Chapter Five

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Jason Pov

"So tell me some things about yourself" I said

"Well what do you want to know" she said smiling.

"I don't know... anything" I said flashing my signature smile. She giggled.

"Well, I am the only child, I live with my mother and father. I love art, music and cooking." She said with pride in her voice. "What about you ?"

"Alright, I'm also an only child, living with my single mother. Basketball and football are my favorite sports." And I love you from the first time I laid eyes on you I thought to myself.

Corny, I know, but I really did.

Kaylee Pov

"That's interesting" I said

We finished our food with a light conversation and headed towards the car. He opened the door for me like a gentleman.

"So, do you want to hang out at my place?" he said with a hopeful look on his face. He caught himself " I mean to talk you know if you want to." I laughed lightly, "Sure, I would like to." He started up the car and drove off.

15 minutes later

We pulled up to this mini mansion. It was a dark cream with a white trim, a water fountain of a statue, four car garage.

Wow... He got money. Or his mom. Or maybe he's a secret drug dealer.

Shaking those thoughts out of my head, I stepped out of his car and continued to look around in awe.

"You have a beautiful home"
"Thanks "

He put his large hand on the small part of my back and walked towards the door and opened it. 

As soon the door opened I was even more amazed. There was a huge chandler hanging down the ceiling, two grand staircases with black railings and a small arch way leading into the living room.  ''Do you want a tour of the house?'' he said with a amused look on his face. ''Yeah'' I said nodding my head. He started leading me up the stairs and into wide hallway. He showed me a couple of guest bedrooms and bathrooms and we got to his room. It was not so bad. It had grey and white walls, a couple of posters around the room, a desk, a 50' something inch TV on the wall, and two doors which might be the bathroom and closet. I walked in and dropped myself onto his freshly made bed, he soon did the same thing. He looked at me with his intense blue eyes and I noticed that he had stubble around his jaw and chin area. 

 God, he is so sexy and handsome, the things that I would to his body...  

I quickly erased those thoughts out of my head. "So you wanna watch a movie or nah?'' he said clicking his tongue at the 'or nah' part. Laughing, I said yes 'what kind of movies do you have. ''Well I have Let me explain, Captain America, and many more.'' ''Lets watch let me explain'' I said sitting up against the headboard. ''OK let me go get the popcorn and drinks, I'll be right back.'' He walked out and I couldn't help but to take one of his pillow and smelling it. He smelled like axe and sweat. The good kind of sweat.  

A few moments later, he came back with a big bowl of popcorn, two big bottles of sprite, and a couple of bags of candy, then he put on the movie. A couple of minutes later, we were laughing our ass off to Kevin's jokes. My phone stared to vibrate  and my mom's picture popped up, I quickly answered. 

Phone convo 


mom-Where have you been young lady, you've been going for 3 hours and I was worried about you 

me-Sorry mama, I'm hang out with a friend of mines 

mom- And who's this friend 


mom- umm what 

me- his name is Jason 

mom- you better not be doing anything foolish and come home now its almost 8 

me-ok mama, I will be there and I'm not doing anything like that 

mom- ok see you later 

me- ok bye 

End of convo 

''Well that was my mom saying that I need to go home now'' I sadly said. ''Well we can always have moments like this more but let's get you home before mama and papa bear gets mad.'' he said with humour in his voice. 

Jason grab my hand and we walked outside to his car. 

20 minutes later 

Jason pulled up to my house and said, ''I had a great time with you'' 'yeah me too''. He slow leaned into me an gave me a soft peak on my lips, ''there might be more of that in store''. We said our goodbyes and I walked to my door and unlocked it, I waved at him and went inside. When Jason kissed me it felt like sparks and fireworks. Very corny, but it's true. I said goodnight to my parent and went upstairs to my room and got changed into my pajamas and fell asleep with Jason soft lips in my mind. 

Jason pov 

After me and Kaylee kissed, my lips stilled tingled from her soft, plump lips. I drove back home, went upstairs, changed and was knocked out as soon my head hit the pillow with Kaylee in my mind. 

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