Chapter 8

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Just want to give a quick shout out to @Divergent4evah23!!!!! Thank you for all your feedback!!!

Again all rights go to Veronica Roth!!


Chapter 8


I awaken with an excruciating pounding in my head. The room I am in is pitch black and smells of something potent. I try to move, only to realize that I am sitting in a chair with my hands strapped to the arms and my feet pinned to the floor with chains. As much as I try to break the chains, they won't budge.

I look around the room to see if there is anything in it. My eyes fall on a shadow in the corner of the room.

The shadow begins to move.

My heart begins to thump so rapidly I can hear it in my ears. I wonder if the shadow can hear my heart beating so fast?

The shadow moves closer to me and turns on the light.

My eyes burn for a moment, but then seem to readjust themselves.

The face looks familiar. It is the same boy, or man, now that I get a better look at him, that Nita was talking to earlier. I felt like I have seen him before.

Black, shaggy hair; a pale face; tattoos all over the skin that is visible; small holes on his face where it looks like piercings used to be.

My stomach drop sinks to floor as soon as my mind figures out who the person is. I could barely recognize him without all of the piercing on his face.


My mind spins with thoughts and questions.

Can this day get any more confusing?

I am snapped out of my thoughts by Eric's sinister voice. "Not much of Stiff anymore, are you, Tris?"

"Where am I?" I ask, but it doesn't sound like my voice. The voice is raspy and low, not anything like mine.

"Now do you really think I would tell you that," Eric starts, "what makes you think you deserve to know? People who go around snooping and listening to other people's conversations certainly don't deserve to be treated fairly."

His cold hand slaps across the face. My cheek stings and I can imagine it is beet red.

Eric's snake like eyes look straight into mine. I look away fearing that if I look into his eyes for too long, I may turn to stone.

His foot makes contact with my face, and yet again, I am surrounded by a wall of blackness.



It has been days since Tris went missing. Every waking moment, my mind is thinking of where she might have gone.

I know that Tris was mad about her and Will's "reunion", but it isn't like her to go missing for days on end without telling anyone. The only other time she did that was when she gave herself over to the Erudite, so that they could experiment on her and eventually bring her to her death.

I find myself wandering the halls of the bureau, letting my feet take me where they need to go. I end up at the Genetic's Lab where I see Matthew sitting at his desk, writing something down on a piece of paper quickly.

I take my hand out of my back pocket to knock on the door. Matthew looks up hastily and quickly pushes the piece of paper into the a book on his desk.

"Hello, Four." Matthew says, with a fake smile plastered across his face.

"Have you seen Tris at all these last couple of days?" I ask him, eager for an answer. One I know that I will most likely not receive.

"Sorry Four, I haven't. Not since I last saw both of you guys after Tris woke up," Matthew starts, "Why? Is she missing?"

"Ya she has been gone for the past two days. No one has seen her since the day she woke up." I say.

Matthew's face floods with different emotions. He gets up from his chair and walks over to the other side of the room where a computer is.

He quickly types in a password and bring up a window that looks like monitors. Monitors of the Chicago experiment.

Why is he looking through the camera's there? Tris wouldn't have gone back to Chicago?

A horrid thought crosses my mind.

What if someone took Tris to Chicago?

I am pulled out of thought by the sound of Matthew calling my name.

"Four, you might want to come and take a look at this."

I head over to the computer and look at the monitor.

My heart begins to beat faster than it ever has and my stomach drops to the floor.

I see Tris in the fear landscape room strapped to a chair in the Dauntless compound. She looks beaten to a pulp and unconscious. There is someone else in the room with her.

I would know that sinister smile and snake like eyes anywhere.







Thank you!!

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