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Waking up the next morning was a relief, mainly that it was the weekend and that I woke up feeling calm tucked away in Harry's tight grip. As I lied there I just stared at his face, taking in how calm and beautiful he looked. But my mind took over and everything came back, yesterday and weirdly things from the past. Things like the cheating situation, Liam, and some others. Taking a slow deep breath I closed my eyes and snuggled closer against him hoping to put my mind at ease but it didn't.

Giving up, I gently pulled myself out of his grip and shuffled to the bathroom. After doing my normal bathroom routine, I glanced down to the pile of clothes that were thrown causally seeing the note peeking out of my pocket. I pulled it out slowly and opened it to see a simple message, one word really, saying 'Soon'. Crumpling it up, I threw it away and went quickly back into the bedroom seeing Harry stretching out of sleep. I climbed into bed then on to his lap smiling lazily. He smirked back and grabbed my hips pulling me closer to him, then surprising me by flipping us over so I was under him. He kissed me deeply and pull away with a bright smirk.

"I would love to wake up like that every morning." His voice was raspy form sleep and just the sound of it made me want to continue what was done last night.

"I so agree, it would just make my day ten times better." Kissing him again more rushed, I trailed my fingers through his hair while he pushed himself down on me slightly. Our movements started to pick up but was interrupted by Payton busting through our door and into our bed. Harry was lightning fast to move all while leaving me hot and flustered.

"Well good morning to you lovebug." I pecked her forehead and gave Harry a sly smirk, he just returned a frown but was amused. After talking endlessly from Payton about breakfast I told her to wake up her brothers and that we'd be down shortly. After she left the room I glanced at harry seeing him shifty awkwardly in his place, rolling my eyes at him I just seductively climbed over him and to the shower. I heard him give a throaty groan but I just continued to the shower swaying all the way there.

"Now that I think about it, I need a shower so I'm just going to join you." and with that I heard him racing into the bathroom after me, leaving me giggling.

After our shower that lasted longer than I expected we came downstairs to see the three kids playing around loudly and exclaiming loudly when we finally made it down.

"Alright everyone the kitchen. It's breakfast time!" I followed Harry into the kitchen after Payton and Jace run up to him excitedly while Grayson just slowly crawled over to me. Breakfast went smoothly and everyone seemed to mellow out, so a Disney movie marathon was in order. After popping in the first movie with a blanket fort and popcorn made everyone settled down. I was curled up with Harry on the couch while the kids where in the blanket fort, but half way through the movie they pasted out giving Harry and I somewhat time alone. I wanted to talk to him about everything that I have been feeling the last couple of days but I felt like it would stress him out more and never let me leave the house, but he also should know.

"Hey Harry can I talk to you about something?" He shifted nervously and turned to me.

"Of course baby. Tell me your thoughts."

"Well yesterday when I came home all rushed and terrified it was because another weird thing happened and I don't know that to do or feel at this moment." He didn't say anything just nodded for me to continue, but his eyes flashed with worry.

"Last night as I was walking out of work after locking up like I normally do I started heading to my car. No one else was there and it was just me, as I got closer to my car I thought I heard something behind me so I turned around and saw nothing but as I kept walking I thought I heard footsteps so I just sprinted to the car. But when I got in the car with the doors locked I looked around me and saw no one, besides another note pinned under my wipers again."

"What did the note say?" His lips formed a hard line as his voice was tense, just the sound of it made me regret saying anything.

"All it said was 'Soon'." He instantly tensed beside me and ran his hand through his hair, closing his eyes tightly as well.

"Zayn, this is getting serious. What if-"

"No don't say any what ifs. Trust me I've already thought of them." I got up quickly, making my way to the kitchen while he followed me. Once he caught up to me, he grabs my waist gently pulling me to face him.

"We just can't sit on our hands here Zayn. We need to talk to the police or something, I'm sure they can do a lot more than we can." Leaning against the island I rubbed my eyes, feeling his embrace me in a tight hug.

"Let's do it tomorrow. I just want today to be a relaxed day please." I circled my arms around him, feeling him nod.

The rest of the day went just as that, Payton wanted to bake cookies so we did and just stayed in our pajamas all day not having a single stress. Besides the one that Harry and I had sitting in the front of our mind.

The day soon came to an end though and we got the kiddos tucked into bed with stories read and nightlights on. As we climbed into bed, Harry pulled me into his lap giving me a fierce kiss. Moaning into his mouth I ran my fingers through his hair, just feeling the softness of it under my fingers was enough to calm me.

"I say we finish what we started this morning, yeah?" He looks up at me with a smirk and I nod with my lip caught between my teeth, and with that he flipped us over and we were lost to the world around us.


I woke with a start as I felt over heated under Harry and the thick covers around me. Pulling myself free I glanced at the clock seeing it was two in the morning. Pulling on Harry's pajama pants I ventured downstairs to get a glass of water to help calm my body of the heat.

As I made it down the living room I see the front door wide open, instantly I become nervous because I know neither harry or I would leave the door open or even unlocked at night. I stepped forward slightly to see if anyone was standing outside but i saw no one. But as I went to go back upstairs and get Harry I feel someone tall wrap their arms around me and shove a piece of cloth over my nose and mouth. Instantly I start jerking myself around to try to escape but the person holding me is bigger in built plus the corners of my vision start to cloud. But that doesn't stop me as I try clawing at their arms hoping for anything but I get nothing.

"Don't fret my love, everything will be okay now." And with that my mind gave out on me and I slumped in the arms of the man holding me.


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