Fansign Continues and...?

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Disclaimer: The events that follow will in no way, shape or form, be how they actually may or did happen in real life. If they do, then I assure you, it is merely a coincidence. I only own the idea for this story and nothing more.

I'm just going to be using my imagination and ideas to make something interesting for my readers. I just want to try and get their personalities right~

OMG!!! 1.2K reads? THANK YOU SO SO MUCH.. When I started this, I hadn't thought that I would get as many reads and I am so so thankful.. So... To celebrate 1k reads to this book, I'll add more moments between (Y/n) and the members. Hope you all like~

Enjoy the chapter~


Last chapter:

Jungkook turns to look at her and smiles, only for the older girl and slip a small piece of chocolate in his mouth. "You're doing well, Kookie.. Just a bit more.." She says with a soft smile, gaining a bunny like smile in return from the younger boy. Unknown to them both, a few fans had instantly taken pictures of them, already shipping them even more.

Whenever she noticed one of the boys needing it, the (h/c) haired girl would quickly give their shoulder a gentle but reassuring squeeze and urge them to continue, praising them and, at times, handing them some a bite of food, which they all happily accepted. She could tell they were getting hungry; it had been a while since they all had eaten after all- they hadn't really eaten since lunch really, so they were bound to be hungry. As all this happened, the A.R.M.Y., ever quick to notice and take pictures of their biases, would cheer even more and take more photos. 


As the fansign continued, (Y/n) furrowed her brows in worry at how tired they all looked. Signalling one of the other assistant-managers to take over for a moment, she walks to Sejin-nim and softly calls out, not wanting the boys or A.R.M.Y. to hear, "Sejin-oppa... Is it just me or do the others look tired?" She asks and looks back at the seven boys, who didn't stop from signing the fans' albums or books or posters etc. while talking to them and providing fanservice to their precious A.R.M.Y.

Sejin-nim looked at them too and nods lightly, slightly adjusting his glasses as a way to hide his worried frown. "They do... Maybe..." He looks around and spots the small bottles of juice in a box before looking back at the (h/c) haired girl. "Can you maybe hand them those juice bottles? They could do with some energy, since quite a few rows are left.." He says, looking at the arena where all the fans sat, there being atleast 7 rows of fans, with about 10 in each row, left. 

The girl follows his gaze and nods lightly, "Sure.. I'll do that.." She says, still a bit worried before taking the small box and walking to the curtains hiding the audience from the backstage. Before she could step onto the stage, Sejin-nim calls out to her, "And, (Y/n)-ah.. Don't hold yourself back if you feel like you need to talk to the boys when you think they need some motivation, alright? I feel like they would appreciate your support more at the moment.." He smiles at her, making the girl smile and nod back at him. 

With that, she exits onto the stage and starts to gently place the small bottles next to each of the boys, smiling when they look back at her and smile in thanks, before turning their attention back to the A.R.M.Y. in front of them. After putting the box back behind the stage, she walks back to the seven boys, going back to putting the gifts they had just gotten into the labelled boxes behind them. 

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