Twenty One

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"How do you even know this is going to work? This is risky."

"It'll work, we just have to be smart about it. I want out of here and I'm sure you want me out too."

"I do but not if you're going to risk getting thrown back in here or going after him."

"I have to, you of all people know that." She shook her head at me yet looked up with knowing eyes.

"Trust me I know, and I wish you didn't have to have that man so desperately. But I'll help you and I want nothing to do with you or association if you get caught."

"I won't get caught again. I'll be smarter." She nodded and looked around. We sat in silence for a while until broke it.

"Thank you, mom I won't let you down again."


2 Months Later...

"Why are weddings so hard to plan? They are literally the pane of my existence right now."

"Once you walk down the aisle and see Alex at the end of it everything will fall into place and it'll be perfect." Louis walks out of the dressing room with a sharp navy-blue tailored suit, casually messing with his hair and the blazer in a nervous fashion.

"Now looking at this I feel like this was the wrong color choice. Like it won't match, or Alex won't like it." I couldn't help but shake my head at him but also miss the feeling of being nervous like that. I remember Harry and I's wedding day like it was yesterday and I would love to go back.

"Louis, quit you look amazing and Alex will love it. You could show up with nothing on or a ridiculous outfit and he'd still love it." I crossed my arms and gave him a knowing look through the mirror making him roll his eyes and turn to me.

"Yeah shut up I know you're right but that doesn't mean I'm not going to be nervous. God, I need a shot." He stomped back into the dressing room leaving me chuckling at him but still agreeing to the shot.

As he was getting changed that gave me a moment to escape back into my head thinking about the last two months. I finally got a final restraining order against Liam for if he ever gets out. Part of me thinks that he'll get out sooner then we all anticipate but I try to not let my mind wander that direction. Harry quit his job after that awful woman kept making advances at him and is happier where he is at with helping smaller bands and singers produce music. That was always a dream of his so I'm happy that he finally gets do it. I'm still at the same job shockingly because I would have thought they would have fired me after everything. But they were surprisingly understanding and even offered to give me more vacation time to recover. Granted I know my boss has... thoughts or feelings towards me so that's honestly the only reason I've had leniency right now.

"Zayn, you ready to go?" I look up to see Louis by the door holding a long white bag and giving me a concerned look. I nodded and hurried to leave with him.

We ate lunch and headed our separate ways, mainly because I was done being out in public and wanted to see Harry. We had the weekend to ourselves with the kids hanging out with the parents and I was ready to go home to see how the night will go. Ever since the accident Harry and I have been taking it slow physical wise since sometimes I still get sore or feel like ill pass out if I do too much moving.

I pulled into the driveway to see his car there and instantly got excited. I need a good time and to feel relaxed with the chaos of my life. As I walk in, I see Harry passed out on the couch with his shoes still on from work. Part of me didn't want to disturb him and just let him sleep but the other part of me thought differently and wanted to have some fun. So, I quietly shut the door behind me, took my shoes and jacket off and made my way to the couch. He was laying on his back, so it made my plan easier.

I gently went to take his shoes off them climb onto his lap to straddle him and lean close to his jaw. I gently planted a kiss to the side of his mouth then slowly made my way down his jaw to his earlobe. Once I got to the sweet spot, I knew very well I heard him groan slightly and grip my thighs tightly. I took his earlobe in my mouth and swiveled my hips down, making some traction against our jeans to wake him up a little more. I felt him shift underneath me and go to flip us over, but I pulled back and stopped my plans to leave him on an edge.

"That's not fair to leave me hanging like that." His voiced was already raspy and deep. My fingers worked quickly, yet gracefully, to unbutton his jeans.

"I do as a please baby." His eye turned dark with lust as I kissed him gently on the tip, then slowly drag the tip of my tongue up his shaft. His head fell back against the couch as I continued my slow assault and once, I felt like he was getting close I pulled my head back and left him hanging and begging for more. He was breathing heavily and looked at me darkly for stopping.

"Why did you stop?" The tone his voice held made a shiver run down my back and made me want to rip my clothes off in the process. But I wanted to have some fun and see where this would go.

"Again, I do as a please. And right now, I'm feeling kind of thirsty." I kissed him gently on the tip again and got up walking to the kitchen. I heard him groan and heard him get up. I didn't turn around just kept on walking to the kitchen to maybe get some wine or something. Maybe also ignore him just to see what he'll do.

I grabbed the wine from the fridge and a glass while having my back to the kitchen entrance. I heard him come in still breathing heavily and deep, but I just poured my wine. Once I was done and put the glass down, I felt him come up behind me and pull me against him by my throat gently. His other hand went to my jeans and started to unbutton them as his lips kissed my neck and my earlobes.

"You know I hate it when you be a little tease, yet you do it anyway." His hand slowly went into my pants and grabbed me gently while the grip on my throat came a little tighter to bring my head back more. My hands were planted firmly on the counter in front of me as I pushed my butt back against him in a needy way. He groaned in my ear and let go of my throat to push me forward and bring my pants the ground. He prepped me quickly then slowly pushed his way in. I groaned loudly missing then feeling of him and let him has his way with me.

It was aggressive and needing but loving all in the same way. Once we were finished, we made our way into the living room and crashed onto the couch instantly falling asleep. The rest of the weekend went just like that and the only time we were clothed was to answer the door for food.

I missed this feeling of total bliss and happiness. I needed and wanted it to stay like this but in the back of my mind I knew that it wouldn't stay for long.


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