Chapter Six

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Did you guys miss me? So I haven't been updating lately buy here's a chapter to make it up... Enjoy



I woke in a good mood this morning. After yesterday event coming back into my head I smiled softly to myself and thought of Jason. I got off my bed and did my morning routine. After that, I went to my walk-in-closet and picked out ripped skinny jeans that made my butt look bigger, white fitted v-neck t-shirt,a black leather jacket and black boots with gold studs. Then I straightened my curly hair, grabbed my phone, keys, bag and headed down stairs. 

"Morning mom and dad" with glee in my voice. 

"Wow someone is in a good mood this morning, does this have to do with that boy?" mom said

"What boy" dad said, removing his newspaper from his face. 

"Umm, no" I said 

They both looked at me with a eyebrows rasied, I quickly sat down and started to eat my breakfast. After ten mintues with my parents staring at me, I got up and saying good bye to them. Walking outside to my car, starting it and Wu-Tang Forever by Drake came on the radio. I started singing with the song, making hands movements like Drake. About 10 minutes later, I pulled up to the school, parked my car and got out. I walked over to the girls. 

"Hey girls" I said 

"Hey" they said in unison 

"Why you so happy chica'' said Tina 

"Why makes you think that happy" 

''Well, you're bursting with it, whose the guy?" said Courtney with a knowing look on her face 

"Ooh Kaylee got a man!!" Tina and Victoria loudly 

"Shut up" I felt heat rushing to my face. 

They all laughed. 

"Hey baby" I felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around me and a deep voice, that sent shivers up my spine.  

I turned around to see Jason with his fine a**. He was wearing a white v-neck, black pants and all black Jordan's 11s. His strong cologne filled my senses. I found myself staring at him. 

"Enjoying the view babe?" he said with a smirk on his face. I quickly snapped out my daydream. 

"Yes, I love view" with a equally smirk on my face. He chuckled and pulled my into his arms that felt like home. 

"Girls, this Jason my fri-" Jason cuts me off, "Her boyfriend" he said with such confidence

I looked at him like he was on drugs or something. 

They all introduced themselves and we talked until the bell ringed. Me and Jason walked together to first period and sat right next to each other. 

"What was that?" looking at him. 

"What do you mean" 

"You called me your girlfriend, which I'm not' but I would like to be 

"Kaylee,I like you more as a friend and want you more than a friend" he said with a intense look in his eyes,"but, I willing to go as slow with you"

"Ok, let's just take things slow because I'm new to this relationship thing, alright" 

"Anything for you"

Mr.Wrights walked in and started to teach the lesson, and gave us our assignment to do. The class was filled with light conversations, since Mr. Wright said we could work in groups of three. So, me, Courtney and Jason worked together. 

"So, are you guys a couple yet?" Courtney said with an innocent look on her face 

"We're working on it '' Jason said, sending a smile to me. 

We worked and talked and then the bell ring for second period. I told Courtney that I would see her in lunch and walked with Jason to second period. We were the first ones there. The rest of the class started to show up one by one. Then Ms. Jackson told to get with our partners to continue the project, which I completely forgot. Jason and I started doing the work and then Linda decides to make her presence know by clearing her throat. 


I heard a person clear their throat behind me, which happens to be Linda. I swear she doesn't know the meaning of no at all. I had a summer fling with Linda a couple of times and she started to get real clingy. Linda wanted a relationship with me and I will always refuse because I had my eyes set for Kaylee and Kaylee only. 

"Hi Jasy, why don't you ditch this fat black b**** and work with me?" Linda said, showing her cleavage even more with that tube top that makes me wanna throw up. What did I see in her back then. 

"Listen here you little whore, you need to go back from where you came from, he's working with me and me only. Now you walk your stank std ass somewhere else, because he doesn't need you" Kaylee said calmly

"So, you're going to let her talk to me like that?" Linda said screeching

"Well you heard her, dismiss yourself" I said. I heard her huff and puff her way back to seat. 

"Wow, Kay I didn't know that was in you, but that was hot and a real turn on." 

"You are mine and mine only, I don't want any of those hoes around you, do you understand" Kay whispered  to me 

I stared at her in shock. Didn't she just say she wanted to take things slow. 'Yes, I understand but that goes for you too?" I licked my lips after that. "Deal?" "Deal" she replied in a husky voice. The bell ringed for next period. 


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