Chapter 14

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Mirajane's POV

By the time I reached the school, I was halfway to deaths door. A part of me wanted just to run straight to the city, but there were multiple problems with that. I can't just be sent to the hospital and say "Oh yeah I was raped by the Hell-King haha whats up?"

No. I needed to see professionals that knew about Hell-Raisers. I banged my fists against the school doors and let out the loudest scream I've ever done. No one came. I knew the teachers must be here. So I screamed louder. 

Then I saw Mr. Zanquille run around the corner and sprint to the doors. His eyes widened the moment he got closer. He opened the doors and I fell onto the school ground since I was leaning against the door when he opened it.

He must have gotten a look at my back because he said "Oh my god." in the most fearful voice I've heard from him. He lifted me up bridal style and ran to the right into the cafeteria where Ms. Temon , Mard geer , and Mavis were eating some takeout.

They saw me and all gasped, even Mard geer who dropped his burger. Mavis seemed the most shocked, she probably knew exactly who caused it too because she gripped her burger so tight that it pretty much fell to pieces.

Mard geer swept all the food over to the end of the cafeteria table and Mr. Zanquille placed me on the table. I could fell crumbs press up against my wounds. I wanted to scream.

Ms. Temon ran out of the cafeteria and soon came back with a lot of medical supplies. As I laid upon the table, Mavis looked over me with concern. 

Then she said something.
A name. 

Her face shifted into anger and she soon walked slowly out of the cafeteria as Mr. Zanquile and Mard geer began cleaning up the blood. "Mavis," Mard geer asked. "Where are you going?"

Mavis looked over her shoulder and pretended to smile. "Just to go talk to a old friend."

With no other words, she walked out of the school. Mard geer and Zanquille seemed as terrified as ever. They've never seen Mavis as angry as that and I could tell. The moment of silence was broke when Ms. Temon shoved both of the boys away, a syringe and what look like container in her hand. "STEP ASIDE!"

I felt the tip of the syringe touch one of my wounds, making me close my eyes shut and try not to screech like a banshee. Then I felt no poke. I looked over my shoulder to see Ms. Temon injecting the fluid that she got from my wound into the container. "Perfect!"


"She's not dying. Believe me, this isn't the first time I've seen marks like those." Temon then looked down at her feet, her face now gloomy and sad. The boys stared before resuming back to treating me. 

Mard geer cleaned my back with a wet rag and towel. After 5 minutes of cleaning, Mr. Zanquille began stitching them up. Ms. Temon was at another table, running tests with the sample she got from. I gripped the towel Mard geer gave me each time Zanquille poked the needle into my skin.

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