attention back on Wendy. He examined her from head-to-toe and licked his top lip. "So what's your name, baby?"

"W-Wendy." she stuttered.

"That's a cute name. Mine's Nathian."

"DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME!" Romeo shouted from the ground. He quickly got back up and ran at Nathian. Romeo then felt a sharp pain on his side, as if he had been hit with a shovel or something. He fell again and saw Randall above him. "Go hang out with the fags or something. That's where you belong!"

Randall then began to deliver kicks to Romeo's head. Nathan laughed and so did the group as tears streamed down Romeo's face. Nathan then wrapped his arm around Wendy and pulled her close. She tried to pull away, but Nathian only pulled her closer.

Irene glared at Syther, who had his eye twitching with anger. He then began to march towards the group, his fist clenched and veins popping out of his forehead. Irene grabbed his arm but he just jerked it away.

Syther's right hand began to transform. All his fingers turned into long green blades. Acid dripped from the tips. This hand was a peek at what Syther truly looked like when angry. Irene had only seen it once in her life and she wishes she hadn't.

Every one of Bloodbourne's sons has a hint of what their true form is. Prometheus teeth on the sides of his face, Syther's blade fingers , Adder's wings, Basilisk's barbs on his back. Theirs were easier to spot, but the others you would have to get a closer look. Wayne has extra eyes on both of his shoulder blades and then Dragan had an extra tongue. As for the other two, Irene never found out about what their's were. 

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