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He was so oblivious to me. I would watch him for hours and he wouldn't even notice, wouldn't even second guess the car following behind him to his 'happily ever after'. One day he would be in my arms again and I can only imagine the feeling again. That sweet bliss of heaven of having the only one you loved in your arms again, feeling their warmth, their heartbeat, just them being alive in your arms.

It's been a few weeks since I first scoped out their house and got a somewhat solid plan with Mitch, but I wanted sometime to watch him more to figure more out. Figure out how much more he's changed. I know that he now works at a small publishing company for children's book, his job being that he is in charge of art work whether its drawing it or deciding if it should be added or not. He also leaves work early every other to go pick up the third child from daycare then meeting the other two at home just in time for my replacement to arrive. Sometimes his friend comes in to have lunch with him but that's rare, normally he sits in a small coffee shop alone. There's been many times where I almost slipped and went to sit next to him but I just reminded myself that I would get my time sooner or later.

Sooner or later I will have my love in my arms.


"Payton stop holding the crayons away from Jace! He can use them just as much as you!" She was currently holding a box of crayons above Jace's head high enough he couldn't reach time making him shout for me. Meanwhile I was trying to get lunches made plus make breakfast for four mouths. I look up to see Harry walk into the kitchen holding Grayson in one arm while pushing hair out of his face with his free hand. Since he recently got all of his hair mostly cut off it was easier to manage, but not going to lie I miss his long hair.

He gave me a cheeky smile and kissed me lightly then going to help Grayson eat who was getting eggs all over himself and the floor.

Once breakfast was ready I called Payton and Jace into the kitchen, they were like little tornados when it came to food. I set everyone's plates down in front of them then went back to making lunches. As I look up at the clock I'm rushed to see that they will be late for the bus if they don't start going now.

"Alright you two let's get going so you won't be late." I handed them their lunches and walked them to the front porch kissing their foreheads goodbye. Before getting on the bus they wave at me once more then they disappear, I watch them pull away waving once more. As the bus turned to the next street I glanced down the opposite side of the street seeing a black SUV with heavy tinted windows sitting a few houses away. I pull a confused look considering that I've never seen that car on this street before but I shake it off as nothing serious. Once I walk back inside I see Harry sitting Gray on the floor surrounded by his many toys then slumping down on the couch.

"So what are we going to do with our day off?" I ask slowly as I climb on top of him straddling his waist. He instantly lies his hands on my thighs rubbing them lightly.

"Well, we could do anything. We do have the whole day." He gives me a smirk. That smirk.

"Harry we can't do that all day. We do have a child to take care of. But maybe later?" I push off his lap and into the kitchen where I could eat then start cleaning up the mornings mess.

As I start putting dishes in a stack I feel hands wrapped around my waist, then pull me back a little. He starts kissing the base of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"Harry, really?" I turned around in his arms and give him a wide smile then kissing him hard. My fingers ran through his hair as his hands dropped to my thighs picking me up to set me on the island. He broke away and started to trail kisses down my neck, I felt his hands snake up my shirt as I pulled him closer to me with my legs. Soon my shirt was off as he trailed the kisses down my chest, only stopping until he got to the waist band of my sweats. He gave me a smirk as he slowly pulled them down, kissing the inside of my thighs as he went. When he came back up he kissed the tip then brought his tongue up my shaft slowly and teasingly, letting out a shaky breath I leaned back on my elbows. As he took my length fully in his mouth my head fell back and I let out a moan louder than I probably should have. But before he could continue further the front door opened and Louis' loud voice ran through the house.

"Really guys! You have to do that on the island where people eat!" I jumped quickly off while grabbing my pants off the floor. Harry stands in front of me a shield so to say as a fix myself quickly, as I peer around him I see Louis covering Jacks' eyes and giving me a frown but he looked amused.  Jacks was giggling and trying to pull Louis' hands away from him.

"Daddy let me go! I want to see Uncle Z!" His giggles ran through the house as Louis finally let him go, I stepped around Harry to meet him in my arms.

"Hey little man, how you been?"

"Good! I've been spending a lot of time with Alex and coloring and making new friends at school. Oh and I got a star in one of my classes!" He continued his ramble about school as I walked him to the living room where Gray was playing with one of his many stuffed animals. I sat Jacks on the couch next to me as Louis and Harry followed, Harry sat down next to me with red cheeks and running a hand through his hair. I couldn't help but give him a smirk.

"I told you later, didn't I?" I whispered to him as his cheeks flushed a darker red. I turned my attention back to Louis and Jacks as we started talking about random things.

After the two kids started getting bored I offered to take everyone to the park where Jacks could run off some of his pent up energy, let's just say Louis happily agreed and rushed to the front door. I packed a bag for Gray while Harry packed some food downstairs, soon I came down stairs with Gray in my arms and everyone crowded at the door waiting for me. I motioned for everyone to go ahead and go, shutting the door behind me not caring to lock it since we were going right down the street. As we walked I looked behind me and saw that the SUV from earlier was still there, I wanted to go look closer at it but felt like that wouldn't be smart.

"What are you looking at babe?" Harry turned around looking with me but I just shook it off as nothing.

"Nothing, just looking." I gave him a smile and continued walking, he shifted the bag on his shoulder then put his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer as we walked. I almost felt calm but I felt like someone was burning holes in the back of my head.


Alright guys what do you think of chapter one!

I know it was kind of slow but we need to build plot before the real fun can start ;)

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