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* Triggering content with in chapter. If uncomfortable please do not ready once it gets to Zayn's section. There is nothing important missed if skipped over. *


Pulling myself out of sleep was hard but once I stretched out and didn't feel Zayn I was confused considering I rarely wake up before him. I propped myself up on my elbows and called for him but didn't hear any response. As I pulled myself out of bed and into some sweats Payton comes running into the room looking terrified.

"Payton what's wrong?" She opened her mouth to say something but she ended up just pointing out to the living room.  As I walked near her I picked her up gently in my arms and went to check on the other two before I went downstairs. When I felt little safer seeing them both still tucked into bed sleeping I set Payton down in the room, while telling her to stay up here and watch the boys.

Shutting the door behind me I made my way downstairs, at first I didn't see anything besides it feeling cold, colder than it should be since the heat was on. When I faced the room I saw the front door wide open, the table next the stairs pushed over with the vase of flowers knocked to the floor with water and glass surrounding it. Feeling panicked, I screamed for Zayn hoping to hear him anywhere in the house. As I rounded the couch something caught my eye by the door, it looked like small tools and an open piece of paper. But what the paper said made me want to drop to my knees and panic even more. All that was said was "Oops ;)" and a small Polaroid picture of Zayn unconscious in a car.



"Why did you do it so early?!  You knew I wasn't fully prepared yet! Plus you left my locking picking tools there!" I was pulled awake by a piercing headache and very loud voices. I groaned as I glanced around my surroundings. I was tied to a plastic chair with, still topless and my sweats. The room I was looking like an old bedroom but everything was either stripped or aged. My head snapped up the door across the room at the sound of a familiar voice.

"I was tired of just sitting on my hands waiting. I wanted him now and so I went and got him." I heard a scoff and someone walking away, the lock on the door opening. The door opened to the one person I least expected to see in this situation.

"Liam?" He grinned widely and came to kneel in front of me.

"Hello baby. Glad to see you awake, I was wondering when you were going to pull out of it." He stroked my face gently, but the touch made me pull my head back on instinct. His expression dropped suddenly, his hands landed on the top of my thighs roughly and he continued to look at me darkly as his hands rose further up my legs.

"Hm, still the same flinchy little Zayn. I bet if Harry was here you'd probably spread your legs for him."

"Fuck y-" His hand effortlessly landed across my face sending in sideways, leaving me breathless.

"Now this is defiantly not how I wanted this to go, but it did so now time for plan B." He stood suddenly and went behind me untying my hands. I was surprised at the action and got ready to bolt once I felt the rope drop. But once I stood and went to run, he grabbed my ankle suddenly bringing me to the floor face first. I dug my fingers into the carpet in hoping to get away but he was already over top of me, with his fingers at my waist and almost under my sweat pants.

"Now this is totally going to be like old times, but since we don't need any complications I'll use protection this time. But we'll get that figured out soon and then is bare from there on out." At this point I was crying and trying to get myself away from him but his hands gripped my wrists in a tight hold. Hearing a foil packet ripping and the cold air on my skin made me scream out a plea to hopefully get him off me.

"Oh baby, you can scream all you want in this building, it's been abandoned for years." I felt him against me then slowly enter me making my wails louder. I heard him hum in my ear as he started to move roughly.

"Welcome home baby." And he kissed my temple leaving my speechless, but in hope of just letting it be over sooner I let my mind take control and pull myself into darkness.



All I could focus on was the fact that he was gone and some psycho had him. I knew I should have listened to him earlier about the notes and everything but I just didn't want to believe that someone could be after him. I was sitting in an office with the local police department shacking my knee with my head in my hands. When I heard the door open I spanned my attention up to see Louis looking panicked and teary eye.

"What's going on Harry? Where's Zayn?" I put my head in my hands again feeling tears coming back, I felt him sit next to me on the couch putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Where are the kids?" looking up at him, wiped my eyes and took a deep breath.

"They're at my mom's. Louis I-I, Z-Zayn-" dropping my head again I let out another shaky breath, just talking about it makes everything feel too real.

"What Harry? What happened to him?"

"I-I don't know. I woke up this morning to an empty bed and Payton looking like she's seen a ghost. She points downstairs, a-and I-"

"It's okay take your time." I look at him seeing him still with panicked eyes and holding on to my every word.

"When I went downstairs I found on the tables by the stairs knocked over along with the vase, along with the front door wide open." He gave me a confused look but edged me to continue.

"Walking over to the door I found, which I was told by the police, lock picking tools and a typed note saying oops. But Louis that wasn't even the worse part, there was a small Polaroid of Zayn knocked out in what looks like the trunk of a car." My lip quivered and all he could do was zone out past me in disbelief. He got up running his fingers through his hair, he turned to say something to me but the door opened to a women dressed in jeans and a white button down.

"Sorry to interrupt but I'm detective Kate Jackson and I'm here to ask you some questions Mr. Styles." I nodded for her to continue while Louis sat down on the couch still zoning.

"We ran a background on you and your husband and we found that your husband was in an abusive relationship before meeting you, is that correct?" My jaw tensed at the reminder, but I nodded.

"When was the last time either of you heard from Mr. Liam Payne?"

"What kind of ridiculous question is that?" Both Kate and I's attention snapped to Louis whose face held rage.


"No. what makes you think that they would be keeping in touch with that man? Maybe you should go find him yourself instead of asking stupid questions like that. I need my best friend found not the whereabouts of a maniac." Giving him a small smirk at his rage I turned my attention back the detective.

"I'm only asking because he seemed to slip of the grid and now Zayn is missing. I'm just trying to find this man alive for both of you. Now if we'll continue." She gave Louis a glare then softened her face back to me. All I could do was nod at this point.


Some of these chapters going forward might get triggering for some readers... that is not my intention to make anyone uncomfortable, so please if you do not wish to read these things please do not continue...

But on different note please give me your thoughts, predictions or ideas :)

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