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"I would love to be untied from this chair, sir." I looked up at him glaring and spitting my words at him. He scoffed at me and looked down at me like I was a child.

"Damn if I remember correctly the last time you tried to get ballsy with me shit didn't end very well for either of us."

"You mean you? I moved on without you and have a much better life." He looked over at me suddenly and basically stalked over to me. His hand was suddenly around my throat, looking furious.

"A better life without me? Really? Because I've been still missing your ungrateful ass like it was nothing. We were supposed to be the ones that made it through the tough shit but you got to scared and fucking left. Plus putting me in jail. I love you, I always will. That's why I have you here with me now, because you're never getting away from me again. And I'll make sure that husband of yours sees that you're never coming back." He pushed off me at the end, leaving me scared and breathless.

"What do you mean?" He had his back to me and ran his fingers through his over grown hair.

"Liam, what the fuck do you mean be that?" He still didn't respond but he just walked out of the room leaving me speechless.

"Liam!" I struggle in the chair to get out of the restraints but they wouldn't budge. I yelled his name again but still nothing. I couldn't help but start panicking. But soon he came back in the room with a sour face and stalked behind me and ripped the restraints off me to then drag me into the main room where I see a man standing over what looks like a body bag. When got closer to them, Liam pushed me down to the floor where my face almost hits the bag.

"Open it." I looked at him like he was insane then to the man standing next to him. He tried to make himself look tough and overpowering by copying Liam's stance of puffing his chest out.


"Fucking open it Zayn!" I jumped at the volume of his voice and shakily went to the zipper at the top of the bag. I pulled it down and was met with the overpowering smell of rotting and a man. As the zipper went further I noticed that he was about my age and had the some of the same facial features as me. I let the zipper go and fell back on the floor in shock. But as I went to back up further I felt Liam behind me and lied his hand on my shoulder as his face got close to ear.

"This is what I was talking about. This is you and my friend and I are going to drop him somewhere that the police can find him."

"They won't know it's me. They'll know that it's some random person."
"Oh baby. They'll know it's you. Just trust me." He kissed my temple while I still looked at the body lying on the floor in front of me.

"You're dead to them now. We can be together forever now."


"So you thought that Liam was in a car following you and that it was a good idea to run after it? What if he ran you over Zayn?" Louis criticized in a motherly tone beside me in the car while we headed to the doctor's office. Harry wasn't all for me going without him, but he had to work and felt a little better that I was taking Lou with me.

"Louis I swear it was him, and that just happened to be my first instinct. I want him back in jail and to stay there for good. I want to help the police but I just don't know how since I don't remember anything useful yet."

"What do you mean 'yet'?" I glanced over at Louis who was giving me a concerned look. I bit my lip and went back to paying attention to the road but I felt his stare.

"Zayn, what do you mean by that and what is the real reason we are going here?" We pulled up into the parking lot and I just sat there once the car was in park.

"I don't know Louis, somehow whenever I close my eyes, I see or get memories back from being with him. Like they are so real and I realize why my mind is pushing them back. Away from me remembering." I looked over at him and saw him looking at me sadly.

"Have you told Harry?" It was almost a whisper, and I could tell he already knew the answer before I shook my head no.

"Zayn, you need to tell him. He deserves to know."

"I think Liam did something to me that is really bad. Like extremely bad, that's why we're here. I don't know for sure if what my mind is telling me is correct so I want to see if it's true before I tell Harry anything. I don't want to tell him things that aren't true." He nodded and we got out of the car. The walk to the waiting room and the wait in the exam room was intensely quiet.

"What do you think he did Zayn? What is your mind telling you?"

"I, um, think he-" The door opened with a knock and my doctor walked into the room with a smile. She sat down in front of me asking how I've been doing.

"Well I've been physically fine since the incident. But I've been having these memories, at least I think they're memories, come back. But, um, I think the person that took me in the first place did something to me and I wanted to come in to see if it was true."

"Well Zayn I need you to tell me what you think this person did to you so I can run the correct tests." She smiled at me kindly but there was a hint of worry in her voice. I looked over at Louis who nodded at me that it would be okay. So I took a deep breath and looked down at my lap.

"Well from my memories, I think he did this thing called, um, sterilization? I think that's what he called it, I'm not sure. The memory was kind of blurry. Plus I was too scared to look it up thinking it was something serious." I looked up at the doctor who went pale then shook it off and returned with a smile. I looked at her in confusion and she only told me to follow her. Both Louis and I jumped up quickly as she took us to a dark room with an ultrasound machine. She pointed to the bed and I lied down quickly while asking her what was going on.

"I just have a hunch of what you're talking about." She looked almost scared and that right there was terrifying. After a few more test in the room she sent us back to the exam room where we sat waiting with fear. My knee was bouncing like no other and Louis was back and forth pacing.

"Louis, can you sit down you're making me more nervous."

"I can't Zayn. This could be so bad. Really bad."

"I don't even know what it means Lou." He gave me a look and sat down next to me as the doctor walked in. She was quiet, holding a paper in her hand. She handed it to me slowly.

"Zayn, I did the tests that would give you the answers the quickest and, um, what you are remembering is true. What he did, the sterilization, is true." I looked down at the paper and still didn't understand anything that it said.

"But what does that mean?" She looked over at Louis, than sat down.

"It means that you can't have children anymore. The operation that was done to you made it so you can never get pregnant again. But since it was done well and with the necessary precautions, you will be okay and not have to worry about anything critical or life threatening." I nodded, feeling totally overwhelmed, and stared off into nothing. She asked if I had any more questions and when I didn't respond, she said her goodbyes and left the room.

"Zayn, are you okay?" I felt his hand on my shoulder tighten and his voice crack.

"Can you drive me to see Harry, please?"


Dispiriting Pain {ZARRY SEQUEL}Where stories live. Discover now