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"Damn it Payne! That was too risky, anyone could have seen you! I thought we agreed to make our move slowly!" Mitch we seething with anger but all I could was sit back and muse.

"Payne this isn't a laughing matter! If you get caught I'm not going down with you since this was your plan!"

"We're not going to get caught, I didn't leave his name or mine, plus I had someone else write it for me." His eyebrows raised then he narrowed his eyes at me darkly.

"What do you mean you had someone else write it for you? Because I certainly didn't."

"Don't sweat it Mitch, everything's going to be fine and it will all work out. Just don't worry, you worry too much anyways." I clapped my hand on his shoulder as I walked past him towards my room upstairs. He gave me a dark look with a hint of fear behind it but he shook it off and went to smoke. I smirked to myself and walked into my room where I could make some finishing touches on everything before everything really went into motion.


"Harry I'm not over reacting! This is serious!" Huffing I crossed my arms across my chest with the note still crumpled in my hand, while harry sat in front of my on our bed giggling slightly. I gave him a look and he threw his hands up in defense but still giggled as he stood up.

"Baby don't stress about it. It was probably a prank that someone was playing on everyone. I'm sure it's nothing." He rubbed my arms slowly and uncrossed them taking the note away from me.

"But what if it really is something? I just have a really weird feeling about it." He looked over it once more before turning his head back to me.

"Zayn it doesn't even say your name or even insure that it's talking about you? This could be talking about anyone or from anyone." He rolled the note into a ball and threw it away in the bathroom trash. Coming back into the room I gave him a shocked look and went to retrieve the note from the trash, but as I got closer to him he just stopped me and pulled me close to him.

"Stop stressing about it. I'm sure it's nothing and just a super weird prank" He pulled me to the bed and pushed me down on it gently, then crawling over me giving me kisses up my neck.

"I don't know Harry I just have a weird feeling." His kisses reached my earlobe, giving it a slight tug.

"Stop stressing about it baby." Before I could open my mouth to respond his lips met mine, as I went to push him away he went and pushed himself against me stopping all my movements. Letting out a throaty moan he moved down my neck still whispering slowly in my ear to relax, but something just didn't feel right with this random note. He came back up to my lips and kissed me passionately, I ran my fingers through his soft hair trying to forget my stress and gut feeling of danger or something wrong.

Shortly after we were both undressed and I was sitting in his lap as his hands gripped my back. I rocked slowly against him wanting the feelings to last and he let me take control for the moment. The feeling of having some slight control along with being with the one person you love is everything anyone could ask for, so I took my time to make every move count. Harry slumped back against the bed and just lied there gazing up at me, laying my hands against his chest I rocked back sharply but slowly making him grip his hair and come undone beneath me. I followed shortly and peeled myself off of him then crashing down to the bed. We both lied there in silence and quick breaths, just staring at the ceiling in complete calmness. Harry turn on his side and kissed the side of my temple then resting his forehead against me.

"I love you, don't forget that." I turned my head and gave him a confused look and went to respond but a small knock at the door pulled me away.

"Hey daddy, there's a man knocking on the door. I didn't open it but he's still there." I gave Harry a look and respond to Payton to check on Jace and Gray. We both got out of bed and slowly pulled on clothes, my nerves where shooting as I pulled on pants. We made it downstairs as Payton and Jace stood at the top of the stairs watching intently. Pulling open the door, I'm met with a man holding a box.

"Hi are you Zayn Styles?" I nodded and took the clip board sighing my name quickly. I took the box gently as the man walked back to his truck, locking the door behind me I gave it one more look before setting it down to open it.

"I didn't know that they did deliveries this late at night." Harry said from behind me with a hint of shakiness laced in his voice.

"I don't know, maybe it's important and it needed to be delivered tonight?" Ripping the box open I see another box, but its matte black with a cut out showing blood red roses inside. Turing around to Harry I see him staring at the box with fire in his eyes and then giving me a shrug. I pulled the box out completely then opening it to see a small note card laying on top of them, flipping the card over instead of seeing a note, I just see a heart printed. All I could do with stare at the card like I was hypnotized to, something about this seemed familiar but also terrifying. I felt hands on my shoulders making me jump and drop the card back in the box.

"Who were they from?" His voice was soft but tense along with his touch.

"There's no name, just a heart." I closed the box and left it sitting on the table not wanting to look at it, for some reason it made me want to vomit. I made my way up to Payton and Jace to bring them back to bed, tucking them in I kissed their foreheads and went back to our bedroom. I climbed back into bed and felt him move in closer to me pulling me close.

"I really don't think this is all a prank anymore Harry." He tensed again and pulled me closer.

"Nothing's going to happen to you baby, you'll be okay." I wanted to nod and believe that back somehow I couldn't. Something about it maybe my stomach turn in a way that never ended well.


Dispiriting Pain {ZARRY SEQUEL}Where stories live. Discover now