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I thought that I finally got away. Thinking that when I got to that car I was gone. Thought my prayers were answered. But no, my luck got the shit end of the stick and right as I walked out of the front door Liam was getting out of his car. Let's just say hell got worse from then.

Constantly restrained to some object in the house that was bolted to the floor. Getting less food than I did before, plus being top on Liam's shit list. I'm certain there is no love or human nature in that man anymore. He is Satan in the flesh.

"I don't want to play these games anymore Liam. Please let me go." All that could be heard was my sobs and the sound of his anger coursing through his fists to me. Beaten to the floor, I was holding my hands out to try to stop him, but of course why would he.

"You think this is a game! This is my time with you. I deserve you, no one else." His hand gripped my throat and squeezed. Flashes from the past went across my mind, like I was dying and reliving my life. My hands were wrapped around his wrist to hope to somehow get him off me, but he didn't budge.

"Why do you think you're here? Why do you think I went through all this trouble to get you? Not to play dumb games with you. Why don't you just accept me and love me? What did I do wrong?" The grip around my neck increased and the corners of my vision started getting dark. I wanted to tell to get off, to let me breathe, to let me live. But my voice was stuck, and my life was about to be as well.

"Liam what the hell?" Right as my vision was fading out, the grip left my neck and air filled my lungs leaving a burning feeling, making me cough like a smoker. I couldn't concentrate on the voices around me that were yelling, only on the sweet feeling of air filling my lungs and my life slip back into my hands.

Turning to my side, I notice that I'm alone. Again. Tonight was the night I really cried. Not just because I was here. Because I was alive. Alive with no promise of being safe again.


"Do you want me to wait in the car?" The sound of Louis' voice brought me back from the depths of my mind, leaving me shocked on how quickly we were here. I looked up at the building with dread but I knew I had to go up there and talk to him. Tell him everything that I've been remembering, plus the doctor's visit.

"You can. I mean do you feel comfortable going in there?" Now it was his turn to look with dread. He hasn't been this close to the office since Niall.

"No, I'm just going to drive down to the coffee shop. If that's alright?" I nodded and got out of the car slowly. Walking in felt weird and different. But everyone still knew me so I just walked through, but only stopping at the office that used to be Niall's. Some new guy was sitting there typing away not knowing the memories or importance of that office. Shacking my head, I just continued to Harry's office. Once I got there I just stared at the door before knocking and heading in once I heard him respond.

"Hey baby." His eyes lit up and he got up quickly to hug and kiss me. I shut and locked the door and went to sit across him.

"So, how did the appointment go?"

"Um, it went, fine. But I need to talk to you about something." He nodded and sat back.

"I've been having these memories come back lately from being with him, and that's why I wanted to go to the doctors to see if what I was 'remembering' was true. Today I found out that I wasn't making it up and that it was true. I don't remember when I had this memory but I saw having this surgery and that's it. So thinking that going to the doctors would show it's not true so I could just tell myself that I was making shit up but I wasn't and it was true."

"What was the surgery?" His voice was deadly quiet. Either that tears were coming, or rage.

"Something called sterilization, and that means I can't have kids anymore. But I'm okay. Nothing is critically wrong with me." I got up quickly and sat sideways on his lap giving him a hug. He hugged me back instantly.

"At least you're okay and noting is wrong." My fingers went through his hair and I couldn't help but feel calm in his arms. Like nothing in the world was a bother and everything was truly going to be okay.

I pulled away slightly to look at him, his eyes were teary but he looked somewhat calm. I kissed him gently, he sighed against my lips and tighten his grip around me. Things didn't get to out of hand and we sat and talked while he did his work. It felt like the old days where I would could visit him at work and eat lunch with him and Niall. Before everything went all over the place.

We were laughing and smiling when a knock came from the door way. A man stood there with a sour look and looked over Harry's desk like he was going to try to find a mistake. I instantly didn't like him.

"Mr. Anderson, how are you?"

"Fine, catching up on work hopefully?" He gave me a sideways look than back to Harry.

"Yes sir, but I would like you to meet my husband Zayn. Zayn this is Mr. Anderson, my boss." I stood up respectfully and stuck my hand out to shake his. He still had a glare resting on his face but nodded at me.

"Nice to meet you. But Harry, I wanted to ask if you remember an Abby King?" The room instantly got tense, but he nodded.

"Good because I read over the files between the two of you and she has been trying to get back into this business so I was thinking that all feeling out aside," He looked over at me knowingly, "that I would tell you that I'm rehiring her. I just wanted to let you know, and she knows not to interfere with you or she's fired." He nodded and left the office swiftly, the room was still filled with tenseness and all I could do was zone at the wall in front of me. The Hawaii trip ran through my mind on a loop. I looked over to Harry, to see him zoning off on the wall by me, not daring to look at me.

"Well, this day keeps getting better and better."


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