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"I'm going to kill that mother-"

"Louis, the cops will handle it and everything will be okay." He was pacing back and forth in front of me in the bed room. His face was full of furry and I could tell he was about to pounce on someone.

"But what if that fucker tries to come back and get you? I need to get you a body guard or Harry needs to be around you twenty four seven. Ooh the things I'd do to the fucker." Sighing I got up from the bed and hugged him tightly.

"It's going to be okay Louis. Now I don't want to talk about this anymore, I want to hear everything about you that I missed." Seeing his face light up slightly I could tell something good was coming, and I needed to hear something good.

"Well, Alex asked me to marry him-"

"Please tell me you said yes."

"If you'd let me finish than I would have gotten to that part and yes I did say yes." He lifted him hand and should a simple rose gold band on his ring finger. I awed at it and proceeded to ask a million questions. He answered them all with the brightest smile and I could tell he was happy but I also know my best friend very well and I could tell he was hiding something.

"Louis, what are you not telling me?" I gave him the look and he shut his mouth quickly and looked down.

"Um, the first thing I thought about when he asked me was Niall. But don't get me wrong I love Alex, he's amazing, charming, great with Jacks, but I wish it was Niall. Even though I know he would want me to move on and be happy, and I've already talked to Alex and he completely understands, which is amazing, but I don't know Zayn. And I haven't had anyone to talk to since, you know, we all thought you really died and that I would have to bury another loved one. I don't think I could handle that again. But here you are amazing everyone, I thought I was hallucinating when I saw your ass standing there, I mean I now know why Harry looked like that. I thought it was impossible, considering I saw your 'body' and it did look a lot like you which made it so believable that you were dead." All I could do was nod. I never thought I would be talking to Louis again or lying in bed with Harry again. I even thought I was going to die there.

"Have you talked to your mom?"

"Um, no, I haven't yet. Harry told her that I was home but he told her not to come over because I wasn't ready yet. I wasn't even ready to see you or the kids yet but you guys showed up and I felt how ready I was to see you guys and it felt great." Glancing up I saw that he had tears in his eyes which made me want to hug him and never let him go. We sat there for a while until his phone started ringing, pulling away I let him take the call while I wiped my own tears.

"I hate to do this Zayn but I have to go meet Alex somewhere. He said it was an emergency."

"That's fine. Text me later or whenever." He hugged me again and I walked him the door. When he left I came back into the living room and flopped myself down on the couch next to Harry.

"The kids are asleep, Jace was basically falling over while playing with his Legos."

"Louis probably let them stay up late." I kissed under Harry's ear lobe, making him grab my waist quickly and pulling me on top of him.

"You know I wouldn't doubt it." He smirked before kissing me like his life depended on it, but that only made me return the feeling back.

His hands went up the back of my shirt and his fingers felt like heaven against my skin, leaving fireworks behind them. I quickly pulled his shirt up over his head and kissed down his neck again feeling him under me, making him let out a throaty moan.

"God, I've missed the feeling of you so fucking much. Don't ever fucking leave again."

"Never." I whispered against his lips and somehow managed to get my sweatpants and underwear off without looking dumb considering I was shaking with excitement, while also taking his off as well. He soon pulled me down on my back to the couch and kissed down my chest slowly, soon he got down the area I wanted him at and I lost all focus of the world around me. After he took his slow time with me he came back up and placed a rushed heavy kiss on my lips. I felt him slowly enter me, making me let out a loud groan, but he shut me up form waking to kids up by placing a hand over my mouth. That action made me go mad.

He went slowly, almost like a dragging tortuous slow, until his pace picked up to the point of me running my fingers through his hair and gripping at the roots. He soon slowed down again and we both came to an end breathless and smiling lie children.

"I love you Zayn. More than you'll ever know." He pushed some hair off my forehead and kissed it gently. He got up from the couch and picked me up to carry me to the bedroom where I fell asleep instantly when my head hit the pillow.


"Liam what the hell is this? When you told me that you need medical help I didn't think I would be sterilizing someone." My head drooped against me chest as the men around me talked. Everything sounded mumbled tighter considering the drugs Liam forced down my throat earlier today.

"Come on. It's an easy thing. Plus you owe me." I lifted me head slowly and saw a blurry looking Liam and a man in a hoodie and jeans.

"Holy shit Payne, this is the missing guy everyone's talking about right now. Fuck this I'm not doing it." The man tried turning around but Liam grabbed him too quickly, pulling him back roughly.

"The shit is already here plus again you owe me and you're already here. Now let's get him in the room." There was silence for a second than two pair of hands grabbed me arms pulling me into a different room. I was too weak to stop them so I just let them drag me along like a rug doll then up onto a table. Soon I felt a needle glide into my arm and the world around me disappearing once again leaving me to sleep with the darkness in my mind.


I'm going to be putting in little sips of zayn's memory in here and there as it starts to come back and in the next chapters it will be explained more so the italic paragraphs aren't dream but memories. Plus I'm going to be adding some drama... and some intense scenes... quickly...

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