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My body was cold. Its felt cold for a while now and I almost thought I was dead. That would be too soon, too soon for me to leave this earth before I left this personal hell. But I never thought I'd be in the same building let alone room with that man. The man that ruined a part of my life that I will never get back. But here I am. Kidnapped by him. God only knows where.

I was always curled up in a tight ball on a dirty mattress in a small claustrophobic room. My entire body hurt to the point that I was shaking all the time no matter what. I haven't had a good meal lately just some water and a few things I can push out of Mitch to give me without Liam knowing. I don't remember how long I've been here and that scares me. I tried to keep track but with everyday being a struggle to deal with Liam's new addition of torture they all blend together.

But today felt different. I was still in that room but with my back facing towards the door on the other side. I didn't even bother turning around when I heard the door open.

"How are you feeling love?" his voice sounded soft. Almost like he cared. He never cared.

"Can you answer me please?" It sounded more stressed this time. Like he was trying to hold himself together. He always had a short temper.

Soon I felt a hand on my bicep and my body being dragged off the bed. I fought back against him. I try to at least. But he grabs my forearms and backs me into a wall. His face inches away from mine.

"I always love when you try to fight me. It takes me back to the old days." He ran the tip of his nose up my jawline to my earlobe and bringing it in his mouth. I felt disgusting. I hated the feeling he made my body feel.

"Do you remember when you were pregnant with our son and you kissed me in that coffee shop parking lot? Cause sure do. Like it was yesterday." His whisper stung my skin at bring up the awful past like that.

"I didn't mean it. I never did. Plus he's not your son. He's mine. "

"Then why did you? To get back at him for sleeping with a woman? What if he's doing that now to get back at you for leaving with me?" His eyes reminded me of the devil. Everything about him does.

"He wouldn't. He knows that I wouldn't run off with someone like you. Someone who almost killed me. No, fuck you." I saw him smirk and let me go. He took a step back and still looked at me with the evil smirk that I knew always brought something bad. I moved slightly to the door but I didn't take my eyes off him. Then once my eyes left his and to the door he grabbed my shirt and basically flung me to the floor. The impact made every inch of air leave my body and left me gasping like a fish out of water. I looked up to see him standing above me then placed a booted foot on my chest and lent forward. My hands gripped it instantly to try to make him stop but it was useless.

"Talk to me like that again and I'll make sure that fucker you call a husband knows you're dead."


I finally went to go see my family. Mainly my mother, who was nonstop calling the house to come see me. I couldn't blame her though, I would be doing the same thing to my kids.

I sat in the drive seat with my eyes locked on the road, and Harry sitting beside me with his hand on my thigh holding my hand tightly. I wanted to come alone, but he claimed that he didn't want me to leave his sight. So we left the kids with Louis and Alex and hit the road. I really didn't want to go and see her mainly because I don't want to have to deal with the endless questions she's going to ask me that I can't answer. I'm starting to get memories back since everyone's been asking me about them and the reason I can't remember them is because I don't want to. I don't want to close my eyes and see him staring back at me every time. I want to be able to move on, but of course it comes back to haunt me.

Dispiriting Pain {ZARRY SEQUEL}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora