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The air around me felt cold and nipped at the skin, but it made me feel alive. It's been a while since I've been able to run and be on my own from everything in my life. Not having Harry, Louis, or the kids on my back worrying if I'm okay or if I step outside I'm going to die. With my music blaring and the air cooling my skin as I run around the neighborhood I can finally feel calm. Calm, that I don't feel eyes watching my every move. Calm, that everything might be okay finally. Granted I was still worried about Harry going to work and dealing with that women, but we've built the trust again. Not completely but hopefully he won't do anything.

My mind was in the clouds letting all the thoughts and feelings I've been keeping under wraps, but something felt off. I just wanted to get outside and have some freedom and I couldn't. I looked behind me and saw nothing. Maybe I was just hearing and feeling things. But as I turned around I run into someone.

"You need to get out of here."

"Mitch? How did you find me?" He gripped my arms tightly and looked around panicked.

"That doesn't matter right now Zayn. He's not going to stop until he has you again." There was a snapping sound than a sound of a car. He dropped my arms and started backing away from me.

"Trust me Zayn, he's insane and will do anything, and I mean anything to get you back. He's already planning to kill me because of what I did. Now go!" He turned and started sprinting while I called his name out.

"Fucking go Zayn!" The sound of the car got louder and then at the end of the path it showed up. But it was a truck. A huge truck. I started backing up as I saw he move forward, right towards Mitch. I knew what was going to happen so I pulled myself together and ran for my life up towards a more populated area. I didn't dare look behind me but I could certainly hear it and it was getting closer. Seeing people up ahead a corner gave me some hope that I was going to live, but I had to get there first.

Right as I crossed into the path of people, along with children, I heard the sound of screeching tires and people screaming. My legs felt like rubber and my head was spinning to the point where I was on the ground staring at the tinted windows of the reversing truck and people surrounding me to see if I was okay. I nodded but I can't feel if I did since my head was still everywhere. Then a sinking feeling hit me hard. Scrambling for my phone I quickly called Louis.

"Louis where are you? Are the kids okay?" I didn't give him any chance to say hello and I was pushing past people to get to my car.

"We're at the park near your house. Why?"

"Get them to Harry's office now. Quickly Louis please."

"Zayn, what the hell?" I jumped into my car and put it in drive and sped out of the park.

"Just do it Louis! I'm just taking precautions. Before you ask why again I'll tell you when I see you at Harry's office, okay?" I hung up the phone and made my way to the office. I tried to stay under the speed limit but my veins were racing with adrenaline. As I pulled in the parking lot, I through the car in park and sprinted into the building, really hoping his boss wasn't in today or that women. I got to his floor to see everyone working diligently and calmly, somewhere about to fall asleep while others were at the peak of focus. I made my way to Harry's office quickly, while smiling at a few people I knew, knocked on the door before walking in without letting him respond. When the door swung open I was met with Abby sitting on the edge of the desk with her chest basically out and on show, but Harry was facing the computer acting like she wasn't even there. Well until he looked up to see me, his face instantly went too worried. I mean I would to because I probably looked like a mess.

"Zayn, nice to see you again." Abby stuck her hand out to shake my hand and I could only give her a disgusting look.

"Excuse me?"

"Zayn." I looked over at Harry who was giving me a look.

"Look, I don't have time for the fake greetings when you're still trying to get down his pants. Now if you could, I need to talk to my husband about the recent events I had today." Her posture went straight and scoffed at me.

"What, you need to tell him what you ate for breakfast? Didn't see you as the needy type." With almost getting ran over by a car plus having to deal with her I wasn't in the mood to argue like children.

"When I comes to me almost getting ran over by my insane ex, then yes I am the needy type. Now get out." She smirked then left leaving the office feeling heavy.

"What do you mean you almost got ran over?" Looking over at Harry seeing him pale and terrified almost made me drop to my knees. I could feel the tears in my eyes as I made my way over to him, sitting on his lap hugging him as tightly as I could. We sat there for a little while until he pulled away and kissed me softly.

"Zayn, what happened?" I went to respond but the door opened and children flooded the room, along with a concerned looking Louis and Alex. Louis looked between us and turned to lock the door before sitting down.

I explained everything to them about how Liam is still trying to come after me and wasn't going to stop. And all I could think about was what if Liam tries to hurt any of the kids or Harry. Or Louis. When I stopped talking, the room got quiet, even the kids where silent. We all sat there not knowing what do or how to handle the situation.

"Daddy?" I broke out of my zone to see Jace tugging at my sweats. I picked him up and sat him on my lap.

"What's up little man?"

"Are you talking about that man that I saw in the living room? The one that made you leave?" I looked at him like he was speaking another language than around the room and Harry to see them all doing the same.

"What are you talking about Jace?"

"I saw a man in the living room at night with you in his arms, like the way dad holds you, and then he left with you. I woke up because I couldn't sleep and was going to your room when I saw him." He looked down at his lap and started to sniffle before hugging me.

"It's okay baby, I'm not going anywhere." I felt him nod but still held on to me with dear life. I looked at Harry to see him still terrified.

"I think we need to go see Detective Kate."

Just something quick, I want to give ayishamalik24 a quick shoutout because she's trying to get her name out there and start up writing. So if you guys could please go check out her stuff that would be amazing!

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