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Things always start going the way you want them before life decides to take back the reins and do what it wants with you. It can be for the better or the worst, times ten. Life has a funny way of showing you the world and all the positives that it has to offer then crushing them right in front of you. Like it was nothing. Like happiness was the most fragile things in this universe.

But all we can do is sit back and hope it doesn't happen to us. But someone people aren't that lucky.


It's been a week or so since I've been back home and things have actually fallen into place right away. The kids are back in school and doing well. Harry's job has been treating him well-considering everything that he's been through the past few months. But then there's me, trying to get back into the hang of things and pretend like everything is normal. Even though it will never go back to being normal. I just don't want to accept the fact that it won't. I don't want to think to look over my shoulder like I do without thinking or being afraid to be home alone.

Louis has been over a lot more to keep me from going insane or being lonely and I couldn't thank him enough. I thought once I was back home and everything was over with Liam that I would be okay. But thankfully Louis has gotten me out in the world and we've been talking about doing something drastic and new to start fresh. My head was already shaved, which I never thought I would ever do, so I didn't know what else I could do that was 'drastic'. But, Louis was determined.

"Louis we've been walking around the mall for hours. There's nothing that we can do." He gave me a look and then his eyes lit up.

"Zayn, I know what we can do." He started walking towards the mall exit leaving me to race after him.

"Yeah, and what are we going to do?" Suddenly he stopped and pointed to the tattoo parlor across the street.

"Let's get a tattoo." He smiled proudly at me with his hands on his hips.

"I don't even know what I'd get or if I have the money?"

"Well, we haven't gone in there yet so check your bank account. We got time." He smiled at me cheekily and with a small smirk.

"Louis, I have medical and legal bills-" He put his hand up to stop me and gave me another look.

"Don't lie to me cause I heard that the police department and Kate talking to you and Harry that they were going to help, basically pay for it all, because it was there fault. I heard the conversation that she had with you and Harry. So if you don't want to pay for it then I will." He smiled proudly as I just stood there dumbfounded. My mind was racing over all the possible outcomes for this and they all ended with what am I going to get tattooed. I rolled my eyes and caved in making him giggle like a little girl and dragging me to the tattoo parlor.


I know after traumatic events going back to work was supposed to be hard but I feel like I'm drowning in the amount of work I have to do. Plus on top of that having to deal with going to meetings on time and participating in them, and having to deal with the woman I thought would leave my life but she still wants to torture me. The only thing that kept me going was that Zayn was home waiting for me and healthy again. But for work, I just had to keep on going and get it down cause the beautiful family I have needs to be taken care of.

Deep into the report, that I was trying to finish as soon as I could, I was distracted by knocking on my office door and Abby poking her head in my office.

"Hey baby, you busy." I couldn't help but roll my eyes and ignore her, hoping that she'll get the message. But of course, she didn't so she waltzed right in but making sure I noticed that the door was shut and locked. Great.

"I'm busy right now Abby and don't have time for this." I kept my focus on my computer and continued with the report. But I could feel her walking around my desk and over to me. Once I felt her hands run over my shoulders my body immediately got tense and I pushed her hands off me. I turned in my chair to look at her to see hurt flash across her eyes, but only briefly.

"I don't have time for this. Leave Abby." She gave a smirk and leaned forward by putting her hands on the side rests of my chair, basically trapping me in my seat.

"You seemed stressed? Want me to help you with that?" Her tone was slow and quiet as she tried to get me but that wouldn't happen again.

"No. Now get out." I grabbed her hands gently and pushed her away from me. I stood up this time and went to walk to the door.

"What's stopping you this time baby? The last time this happened we had a lot of fun. You didn't even think about him, only me. And how amazing my mouth felt on you, or how it felt-" Before she could finish her sentence I stopped her hand from trying to feel me through my pants.

"Get the hell out of my office. What happened between us was a mistake that I'm going to have to live with for the rest of my life and seeing your face is a daily reminder of how I almost lost my family. Now don't come back into the office again unless it's something life or death or it's for work. You're nothing to me, just a mistake. There's a reason I'm gay and married to a man and women like you aren't going to change that because you're easy." I dropped her hand and watched a tear fall down her cheek when she was out of my office in a blink of an eye.

Then just as I sat down again my boss walks into my office saying that the report is due in the next hour then a meeting right before close. I just wanted a break and for things to run smoothly.


sorry for the wait... this story just feels dry now and my writer's block has been rough so i haven't had the motivation to write that much, so if anyone has any ideas on what to do with this story please help me out and send them my way :)

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