Surprise Visitor

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Disclaimer: The events that follow will in no way, shape or form, be how they actually may or did happen in real life. If they do, then I assure you, it is merely a coincidence. I only own the idea for this story and nothing more.

I'm just going to be using my imagination and ideas to make something interesting for my readers. I just want to try and get their personalities right~

Enjoy the chapter~


Last chapter:

"Alright alright.. I think that's enough.. We should have breakfast so we can finish off the house work and head to the mall." Namjoon says with a chuckle, pocketing his phone. "Besides, I'm really hungry.."

"That's completely right. It's time to eat." (Y/n) says in a huff then rushes to the kitchen to start making a few more batches of waffles and a few pancakes, just to make sure everyone is well fed. Chuckles from the seven boys followed her in as the three youngest boys followed their noona into the kitchen to help; everyone was feeling excited to spend a fun day with their friends and their caretaker.


After a day filled with fun and shopping, the eight of them stepped into the dorms, laughing and chatting, the boys having their sunglasses, caps or beanies and face masks disguising them. On the other hand, (Y/n) was only wearing her face mask, her cheeks being a bit red since she seemed to have gained some fans while they were out. Even though a mask covered half her face, at times when they all parted to go into their chosen shops, and the (h/c) haired was alone looking for things herself, she was approached by quite a few men, trying to flirt with her, ask her out for coffee, offering to buy her stuff. She rejected each time, but had to eventually look around for one of the others for help whenever someone asked her to take off her mask or became too persistent. 

Luckily for her, one or the other from the boys came looking for her, like it was a deal made between the seven of them that one boy should be close to her all the time. She was very grateful for that, since, at times, to get out of the situations, the boys would have to call her 'jagi' or 'babe', acting like they were together. On one hand, the boys seemed to be enjoying it, while on the other, the (h/c) haired girl turned red each time either of the boys got close to her and hugged her, kissed her head, called her 'jagi' or looked at her with love filled eyes. Even though she knew it was an act to help her out, her heart started beating faster whenever either of the boys would hold her hand or smile at her. Luckily though, the act worked and the other men just looked at her from afar, though what surprised her was that whoever helped her, didn't let her hand go until they reached the others; not even Jungkook, who had come to help her while she was at a small charm shop, let her hand go until they reached the others, which was surprising with how shy he was around her most of the time.

As they entered the dorms, laden with bags of their shopping and groceries, all of them were happy and exhausted. They had enjoyed spending the time together, most of them getting what they wanted from their chosen shops. As soon as they reached home, (Y/n) instantly rushed to the kitchen to put away the groceries, making the others look at each other then shake their heads. 

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