Chapter Nine

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Another update people enjoy and there is sexual scene towards the end so beware.



After the kisses that me and Jason shared, I felt so loved. I pulled up to driveway and skipped my way into the house. 

''Hi mom and dad'' I stopped skipping once I got to the kitchen.

''Once again, someone is extremely happy'' mom said cooking some mash potato, corn and chicken. 

''Little girl why are you so happy''  dad said looking away from his iPhone 5s. 

''Well, dad there's someone new to my life'' 

''And who's this new person and when can I meet him'' 

''What makes you think it's a guy'' 

''I had the same reaction when I met your father'' mom walked towards him and sat on his lap and started to kiss him. 

''Eww, PDA I don't want to see all of that''

They both ignored  me and continued to kiss. Shaking my head, I walked over to the stove and grabbed my plate and started to eat. Then my parents started to get their food and eating. After we all finished, I went upstairs and got ready for bed. I charged my phone and then my phone buzzed and a text popped up. 

Unknown-B****, you better stay away from my man or else 

I looked at the text, slightly scared and I had the idea that Linda might be behind it. putting my phone on my nightstand and went to sleep. 

(A/N I was about to stop it here but I wouldn't do that to you guys)


Driving home with my Kaylee on my mind and thinking about the things that I would do to her body. 20 minutes later, I parked my car in the garage and walked in the house to greet my mom. 

''Hey momma'' 

''Hey baby'' looking away form her Apple laptop. My mom is a plus sized woman. She looks just like me but with lighter brown hair, flawless face and deep dimples that I inheirted. 

"So mom I have some one new in my life'' 

'' Is that so, who is she'' 

''Her name is Kaylee and she's just beautiful. There's no words that can explain how amazing she is.'' 

''Hmm, sounds like you're in love''

''Yep, we became an item today'' 

''She's sounds like a keeper''

''Yeah I will never let her go, goodnight mom see you tomorrow'' kissing her on her cheek

I went upstairs to get ready for bed until my phone vibrated and it was from unknown.

Unknown- You should leave Kaylee alone... She's mine

Ignoring the text and a little bit worried, I put my phone on charge and went to sleep.

The next morning 


I don't need you 

I don't need you 

I don't need you 

I don't need you 

But I want you 

Waking up and to my ringtone that I set for Jason. 


Being the phat girl (BWWM/Interracial)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ