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The house was so empty with no one here. It was strange. I was used to seeing them all sleep or watching them from the SUV. It was clean and cozy, pictures of them were scattered everywhere making my heart hurt. I should be the ones in those pictures next to him. Next to the kids. Before I could do anything stupid I swallowed my anger and made my way upstairs to his room. As I walked in I just stood there and took everything in. This room smells like him, it was like we were back in the past. I made my way to the bed and sat on the edge of it still looking around, but it didn't last long as my phone went off in my pocket.

To Liam:

What's taking you so long? They aren't going to be there forever.

I sighed and stuffed the phone back in my pocket. Before I left I wanted to take a souvenir with me. I went over to one of the chest of drawers and rummaged around till I found one of Zayn's old shirts that he used to wear all the time. Hugging the shirt close to me I walked out of the house through the back door and back to SUV. As I climb in I met a frown by Mitch.

"Really dude, why do you have a shirt?" I just shrugged and turned the car on, driving away before they came back.


I kissed Harry's chest as both of our breathing came back to normal, he hummed as I did and pulled me closer.

"I'm so glad the kids are heavy sleepers because, damn." I chuckled at him snuggling up to his side again as I could feel sleep coming quick. These were the type of nights I loved. Harry and I just relaxing, us just being happy and not having to worry about the demons from our past coming to haunt us. I just felt lucky that I still had him and the kids after everything that's happened.

"I love you." I mumbled sleepily against his chest making him hum, and pulling me closer.

"I love you to baby, now get some sleep." I felt him kiss my forehead gently as I finally let sleep take me away.


By morning I woke up next to an empty bed, the smell of bacon, and loud laughter racing through the house. Glancing at the clock with a groan I pulled myself out of bed and making my way to grab clothes for the day getting myself ready for the day. Walking downstairs I'm met with Payton running towards me giving me a hug, I kneel to her level and meet her with a hug then landing kisses around her face, making her giggle and try to push my face away.

"Hey Peanut. What's with you this morning?" I set her down as Harry came around the corner carrying Jace and two lunch bags. Payton grabs hers as Jace clutches his tightly as his feet hit the ground.

"We got up early with dad and we had a big breakfast and we're not late today!" I chuckle at her and lean forward giving Harry a quick kiss before kneeling down to Jace zipping his jacket.

"You okay bud?" He nodded not meeting my eyes but wrapped his arms around my neck giving me a tight hug.

"Love you daddy." His voice was small but I gave him a smile and replied back. He smiled and walked to the door as Payton followed him but I stopped her.

"Payton look after your brother and if you know why he's upset please tell me or dad please." She nodded, gave me another hug, and then rushed to the door where Jace was waiting for her. I sighed and watched them meet some more kids at the bus stop, but being the overprotective parent I am, I glanced around the street and saw that same SUV sitting a few spots away from the bus stop. Just the sight of it gave me a shiver run down my spine in a not so good way.

"Hey babe, have you ever seen that SUV before?" I felt him come up behind me and glance at the car.

"No I don't think I have. Why?" He dipped his head and kissed the skin behind my ear trying to distract me, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that car gave me.

"I don't know, there's just something about it that throws me off." I felt another shiver down my spine but for a different reason, as Harry took my earlobe in his mouth. He turned me around and gave me a passionate kiss that wasn't rushed or filled with need but with love, which made me smile into the kiss. When we pulled away I waved the kids goodbye as they walked onto the bus, but once the doors close the SUV speed away quickly leaving tire marks on the road. I gave Harry another look as he just mirrored it and pulled me back in the house.

After dropping Grayson off at the daycare, I dreadfully made my way to work. The only thing that occupied my mind was that damn car and Harry. The thought of just lying in bed with him all day and not giving a care in the world made my heart flutter. Growing up I always thought once out get married and have kids you would grow distant from your partner but now that I'm there I feel the opposite and want to be around him all the damn time. The thought of being away from him for a long period of time made my heart hurt and sadness run through my mind.

Pulling up to work and parking, I finished my coffee and dragged myself into the building hoping that it would run by fast.


Hoping that the day will go by quickly always makes the day go in the opposite, dragging on and on. By the time I got the leave my body hurt from sitting all day and my hand cramping from holding a pencil most the day. But as my car came into view I got excited to just leave and crawl into bed with Harry and the kids.

As I approached the car I notice something on the windshield under the wipers, pulling it free I see that it was a small slip of paper folded. Unfolding I see a hand written note.

To My Love,

I've missed you, your smile, your body, and just everything about you. I want you as mine and not as his. One day I'll have that, just you and me being happy.

See you soon my love.

After finishing the note I feel the hair on my neck stand up, making me turn around and take in my surroundings. Granted it was dark and only a few street lamps worked, I rushed into my car and locked the doors quickly. Speeding out the parking lot, I gripped the note in my hand and rushed home where I knew I would be safe from whoever was out there.



Just a clarification, Payton is now 10, Jace is 7, while Grayson is 4. I wanted to make them slightly older for this one so if time 'doesn't add up' just keep in mind this is an AU.

Again thank you for reading and comment all thoughts!

Dispiriting Pain {ZARRY SEQUEL}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang