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"What the fuck was that Payne? Were you really thinking about killing me?" I just shrugged while zoning in the small office we shared while Mitch paced back and forth.

"I want more than a damn shrug you bastard. Give me a fucking answer." He slammed his hands down on my desk and looked me straight in the eye. His eyes danced with fire and aggression, threatening to explode at any moment.

"I wasn't going to kill you, you idiot. It was just to get you scared to show him that I was being serious. Yeah he still would have fought to the car but I needed some excitement around here." I pushed away from my desk and walked out of the suffocating office. Mitch followed quickly on my heels, obviously not letting the conversation die.

"He went to the police, he's going to tell them everything. We're so fucked." Chuckling, I made some food calmly as he started pacing again.

"Why are you so calm?" Looking up, I looked him straight in the eye and lean forward against the island.

"Because we're going to get him back, but this time I've got a few new tricks and ideas up my sleeves."


Being back in the house where I was abducted from made my stomach turn and my heart sink into my stomach. I'll admit, I was scared. Scared that it would happen again, or that he would take someone else and leaving me to find them missing. Like Harry did with me... I couldn't even imagine what was racing through his mind at that very moment and all the time following after.

As we walked up to the front door I didn't even realize that I stopped a few steps behind Harry and just stared at the door. Everything just flashed through my mind like a movie, like an awful horror movie.

"Zayn?" looking up at Harry I saw his eyes getting teary and he looked as scared as I felt.

"I'm okay. Just a lot to take in after... everything." I gave him a small smile but he just nodded and looked away from me. He unlocked the door and let it swing open slowly as we both just stood there, staring at it. I made the first move and walked forward taking his hand in mine and looking up at him, then giving him a nod and we moved forward.

The house was quiet and clean, like no one's touched it. Harry dropped my hand and let me wonder into the house more, it didn't feel familiar or safe anymore, and mainly it was too quiet. Too quiet considering three children lived here.

"The kids have been spending a lot of time with Anne, your mom, and Louis." I turned to Harry as he seemed to read my mind.

"Why?" He looked down at the ground again and fiddled with his hands.

"I've been trying to find you. So I let them have some quality time with them so I could focus on find you. I was trying to help the police but they wouldn't tell me anything, so I just went off on my own and would let they know if I found anything that they could use. It was hard. After a month I thought I would never find you. Until they called one day out of the blue." I walked over to him wrapping my arms around him tightly, and burying my face in his chest. His arms were tight around me and it felt comforting, something I've missed over the last month. He stopped talking thinking that I didn't want to hear anymore but I wanted him to talk about it so he wouldn't have to bottle it anymore, so I nodded for him to continue.

"I thought that they found something or even you but all they would say over the phone. She sounded on edge, like she didn't want to make the phone call, which instantly put me on edge." He started shaking in my arms so I moved us to the couch were I cuddled up into him again.

"I got the station quicker than I thought I ever could, but I knew something was wrong because the people at the front desk didn't greet me and Kate was standing there waiting for me. She gave me a week smile as I approached her and she just led me to the elevators, saying that we had to go downstairs. I asked why but she just looked forward, but when the doors opened and I saw the sign for the morgue was in front of my face I just stood there looking at it. But everything that we have flashed in my mind. Like how I met you for the first time on that blind date and how you were the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. When you told me that you'd love to be my boyfriend. The day you told me you were pregnant. Payton being born, the Hawaii trip. Everything just flew across my mind and I wanted to run back upstairs and to the car. But I took a deep breath and followed Kate into the morgue were I saw a body lying on a metal table with a white sheet covering the face." He leaned forward putting his head in his hands and he started sobbing.

"You don't have to say anymore. I'm-" He got up suddenly and looked at me with teary eyes.

"I thought you were dead Zayn. That person that I saw on that table looked exactly like you, and it still blows my mind that you are sitting here right now. Real and not an image I made up drunk or in my dreams. It just so unreal, I thought the love of my life was gone forever. But you're here and I don't understand anything right now." His shoulders slumped and he looked utterly exhausted. I stood from the couch walking over to him, cupping his face I brought his forehead to mine.

"Harry, everything is okay now. I'm here, I'm not leaving anytime soon. I love you." He looked at me and nodded, then he leaned forward and brought me into a kiss that I definitely missed. My hands moved from his cheeks to his hair trying to bring him closer while he grabbed my hips closer.

"God I fucking love you, don't ever leave me again please. I don't think I could live without you." He whispered against my lips and didn't let me get away from him.

The next few hours we spent tangled up together just to remember the feeling of each other again. Skin on skin. Then a phone went off, startling both of us.

Harry got up from the bed to search for it in his jeans and answered it with hesitation. I gave him a confused and sat up when he said Louis' name.

"What's up Louis? Yeah you can go ahead and bring them back... yeah I'm fine... um I haven't heard anything lately... yeah they've been quiet ever since you know... okay, I'll see you in a bit." Hanging up I gave him another look.

"Why did you just lie to him?" He gave a small side smile and climbed back into bed till he was on top of me.

"So he wouldn't rush over here, plus he needs a good surprise." Kissing me again quickly, he got off the bed and started pulling on clothes and cleaning up. I followed him and went downstairs to wait for Louis. Man, have I missed my best friend and my kids. It feels like a whole life time since I've seen them.

While waiting on them to arrive, Harry was nonstop all over me, kissing me, putting his hands up my shirt to 'make sure I was really still there' or just holding me close to him. I wasn't complaining, I missed this greatly. Soon the doorbell rang and both of us froze. Harry nodded to me and went to answer the door while I stayed put.

"Hey Lou. Hey kiddos, how was the day with Boo?" I heard Grayson giggle and I couldn't help but slowly get up off the couch.

"Why do you look like that Harry? You look like you just got laid? You better not have anyone here." Louis sounded pissed and I picked up my pace coming in view to the front door. Louis was glaring at Harry while he was hugging the kids, then Louis finally moved his gaze away from him and looked at me. His jaw instantly dropped along with everything he was holding. Payton noticed and looked to where Lou was and did the same thing but she ran forward screaming and starting to cry while calling my name. I knelt to her level and hugged her tightly, starting to cry myself.

"Harry what the fuck."

"Daddy I missed you so much. Where did you go?" Soon Jace ran over to me and I pulled him close to me too, just feeling them again made me forget everything. I pulled away from them, wiped their tears and I told them that I need to talk to Louis. I looked up at him and he was still pale faced and shocked that I was standing in front of him. As I got closer to him he pulled me into the most bone crushing hug and I gladly returned the feeling.


Dispiriting Pain {ZARRY SEQUEL}Where stories live. Discover now