Code LVI: The Gleaming Reality

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All of the agents were called back to the mansion to rendezvous as well as prepare for a late dinner and celebration for the successful test. Xora and Levi met in the clinic with Armin and Vinicio once they'd arrived to double check the physical and mental statuses of the duo. Miraculously, they were just barely without wounds, and there was nothing abnormal about their cranial activity. Other than feeling exhausted, they felt as alright as the word itself would allow.

After agreeing to debrief after dinner, the team left to the dining area, with the usual cooks getting to work in the kitchen. Levi, of course, refused to let anyone sit at the table without helping make dinner. Connie and Vinicio set out dishes, napkins, and silverware. Marco helped Xora move the tables and chairs to accommodate for the number of people. Mikasa and Eren set out drinks according to everyone's preferences. And of course, Sasha ran the kitchen, with Levi, Jean, Armin, and Esfir to help with cooking. Hanji was in charged of grilling. Cooking a meal for ten people was a task that required everyone's help.

When the food was finally ready to be served, everyone gathered at the table, seated expectantly around the table. They exchanged uneasy and curious glances; most particularly, Levi was most's item of interest. His glare was even worse than usual. But for what reason?

Had Hanji done something to annoy him again? Perhaps, did the Xyrochron fail on him? Or maybe he received some bad news from Erwin while everyone was separated with their tasks?

Whatever it was, everyone agreed on debriefing after eating, thus, no questions should have been asked then. They had to get through the meal first.

No one spoke a word as the food was served and passed around the table. For the entirety of the dinner, the silence was deafening and saturated with awkwardness. Sasha occasionally whispered things to Connie on her right and Vinicio on her left, but ultimately shied away from beginning a conversation.

Halfway through their meal, Levi abruptly stood. His plate was clean, but he had only served himself a few pieces of the vegetable stir-fry, a bread bun with butter, and a glass of orange juice.

"I've not much of an appetite tonight," he said quietly, picking up his plate, silverware, and glass. Every stare traced him as he moved. "I'll be leaving first. See you all in the data room after you've finished eating."

Quietly, he left the dining hall, and all eyes turned to focus on Xora. She was slowly chewing on a chunk of rotisserie chicken, her eyes concentrated on her cup of ice water. For a few moments, no one spoke a word. Then Hanji suddenly stood, the legs of her chair scraping harshly against the wood. She stomped out after Levi, leaving the others in stunned silence.

As Hanji left the dining hall, she made sure to slam the door shut, turning the corner to see Levi headed to the lobby. She caught up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, whipping him around to face her. He looked astonished at first, but his expression quickly changed into one of annoyance.

"What the hell are you doing?" Hanji asked forcedly, glaring at him. "We have to debrief as soon as the meal is over. You can't just up and leave. What is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?"

"Acting like what?" Levi retorted, pushing Hanji's hand off of his shoulder. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You're acting like a child! Making everyone uncomfortable and all, you little kid!" Hanji stamped her foot impatiently. "I understand that you may be angry at Xora or something, but would it kill you to stop taking it out on everybody else?"

Levi's eyebrows knit together and he glowered, clicking his tongue. "I'm doing nothing to the others. Take your shit out of your ass, shitty four-eyes, and stop bothering me." He tried to turn and leave again, but Hanji grabbed him by the collar and pulled his face close to hers. The face she wore was blank, but her gaze was nearly livid.

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