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My eyes burn as the adapted to the bright sun light dancing across my face. Rubbing the heels of my hands into my eyes slightly then blinking several times again I see myself in a forest. One that was dense and lined with many trees that could confuse any mind. As I stood, my side burns with intense pain. Letting out a groan I place my hand on the spot feeling dampness, as I pull my hand away it's coated in dark red liquid. Blood. My panic rises as my eyes dance around me trying to understand what's happened and where I am, but I just find thick trees. I start to move, walk somewhere rather than sitting waiting for death, I hear it. A deep bellowed laugh, a laugh that sounded almost sadistic.

"Where are you my love? The fun was just beginning."

I immediately bounce into a run, holding my burning side as my feet pound into the soft earth beneath me, away from the voice of death. A few feet ahead I see a man standing on the edge of a cliff, just staring down it with his arms crossed. I slow my pace slightly, but still keeping aware of everything around me. As I near the man he turns and grabs my shoulder suddenly almost dangling me over the cavern. I beg him to let me go or to help me get away but his frown soon flips into a small smirk.

"Oh trust me, I am helping you."

His grips lightens as I slip through his hold, falling in to the carven screaming for him. But everything I taken away once my back hits the ground beneath me and darkness takes control.


"I was thinking we could start adding some awareness into the books or the comics to jump start kids to not talk to strangers or being careful at a park?" The meeting that seemed to last forever just continued with people judging other people for bright ideas. I just want to go to lunch.

"I mean that is a good idea, but that is for the children's parents to teach not a book."

"But wouldn't you rather have Jamie remembering that a super hero in a comic or book telling him not to talk to strangers? Or forgetting the long boring conversation you had with him and walking right into a stranger's car?" The man in front of the white board gave one of the females at the table a knowing look as she just narrowed her eyes at him starting to say a remark when Ryan, our manager, stood stopping all comments.

"Alright why don't we stopped this meeting here for today and everyone head out to lunch. This meeting will continue tomorrow at 2:30. Be prompt everyone." He waved everyone off and they jumped to the door in the thought of getting food. As I packed my computer away I was stopped by Ryan putting a gentle hand on my shoulder giving it a slight squeeze, and with having vivid dreams again I couldn't help but jump at the contact. I gave him a small smile and continued to pack my things away.

"How have you been Zayn? You looked like you were close to falling asleep during the meeting." His hand was still on my shoulder but his grip tighten when I made a slight movement.

"Um I just didn't sleep very well sir. Maybe some lunch will give me the missing energy." Smiling I moved from my seat, feeling his hand slip away from my shoulder.

"May I as why?" My hand rested on the door handle and I glanced around to him seeing a smirk that a teenage boy would wear.

"My husband kept me up. We needed some personal time away from our kids." Smiling and nodding to him I slipped out of the office room and down the lobby where I could escape this building and grab greasy unhealthy food that I craved. Climbing into my car, throwing all my stuff into the passenger's seat, I slouched against my seat letting a heavy sigh out. Rubbing my hands over my face, I back my car out and headed to the nearest food place possible.

Once I got the diner that was surprisingly close to the office I texted Harry to meet me if he could. After ordering I pulled a pencil out of my pocket and started sketching on one of the napkins. Being totally obvious to the world around me I didn't even hear Harry slip into the seat in front of me until he cleared his throat.

"Jesus Harry! Scared the hell out of me." I glared at him but chuckled as he just shrugged. Leaning over the table I lied a quick kiss on his lips before sinking back into my seat. He ordered when the waiter came back with my food and we made small talk but it was mainly just him talking while I inhaled my food.

"Damn baby, hungry much?" He gave me an amused look while digging into his plate as well making me chuckle at him.

"Hey, I'm aloud to okay. I just had to sit through a two and half hour meeting with just people bickering and not getting anything done." He nodded in agreement and we ate the rest in calm silence.

After lunch we headed out the cars and the thought of heading back to work making a groan escape my lips. I leaned against Harry's car as he stood in front of me giving my shoulders a light massage.

"Just a few more hours and then we'll be home relaxing on the couch watching cartoons with the kids." I hummed at him and closed my eyes feeling relaxed. I forced myself to open my eyes and stand before I fell asleep against his car. He chuckled and brought me into a tight hug.

"I don't want to go back to work. I wish I could stay right here." His grip around me tighten slightly.

"Couldn't agree more baby. Just a few more hours." Sighing, I went to pull away and give a small smile before kissing him good bye then climbing tiredly into my car. I waved him goodbye as he pulled out before me, but I just continued sitting there feeling uneasy. Thinking it was just because I felt drained I shock it off and headed back to work.

The rest of the day went by smoothly but barely dragging to closing. Per usual I was one of the last to leave, since I was last minute crammed with a report. Clocking out and closing the place before heading to my car the uneasy feeling climbed up my spine raising hairs as it went. I glanced behind me and saw nothing but nothing could be anything. My pace escalated to a speed walk, almost a run, but I tried to keep it discreet, but when I heard the sound of a second pair of footsteps I jumped into a run and climbed into my car. With the doors locked and the car on, ready to go I glanced around me and found no one. Stunned I turned back in my seat and stared out of the windshield in shock, but my eyes soon trailed to a piece of white against the wipers. Feeling the color drain from my face I quickly grabbed it and drove off without reading it.

Once I got home and parked, I ran into the house quickly making sure the door was looked and went to find Harry. Closer into the house I got I heard loud laughter from the kitchen so I mentally told myself to be clam I walked into the kitchen seeing them making homemade pizzas and Grayson mindlessly poking the dough. I heard two yells and the feeling of little one attacking my legs. I bent down and hugs Payton and Jace as the loudly told me about their day and showed me artwork they made at school.  I kissed Harry's cheek and latched myself to his side still feeling shaken up from earlier.

"You alright baby?" I just nodded kissing his cheek again then went to help Gray with his pizza, even though I just wanted to go upstairs and forget about everything for a little bit with Harry.


sorry for the long break... school and work have been getting the best of me. but enjoy this update and give me your thoughts or predictions!

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