Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


I walked in the bakery and smelled the freshly roasted coffee and pastries being made. This bakery was like a second home to me. 

" Good morning Kay" said Madison, a worker that has been with me since I open the bakery. I replied with a smile "Good morning Madie". I walked towards the back where the kitchen was located. I grabbed my purple and white apron and helped Jordan and Lisa, two other workers that I employed. 

"Good morning Jordan and Lisa" I said. 

"Good morning darling" Jordan said. Jordan is 18, fresh out from high school and he's gay. I swear this guy is hella funny. He always finds a way to make a smile appear in your face.

"Morning Kay" Lisa said with southern accent. Lisa is 21 years old and she's originally from Dallas, Texas. She came to Florida when she was about 8 years old. 

After greeting each other, we started to make vanilla, red velvet cupcakes and our famous desserts.  Today was just like any other day busy. So after helping Jordan and Lisa, I went to the front of the store to help Madison and Piper serve the customers. My eyes widen a bit becasue the line was going out the door and that never happen before. Shaking my head I went to go help the next customers. Oh boy. it's going to be a long day. 

Justine *Its Kaylee's mom if you forgot 

"Chris we have to tell her" I said with a worried look on my face. My lovey husband for the past 20 years walked towards me and grabbed my face in his large hands. 

"Sweetie we'll tell her when the time is right" Chris said 

"Baby its has been 23 years, I think it's time" I said 

"Ok baby if that's how you feel then we'll tell her" Chris said placing a soft kiss on my lips. I hope everything would go smooth after we tell her the big news. 


I parked my car in front of the foster care that spent half of my life in and walked in the double door. Mrs.Parker was sitting behind the front desk. Mrs.Parker is an 50 year old Caucasian lady that looked young for her age. She ran the foster care and made sure that each child goes into a safe home and she's a mother figure to me. 

"Lacey, it's so nice to see you! How are you? What can I do for you?" she stood up and and hugged real tight and I hugged back. 

"Hi Mrs.Parker. I'm doing fine. I was wondering if you have any info on my biological parents?" I said nervously 

"Oh, I think I might have your file from the agency. Follow me to my office" she said and lead the way to her small cream colored office. She went to the one of the three file cabinet that was in alphabetically order. She mumbled to herself as she searched and then she turned back to me with a file in her hand. 

"Here you go sweetie. Would you like a moment to yourself?" Mrs.Parker said with concern in her voice. 

"Yes please"  I replied. I saw her nodded her head ,went out the door and closed it behind her. 

Taking in a deep breathe, I open the file and slowly scanned the papers. It took me a good ten minutes to take in the information that I just read. I found out that my biological parents were Chris and Justine Wilson, I had a twin named Kaylee Wilson. Kaylee is my twin sister and had an obsessive stalker named Victoria. A tear fell out my right eye and the other tears came after each other, before I was crying a river. So much emotion and questions balled up for so many years. This wasn't a problem for me before but now it is. 


It was 8:30 at night as I was ready to go home to my children and husband. My staff and I cleaned up and locked the store up. We said out goodbyes and went to our cars. Starting the car and made my way to the main road. 10 minutes into driving, my phone was ringing and the caller id said mom. I pressed the accept button on the steering wheel. 

"Hi mom" 

"Hey baby girl. How was your day?" she said but she sound worried.

"It was busy as usual. How are you and dad?" 

"We're fine, listen sweetie are you off tomorrow?"  

"yeah I am, why is there something wrong?" i said 

"No sweetie we have something to tell you and it's not bad. So can you come over in the morning, by yourself please"

"Umm sure mom"

"Ok sweetie so see you tomorrow, good night"

"Ok good night ma, love you" 

"Love you too" And she hanged up 

Before I knew it, I was parked in front of my house and I was on auto pilot. A hundred and one thoughts ran my head. When I entered the house, it was quiet meaning the kids are asleep. I heard the living room tv playing sports. Setting my bag and keys on the kitchen table and walked to  the living room to see Jason on his recliner watching tv.

"Hey baby" I said tiredly. 

"Hey babe, how was work?" he said getting up and walking towards me. He wrapped his strong arms around me and I did the same. I snuggled into his chest and smelled his old spice soap on him. 

I said "it was busy as usual" but it came out muffled. Jason chuckled and it vibrated throughout my body. We stayed in this embrace for a while. 

Jason said, "I feel like there something else that you're hiding" Here's something that I liked about Jason, he always know when I'm upset, worried, happy etc. And I can't hide anything from him.

I pulled my face away from his warm chest and said, "My mom called me and said there something that her and my dad wanted to tell me but she said it's nothing bad. And now I'm worried" 

Jason gently grabbed my face with both hands and said "everything is going to be ok. Don't stress about ok?" i nodded my head and grabbed his face and pulled it down towards me and kissed him. 

He grabbed my hand and went upstairs to go to bed.


Whoa, two chapters in one day. 

Guess what???? This book just reached 10k !!!

I'm so happy and I would more happier if  you guys give me feedback and some votes. Please!! 

Oh I change Kaylee pic 

Characters on the side 

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