The News

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"Alright, I'll get the formalities over with as soon as possible. Now, was there anything else, Namjoon-ssi?" He asked the younger male. At his denial, Bang-nim nodded, "In that case, you should get back to practice. I believe you all have a comeback show soon, do you not? I'll ask (Y/n)-ssi to accompany you all then as well."

Namjoon nodded and thanked the older man again before smiling and heading out of the cabin after excusing himself. Having the (h/c) haired girl around them so much would be interesting, was the thought running through his mind as he pushed his hands in his pockets and walked to the practice room to give the others the news. 


As soon as the dark orangish haired man had entered the practice room, he was immediately bombarded by questions from his six companions as Taehyung immediately runs over to hang onto him, arms around his shoulders, looking at their leader in child-like curiosity. "What did Bang-nim say?" came Jin's voice. 

"Was he happy that we accepted noona as our caretaker? He must have been, he was the one who suggested her in the first place." Jungkook said in excitement. 

"Will we be able to keep noona with us for longer?" "Can noona come to watch us practice sometimes?" Asked the other two maknae, making the others chuckle a bit at how much they wanted to impress the girl.

"Calm down.. I talked to Bang-nim and he agreed to give (Y/n)-ah a contract for two years with the job as caretaker." Namjoon said as he took a seat on the hardwood floor in the same circle as where the others were standing or sitting, Taehyung plopping down next to him as he listens. At Suga's question, "There's more to it than that, isn't there?", the slightly younger boy smiled and rubs the back of his neck. 

"Yeah, he said that he was planning on asking (Y/n)-ah to be a semi-manager to us, since the managers seem to need help with the work." He said as he lightly runs his fingers through his hair, watching his band-mates for their reaction. The boys, at first, just looked at each other before grinning. The maknae trio seemed the most excited at the news as the other hyungs only smiled and nodded in understanding. 

"So noona can come on tours with us? And concerts? And the fanmeetings too?" Taehyung asked as he bounced a bit in his place, grinning happily. "waaaait.. How will the A.R.M.Y. react to her? If she's close to us the whole time, won't they maybe..." Jimin trailed off at the end of his sentence, started to get a bit worried. Jin was the one who answered, "We can think about all that later.. But since she is going to be like a manager to us, I don't think the A.R.M.Y. should mind.." 

"And we can always try our best to help her if she gets into difficult situations" Suga finished for Jin with a nod, looking at them all. He was happy that they would get to spend more time with the (h/c) haired girl but why should he just reveal his feelings so easily to everyone? He still wanted to get to know (Y/n) better before completely being himself with her like he was with the other members.

After a bit more of discussions and talk, they finally started with practice, all of them anticipating when their (h/c) haired caretaker would come to meet them later with lunch. 

Meanwhile with (Y/n)

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