Twenty Two

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The smell of fresh air after not having it for months will never get old. It'll feel more and more refreshing every day you take a breath. But right now, I couldn't help but cherish the moment of taking in the sunshine and taking in large amounts of fresh air into my lungs. I knew I'd get out sooner then everyone thought I would but that just what I get for having good behavior and some crooked cops on my side.

I watched my mother's car roll up to the front if the jail where I stood. I looked behind me and nodded to the guards that aided me and climbed into the car.

"Where do you want to go first?"

"Well for starters out of this nasty basic jail attire would be nice." I pulled a large stack of cash from the inside of the jacket. I looked over to my mother and all she did was roll her eyes and start the car.

"I don't want to know."

"I'm guessing you still don't want to be part of this?" She looked at me like I just killed someone or her childhood pet.

"Of course, I don't want to be a part of it. I don't want to end up in jail. I'm only helping you cause you're my son." I nodded and looked out the widow watching the scenery go by. At the end of the day I can't blame her because one, it is easier to just work alone form what I've experienced in the past and two, it's my mother so I couldn't let her go to jail over my love life.

As we continued down the road to what I'm guessing to the mall or to some super store I couldn't but start imaging what I would do or how I was go about the plan that I've been thinking of for months. I felt my mind running nonstop as I got a bright idea to make a little pitstop.

"Mom, I need to pay someone a visit first before we go anywhere." She didn't say a word and just kept driving as I gave her the directions.


It was bright and early Monday morning when I heard the knocks on the door. I knew it was probably the kids coming back for the weekend but normally our parents call us to give us a heads up to get dressed and prepared. And right now, we were not prepared. Both of us were still naked and sprawled along the living room floor. I hurried and grabbed the sleep pants that was thrown on to the couch as Harry started to wake up.

"Who's knocking on the door so bloody early." He sat up running his fingers through his hair and looked around bringing himself out of sleep. As I was about to respond the knocks got louder and harsher on the door instantly putting me on edge and freeze up. Harry was on his feet in an instant pulling shorts on, he marched to the door while I stood in the same place not moving.

My instincts couldn't make up their mind, so I didn't know if I was ready to fight or flight. Harry yanked the door open and deflated with an instant as Louis barged his way in red faced and angry, but there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Jesus Christ Louis, what is it." Harry barked as I basically fell to the couch with relief, I definitely thought it was going to be the worst of all evils.

"Don't start that tone with my Harry. I've had a morning that both of you will want to hear about because I never thought that this day would come or that he'd come to me first. Frankly, I didn't even know that he knew where I lived." I gave Harry a confused look and he matched it.

"What are you talking about. Who knows where you live?"

"Oh, you just a sadistic sociopath! God now I'm going to have to move again because I don't need him coming after Jacks. How did he even get out? Did he get bail?" He was breathing hard and it was either he was bad at beating around the bush on who the hell he was talking about or maybe it was because we were rushed out of a deep sleep to really think.

"Jesus, Liam Payne just dropped by my house to say hey and that he was out. Didn't help that Jacks opened the fucking door by himself." Now he had tears running down his face and I felt my head get light. Harry and Louis basically started yelling at each other about everything as I just sat on the couch zoned out. How did he get out? The judge was basically threating to give him life in prison. He knows where everyone I love lives basically so he can threaten all of us just because he wants me. Then to make matters even better another knock sounded from the door. Everyone in the room froze and just stared at it. I was the first to move and go towards it.

"Zayn what the hell are you doing." I pulled my arm out of his grip and opened the door. And there he stood. Dressed in all black, a leather jacket wrapped around him to add to the persona that surrounded him. He looked fresh cut and dangerous. Eyes dark and evil behind his black aviator sunglasses and a smirk, beautiful but deadly, sat on his lips.

"Well good morning my love. Sees that I caught everyone at a great time. All together and in shambles. May I come in?" He stepped forward but I didn't move an inch, didn't even flinch. Part of me felt proud but most of me was crying out in fear to just slam the door shut.

"Drop the act. What do you want?"

"Act? Why do you say I'm acting love? I just came to say hi and let you know that I've changed. For the better." He smiled like it was nothing and the easiest thing he could do. He was trying to be himself, the manipulator. This could work on anyone who didn't know him, but I knew this man like the back of my hand. 

"Why are you here?" He stepped back and nodded. He looked past me and into the living room where I'm sure Harry and Louis looked furious and ready to pounce.

"Louis good to see you again. Twice in a day that's a new record. Jacks has grown up a lot from the last time I saw him. Now that I think about it, the last time I saw either of you was the funeral, or was it another time?" The evil smirk came back as I heard Louis rage behind me and Harry telling him to calm down.

"Get out of here Liam. You're not even supposed to be here. The restraining order is official and I'm sure they told you that."

"Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. But the real trick is if I listen to them or not."

"Go ahead and don't listen. That just gets you thrown back into jail again and out of my life."

"Oh, baby I doubt that would happen. I know people and people know me. How do you think I got out early and didn't get life?" He laughed and smirk. He pushed his sunglasses up and into his hair. As I was about to respond a car pulled up the drive way, Harry's mom's car. All of us stood frozen, even Liam did.

"Is my son in that car?" His voice was quiet and muffled as he looked at the car.

"Don't you dare say that. He is not your son." The backseat doors busted open quickly as Payton and Jace jumped out of the car, running to the front dor. But stopped in their tracks notching Liam standing on the porch. I heard Harry's mom ask them what's wrong while carrying Grey, then turn to see the same thing. Only for her to get protective and order them into the car and handing Grey off to Payton. Thank god they listened, and she locked the door immediately. Liam whipped around to face me at the speed of light and step closer to me.

"Let me see him."

"No. He is not yours to see." His eyes darkened and he stepped forward again to try to grab me. All happening at once Harry pulled me back and shielded me while Liam's name was called from the street. We all turned to see who said it and it was his mother, the woman I've seen only once and that was at his first court hearing. When she looked at him like he was nothing. Now she was helping him.

"Come on. We spent enough time here, let's go." Liam turned back to me then walked to her. As she past Anne, she sent daggers to him and watched him go as we all did. Once he got into his car and left, we all deflated, and I ran to the car to hug my children.


I need help with figuring out where to take this story or how to end it...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2019 ⏰

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