Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


I awake to the sound of extremely loud screaming and banging. My head pounds as I look at the blinding light that shines into my eyes. I call out the first name that comes to mind, "Tobias."

The screaming stops as soon as I say his name. An object blurs in front of me, shading the light that previously blinded my vision. As my vision clears, I see the familiar face of Tobias, who laces his fingers with mine while pressing his forehead against mine.

"Don't worry Tris, I'm right here, I'm right here." his deep voice reassures me. I bury my face in the crevice of his neck as my breaths become rapid and shallow.

Tobias' wraps his muscular arms around my small, frail body. There is no longer any space between our bodies as I wrap my arms around his abdomen. I can feel my heart beat consistently fast up against Tobias' hard chest.

My breath hitches in my throat as I try to say something, but between my dry, cracked throat and fogged mind, I can't speak. I can't process a single coherent thought, as I try to search for anything in my mind.

I struggle to form any thought, and come up with nothing.

"What happened?" I ask, my voice dry and cracked escaping from my tight throat.

Tobias' eyes suddenly widen as he pulls back from me, struggling to stand on his trembling feet.

"You don't remember?" Tobias asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask Tobias, utterly confused. What don't I remember? The last thing I remember was that Matthew was talking to me, but don't remember what we were talking about.

Tobias' eyebrows furrow as he looks at me, his eyes wide.

"Tris, what did Matthew talk to you about?" Tobias asks me, his voice deep.

"I don't remember." I shout, which causes my head to begin pounding again.

The next few minutes, I am in and out of consciousness, waking up to see Tobias' face just to fall back into a sea of darkness. After a while, I remain awake, blinded by the light.

"Tris?" Tobias asks, as he takes my hand in his. A worrisome expression is stricken across his pale face, which causes my heart stammer, beating twice as fast as it's usual pace.

"I don't remember what I was talking about, Tobias." I say, my voice low. "I should've listened to you, I'm so sorry."

"Tris, do you remember anything that happened, anything?" Tobias asks me.

"All I remember is talking to Matthew, but I don't remember what we were talking about. Everything else is a blank." I croak.

"Okay, we need to get you out of here," Tobias says, before picking me up with one of his arms wrapped around my back, the other in the crevice of the back's of my knees. I wrap my arms around the back of his neck, and bury my small face into his black, skin tight shirt. Within seconds, sleep begins to lull me in, and I am engulfed into darkness.


When I awake again, the pounding in my head has seemed to subside to a dull ache. I slowly sit up and take in my surroundings, it takes a moment for my blurry vision to refocus. As I look around the room, I realize I am in my apartment, laying on my bed with a warm comforter draped over my petite body. I contemplate getting out of bed, but before I can make my decision, Tobias trudges into the room, his brown hair wet. He holds a white towel in his left hand, shaking the water out of his Abnegation short hair. He must have cut it.

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