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I was jolted away by the feeling of cold water being thrown on me. Throwing my gaze around me I see that I'm in the middle of a field, I could see a house off in the distance along with a road leading in to an endless land of trees, there was almost a car a few feet away from us with the driver's door open. I looked up to Liam who was smirking at me along with another man looking down, almost like he refused to look at me.

"Seemed like you were having a good dream, where you?" I just glared back up at him and tried to sit up. But I only got to a sitting position, I didn't have much energy since I don't remember when I had a full meal. All the days seem to mash together at this point.

"Well since you're going to be difficult I'll just get straight to the point. As you can tell we're in out here to change up the scenery and to play a little game. Now this game is going to be exciting because a lot is riding on it." My gaze snapped to him then to the car.

"Now what this game is going to be is for you Zayn, to try to get to the car and if you do then you're free to leave." The man standing next to Liam looked at him like he was insane, I just sat there with my mouth open. I went to stand but he kicked my chest down and stood over me, leaning down to a crouch over me. I let out a struggled cough and looked up to his eyes seeing how much he was enjoying this.

"Here are the rules though, yes if you get to the car you can leave, but if you don't then someone dies."

"Liam what the hell." The man behind him moved closer, obviously he had no idea about this. Liam just ignored him and continued with his 'rules'.

"And by if you don't make it there I mean I'll give you a ten second head start and then I'll be trying to catch you. If I catch you then Mitch here dies."

"Liam!" Liam turned his head to glare at who I'm guessing is Mitch, his face was pale and panicked. He moved off of me and went to stand a few meters away from me.

"I know you've had a bad diet lately but I'm certain you get some distance covered." He pulled out a small gun form his waist belt and gave me a sinister look.

"10... 9..." I jumped to my feet faster than I thought I could and darted to that car. My body ached but the adrenaline coursing through my veins pushed me to keep going. As I got closer to the car I noticed that it was running and another set of footsteps was heard behind me. I didn't dare to glance behind me and just kept going. I could basically taste freedom and being back in the arms of people I loved, but as my fingers touched the door, hands gripped my waist and pulled me back. I screamed and struggled in his arms, just trying to escape. I was so close, I wasn't about to give up now.

"Just give up baby, games over." I had no intention of that so I threw my elbow up letting it sock is nose roughly. His grip faltered but not enough to let go, and I soon felt his grip disappear suddenly making me fall forward. I looked behind me to see Liam in a head lock from Mitch and the gun dropped to ground. I grabbed the gun, loading it, and pointing it straight at Liam.

"Fuck Zayn just go! I'm helping you here!" Mitch started to get weaker as Liam just about got free from his hold. I dropped the gun and got into the car, making sure the doors were locked behind me. I glanced at the two men to see Liam pounding his fist into a beaten unconscious looking Mitch. All I could do was put the car in drive and push on to the gas petal making the car fly forward.


As I got on to street road I slowed the car down and looked around for anything that I knew so I could tell where the hell I was. I neared a McDonalds and pulled in. I looked down at my clothes only to notice that I'm wearing the same sweat pants and a thin shirt that was ripped on the side. I just shrugged it off and walked into the restaurant hoping to figure out where I was, but as I walked in I noticed a lot of people staring at me or pulling their children closer to them. I stopped a women who gave me a look of concern.

"Um, excuse me. Um what city is this?" She looked at me like I was crazy but returned to a sweet look.

"Honey, you're near Manchester. Do you need help?" Near Manchester? Why was I still close to home? I would at least thought Liam would take me out of the country. I thanked the women and ran back out and into the car. I started the engine and booked it out of the parking lot feeling like I was there for too long. I just couldn't shake the thought of someone watching my every move.

I found the local police station easily and got out the car so quickly I thought it was still in drive, but at this point I didn't care. I glanced behind me once more before going in and if I wasn't in a safe place I would have screamed. Liam wasn't standing across the street smiling at me, he waved then started walking away with the crowd until I couldn't see him. I moved into the building quickly almost running into people, I found the front desk and desperately told them my name and that I needed help. They looked at me with shock and pale faces. I wasn't that big of a deal, it wasn't like I was famous so I didn't understand the reaction.

"What's going on? I need help." The lady called a name without looking away from me and a woman came out of the main room looking annoyed.

"What's up Ana?" The lady finally looked away from me and to the woman.

"I think this is your missing person." The women looked up at me confused.

"What are you talking about? We declared him dead?" Now it was my turn to look at her confused and almost shocked.

"What do you mean I'm dead? It's been at least two weeks since I've been taken form my home in the middle of the night? I'm Zayn Styles, and I would like to know what's going on." The woman looked me up and down and told me to follow her, but as I followed her people stared and gave questioning looks. We walked into an office and she motioned me to sit down but I felt like I couldn't, I felt on edge.

"I'm going to need you to tell me everything that happened that night you were 'taken' to see if it matches the story that the husband gave." She pulled out a notebook and sat back waiting for me to talk but I just stared at her.

"Are you saying that you don't believe me? Thinking I'm making this all up?"

"Well yes considering 'your husband' and I declared you dead at least," she typed a few things in her computer and then looked back at me, "two weeks ago."

"Two weeks ago. How long have I been gone?"

"Before you showed up dead, it was a month."

"Would you stop calling me dead when I'm standing right in front of you? I would like to call my husband." She glared at me but motioned for her phone that sat on her desk. I picked it up roughly and dialed Harry's number easily form memory. I looked back up at her and gave her another look and asked if I could be alone. She got up and left shutting the door roughly.

"I thought I told you to stop calling this number. I don't want a constant reminder." Hearing his voice made me let out a breath that almost turned into a cry.

"Harry? It's me." There was silence for a long time before the line cut off. I looked at the phone in shock, tears came to my eyes quickly. He hung up on me? The door behind me opened and the woman looked at me again.

"Care to talk to me now?" I ended up telling her everything, from what happened that night to what just happened a few hours ago. After a long conversation I just sat in a conference room curled up on the couch, I was still thinking about Harry and how he hung up on me. Did he not want to see me? Did he already move on? What happened when I was gone? Still sitting on the couch I heard the door open but I didn't feel like turning around.

"Zayn?" I turned my head around quickly to see Harry. His hair was grown out, heavy bags sat under his eyes making him look tired, and they were red and puffy like he just got done crying. I jumped up off the couch and ran into him wrapping my arms tightly around him, making him do the same. He buried his face in my neck and dropped to his knees taking me with him. He was crying hard, hard enough to start shaking. I ran my fingers through his hair while trying to hold my own tears back.

"I'm here, I'm here. It's okay."


Sorry for such a long break and no update. I've had serious writers block!

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