Rehearsal and Reveal?

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Disclaimer: The events that follow will in no way, shape or form, be how they actually may or did happen in real life. If they do, then I assure you, it is merely a coincidence. I only own the idea for this story and nothing more.

I'm just going to be using my imagination and ideas to make something interesting for my readers. I just want to try and get their personalities right~

Also, I will be making up names for the photographer and a few of the staff, since I don't know who took the photographs and all for the boys' ad commercial with VT.

Enjoy the chapter~


Last chapter:

Once Sejin-nim came back to them, he guided them where they had to go, walking to the elevators and pressing the third floor button. Soon enough, they had reached the floor and stepped out of the elevator. "You all can remove your masks and caps now, but before we get into the elevator to head back later, you'll all have to wear them again." He informed them all. They all nodded and handed the masks and caps to their (h/c) haired manager, who thanked them and put the said items, including her own mask, into the bag which had the sunglasses.

"Now, we go straight and into the room four doors down to the left. That is where everyone is expecting us." He stated as he guided them down the passage towards the said door. 


As they headed down the corridor, it almost seemed like the seven boys were protecting the (h/c) haired girl, much to the amusement of the other two managers. They had all formed a circle around her, almost hiding her completely from other people, making the said girl sigh and gently try to push her way through. Even as all this happened, it didn't stop the people they passed from turning around and watching them, some, if not all, of them feeling excited as they get to see BTS. The ones who did manage to catch a glimpse of (Y/n) from in between the boys, were unable to stop themselves from staring at her, mesmerized by her beauty, and wondering who she was.

"Guys, I'm one of your managers. You should let me walk at the front with Sejin-oppa and Jigaemae-nim." She almost whined, but knew she couldn't since they were at work. She looked to her right when her hand was held by a soft but larger hand, her eyes landing on Jimin, who was giving her his famous eye smile. "Don't worry about it, noona~" 

Sighing softly as she gives up trying to protest, she walked with them and entered the room that they had to go in. As soon as they entered, all activity stopped inside the rather large room. "Annyeonghasaeyo. We are from Big Hit Entertainment. This is BTS, and I am their head manager, Sejin. With me, are managers Jigaemae-ssi and (Y/n)-ssi." The oldest male said while bowing to the photographer, his crew, the stylist and their crew and the make up crew that were there. Behind him, all the others bowed at the waist as well. 

"Annyeonghasaeyo and welcome to VT. I'm the photographer, Sun Ryoha" The man, who was standing behind the camera said as he bowed his head back at them all, before introducing his team to them all. He looked to be rather experienced and had short dark hair and brown eyes, which were covered by black framed round glasses. He was quite tall, as tall as Sejin-nim, and seemed rather kind from his facial features, his clothing being casual yet professional, the way he held the camera was confident and relaxed. By now, (Y/n) had managed to pull away from the circle around her and was standing on Jimin's other side, his hand still holding hers lightly, which did not go unnoticed by a few of the crew, but they couldn't say anything because of how beautiful she was.

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