Chapter 18

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(Omg guys, We have 1.K READS ALREADY! THANK YA'LL! BE BLESSED! also, i made the thingy up there! It's mine and a sneak peak of what may be happening in the next few chapters! Also, sorry this is so short. I've been working on others books and well i'm kinda on a writers block.)


Erza's POV

The minutes passed by quick in Mother's car. The constant bickering between Erik and Laxus caused me to plug in my headphones and block out the world. It was early Saturday morning, and the we were going on our first job, of course, with professional supervision. Which was Mother, sadly.

I felt lonely since Mira wasn't here, she's still recovering in that cold hospital, always having nightmares, panic attacks, night terrors, miniature seizures and devoloping PTSD according to the doctors. Their not sure of a lot of things, but we all surely know she won't be the same vibrant, social beauty once she gets out.

I watched as the environment outside shifted into thick woods and brush. It seemed the sun disappeared in this place, and mist hovered over the woods. I looked to my side to see even Laxus and Erik pausing their arguing to stare.

"Welcome to the Finyesh forest." Mother chuckled from the diver's seat. "The sun is usually always covered by  the dark grey clouds and mist flows through the woods 24/7. The forest is infested with Hell-Raiser infected animals. The locals say that they normally aren't bothered by them since there's enough deer, bear, cougar and elk, but in one town it's different. A huge pack of Tar-Bleeders and a large Poalone have been terrorizing the locals, it's our job to either take 'em down or push them far from the town."

"This place is out of a fucking horror movie." Laxus mumbled, shivering as a cloud of crows flew from a tree. Erik jumped into the passengers seat and grinned. "Are we really gonna push them away?"

Mother laughed. "Hell no. We're gonna do what what hunters fucking do. Hunt and kill shit."

I took my ear buds out of my ears as Erik and Laxus both cackled. Mother turned up the radio to today's top hits, causing both of the boys to glance at each other as they heard what song it was. Though it was the middle of the song, both of them fangirled.

Bad things

It's a lot of bad things

That they wishin' and wishin' and wishin' and wishin'

They wishin' on me

 Erik and Laxus song along as Mother mouthed the lyrics. I shut my phone off and tapped my foot to the beat.

Bad things

It's a lot of bad things

That they wishin' and wishin' and wishin' and wishin'

They wishin' on me

Yuh, ay, ay

Mother turned up the volume to 18 as there favorite part came on.

She say, "Do you love me?" I tell her, "Only partly"

I only love my bed and my momma, I'm sorry


When we reached the town, it looked deserted. We slowly drove on the road, looking through the windows for any sign of life. Nothing but mist, thick, annoying mist.

Finally, we saw a white van in the distance heading our way, its bright headlights catching our attention. "There's a lot of people in there." Erik said, throwing on his hood. "I can hear them."
I looked at him oddly since he out of nowhere threw his hood over his head, covering his horns and pointy ears.

"Me too. Now, all of you shut up." Mother ordered as the car pulled up next to us, both of us rolling down our windows. A middle-aged man with a white and grey beard was driving the car. He took a cigar out of his mouth and tipped his blue cap. He acted normal at first till he noticed moms horns, he kinda froze.

Now I now why brother put his hood on. To cover his horns.

The man then shook his head and cleared his throat. "Now, what are you folks doing in town?"

"We're the hunters that were called. I'm a professional and these three-" mother pointed at us. "-are some noobs. This is gonna be there first job." Mother answered, keeping her free hand tight on the gun next to her thigh.

"I was told there was gonna be 5 of 'ya!"

Mother's mood dropped, she looked down and sighed. "The fifth was violently hurt in a 'accident.' She couldn't make it."

"Oh...Well, i'm afraid most of the people have left town since the attack. In fact, i'm pulling about 15 people in he-"

"Attack?" Mother interrupted. 

The old man nodded his head. "Yeah! a huge herd of some some of 'em tar-bleeding-dogs and another of 'em giant snakes came by and caused some chaos. The population is now 500 instead of 700."

"I see.." Mother removed her hand from her pistol and put it back on the steering wheel. "Thanks for letting us know."

"Pleasure. Now, see you folks around." The man then rolled up his window and drove off, leaving us in silence. Mother unbuckled her seat belt and stretched. "Alright guys, lets get off. The guns are in the trunk, remember, only use magic if necessary. I'll be taking the poalone."

We all nodded and stepped out of the vehicle, heading to the trunk. I grab my assigned weapon and everyone else grabbed theirs. As i'm about to close the drunk, I saw Mira's gun laying there. It looked lonely and dusty. I closed it.

 "Use you're blades if they get too close!" Mother reminded us. 

Mother and I stood in front of the car facing one way while Erik and Laxus faced the way we came. I clenched the machete tied to my belt and sighed, I was scared. Mother took out her phone and began typing in something on youtube. After awhile, she turned her volume up and held her phone in the air.

Goat noises began to play from it. Erik and Laxus looked over their shoulders, confused and alarmed. 

It was silent, well, except for the goat noises. After a minute, mother turned off her phone and put it away. She held her gun tightly and got in position.

Beautiful silence.

Then chaos.

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