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What about life makes you want to die one moment and then want to live the next?
Is it because of all the wrongs that people do to us in our life times?

Or the beautiful moments that make our lives beam and shine like no other?

But why does life also decide that it wants to take people away. Away forever. Never to be seen or heard from again. Only way to hear or see them was to be in the limbo of peaceful dreaming.


"Harry you have to get up and at least eat something." I felt Louis' hand on my shoulder but i didn't make any effort to move. I just kept staring at the doors hoping that someone would walk through and tell me that he was okay. That everything would be okay.

I was sitting with my back against the wall, my knees were brought up to my chest and my arms resting on top while my head just layed there limp. My whole body felt limp. I heard him sigh and walk back to the others. I knew that I shouldn't be sitting here doing nothing when everyone behind me is just as distraught. I should be over there comforting Payton, Jace and Grayson who had no idea what was going on and crying. I should be over there to try to relax Trisha, who was pacing and hasn't stopped since they got here after the hearing. But I couldn't bring myself to move. I felt frozen.

Frozen with fear of either not being able to see him alive again or not being able to hold him. The fear sunk into my chest like cement. It lived there taking over everything. My chest felt heavy. My stomach  felt like it was going to drop. My heart felt like it wasn't beating. All I could feel was my eyelids drooping and sleep taking my exshaution away and being replaced with bliss and quietness from my thoughts.


"We should let him sleep. He's barely had any."

"Yeah but he should know. He would be pissed if we didn't tell him."

"I'm just surprised that he's stayed in that position for this long. Wouldn't he have fell over by now?"

"No you'd be surprised what your body can do in situations like this. Trust me I know. I'll wake him up."

I was already partly awake, my body just couldn't move. I heard footsteps near me and quietness. Which was unnerving considering that earlier everything was hectic and loud. I brought my head up slowly and dug the heel of my hands into my eyes to rid the feeling of sleep. I felt Louis beside me, making me turn my head slowly to look at him.

"Hey, sleep good?" I didn't answer and just looked around him to see only him and Alex in the waiting room with me.

"Where is everyone?" My anxiety perked and I slowly started to get up but Louis stopped me on the shoulder.

"Everything is fine. Zayn is back from surgery-"

"What room is he in?" I was up on my feet before i could process which only caused me to see stars and sway slightly. Alex caught me before I could fall and Louis was standing in front of me.

"Take it slow Harry. You've been curled up on the floor for 3 hours."

"Just tell me what room he's in Louis." I looked down at him after being able to catch my balance and he just clenched his jaw and told me that he was in the same room as before. I turned quickly and made my way to his room.

Dispiriting Pain {ZARRY SEQUEL}Where stories live. Discover now